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Draft of Forum

Oğuzhan TUNCER edited this page Oct 8, 2024 · 5 revisions

Features Based on User

  • Users will have user pages which they can show, show to friends and hide from everyone.
  • Users will have user tags. Which will be used for better UX.
    • Beginner: They will have tutorials, FAQs and more beginner questions on their feed page.
    • Investors: They will have non-academic article news, posts about diversification of assets, posts about trends in asset values, graphs about their assets with most changed value in near time on their feed page.
    • Day Trader: They will have breaking news, non-academic article news, posts about technical analysis and some of the assets with most changed values they can be interested in on their feed page.
    • Financial Analysts/Researchers:
    • Financial Enthusiasts:
  • Users will have a asset portfolio that they can show or hide. This data will be used in 3 different occasions:
    • If the portfolio is not hidden, other people can check it on the user's user page.
    • While writing, they can mention their portfolio.
    • The assets in the portfolio will be used for better UX.
  • Users will have feed page which the app will find news, tutorials, FAQs, etc. about their portfolios and assets they are interested in.

Features Based on Forums

  • Every forum will have subforums. Ex/ Forum:Crypto Currency, Subforums: Bitcoin, Etherium, Dogecoin, etc.
  • Every subforum can be filtered by tags, date and karma.
  • Every subforum can be listed by date, karma, user interests.
  • Every subforum will have posts of users.
  • Every post will have open and hidden tags.

Features Based on Moderation

  • There are 3 types of users with various power over system: guests, users, admins.
  • Guests are the ones who did not register to the system.
  • User has authority about to post, like, dislike, comment, etc. The user has the rights for their interactions but has no rights for others'.
  • Admins can ban forums, ban users, make new forums, interfere with the other users' posts.

Features Based on Posts

  • Posts will have open and hidden tags. The tags made by the user are open and the tags made by the algorithm are hidden tags.
  • Posts can contain portfolios, asset graphs, mention of posts or comments, pictures, embedding of other social medias etc.
  • Posts can be commented on, liked, disliked.

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