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Create mockup files

All mockup files need be .json.

Your path is [JSON files path]/[Method]/[URL].json

JSON files path Method URL Path
~/mockups/ GET /test/ ~/mockups/GET/test.json
~/mockups/ POST /test/verify/ ~/mockups/POST/test/verify.json

File example:

        "query_string": {},  // Optional
        "headers": {},  // Optional
        "data": {},  // Optional
        "response": {
            "status": 200,
            "content": "OK",



requestMockupJson.create(method, path, data, config);


requestMockupJson.create(method, config);

Config dict

Param Type Default Description
mockupsPath string __basedir Path to mockup files
validateStatus function check the code function (status) {} returns true to valid status and false to invalid status
headers dictionary undefined Request headers



var requestMockupJson = require('request-mockup-json');

// Create method function
var get = requestMockupJson.create(
    'GET', // Method
    { // config dict
        mockupsPath: 'mockups' // JSON files Path
var response = get('/test/');

// or use generic method
var response = requestMockupJson.getResponse(
    {}, // Data
    { // config dict
        mockupsPath: 'mockups' // JSON files Path

// Get status code and content
var status_code = response.status;
var content = response.content;
console.log(status_code, content);