Features • Screenshots • Requirements • Installation • Configuration & Starting • Changelogs • License • Credits • Support Me • Special Thanks • Contributors
- ☑️ Slash Commands
- ☑️ Prefix Commands [Owner Only]
- ☑️ Dev/Maintenance Mode System [Owner Only]
- ☑️ Music System
- ☑️ Premium System
- ☑️ Custom Filters
- ☑️ 24/7 Voice [Make Sure You Read This Note]
- ☑️ AutoPlay [YouTube Only]
- ☑️ Clean UI
- ☑️ Easy to use
- ☑️ And Many More...!
Here are some screenshots from my bot (Screenshots may not look the same coz i had modify it on my bot).
- ☑️ Youtube/Youtube Music
- ☑️ Spotify
- ☑️ SoundCloud
- ☑️ Twitch
- ☑️ Bandcamp
- ☑️ Vimeo
- ☑️ Https [Radio]
- Node.js v17 or higher Download
- MongoDB v5.0.x or higher Download
- Java 13+ or higher Download JDK13 (i used this version) for LAVALINK!
- Discord Bot Token Guide
- LavaLink Guide
Require: LavaLink v3.6.x (Recomended v3.6.2)
☑️ LavaSrc
- Spotify
- Deezer
- Apple Music
- Yandex Music
- Mixcloud
- Ocremix
- Clyp
- Getyarn
- TikTok
- Po**Hub
- Soundgasm
git clone https://github.com/adh319/Lunox
cd Lunox
npm install
Rename .env.example
to .env
and fill out these values. You can find the details on /src/settings/config.js
and make configration there also:
TOKEN = #Your bot token
PREFIX = #Your bot prefix
EMBED_COLOR = #Your bot embed color
OWNER_ID = #Your discord id
GUILD_LOGS = #Your guidl channel id for logs
LEAVE_TIMEOUT = 60000 #Time in ms to leave the voice channel after the last user leaves
PLAY_SOURCE = ytmsearch #Default source to search for songs
DEFAULT_SOURCE = ytmsearch #Default source to play the searched songs
SPOTIFY_ID = #Your spotify client id
SPOTIFY_SECRET = #Your spotify client secret
NODE_NAME1 = Lunox 1 #Name of the first lavalink, could be anything
NODE_HOST1 = localhost #Host of the first lavalink
NODE_PORT1 = 2333 #Port of the first lavalink
NODE_PASSWORD1 = youshallnotpass #Password of the first lavalink
NODE_SECURE1 = false #If the first lavalink is secure or not
NODE_REGIONS1 = "singapore, japan" #Available regions to set ↴
#singapore, sydney, japan, hongkong, india, us-central, us-east, us-south, us-west, brazil, russia, rotterdam, southafrica
NODE_NAME2 = Lunox 2 #Name of the second lavalink, could be anything
NODE_HOST2 = localhost #Host of the second lavalink
NODE_PORT2 = 2333 #Port of the second lavalink
NODE_PASSWORD2 = youshallnotpass #Password of the second lavalink
NODE_SECURE2 = false #If the second lavalink is secure or not
NODE_REGIONS2 = "us-central, us-east" #Available regions to set ↴
#singapore, sydney, japan, hongkong, india, us-central, us-east, us-south, us-west, brazil, russia, rotterdam, southafrica
MONGO_URI = #Your mongodb uri (mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<db_cluster_url>/<db_name>)
SUPPORT_URL = https://discord.gg/kNdSkHchzH #Your support server invite link
VOTE_URL = https://top.gg/bot/1019954630551158934/vote #Your bot vote link
INVITE_URL = https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1019954630551158934&permissions=843998162009&scope=bot%20applications.commands #Your bot invite link
IMAGE_URL = #Any direct image link
After installation & finished all needed configuration, you can start the bot by either using npm start
or node src/sharder.js
- Removed "Lyrics" command
- Added "Ban" command (Prefix)
- Premium system expire date now counted from the time user redeemed it
- Now support Lavalink regions
- Fixed "247" command premium logic
- Major changes on Premium system
- Better logging
- Many more... See #9b4ee6b
Distributed under the MIT License
for more information.
Also make sure to give a ⭐ to this project if you like it 😉!
I really appreciated if you guys can contribute to this project. So don't hesitate to make a pull request if you guys has any suggestions, fixing bugs or want to add more features.