Different HAL typea are provided in this repository.
- To use HIDL,AIDL and Multi HAL, all the folders except "legacy" folder are required. ->
- To use legacy HAL only the legacy folder is required. ->
SMI240 HIDL,AIDL and Multi Hal are modules running in user space, under framework of Android Hardware Abstraction Layer. It provides capability to bridge SMI240 sensor driver in kernel and Android APPs.
SMI240 HAL shall be used with SMI240 kernel driver based on Linux IIO Framework.
Modify the device makefile (i.e. android-platform/device/brcm/rpi4/device.mk) by adding these lines:
# For sensor hal 2.0
PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service.bosch
# For sensor hal 2.1
PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.hardware.sensors@2.1-service.bosch
# For sensor hal AIDL
PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.hardware.sensors@aidl-service.bosch
# For sensor multi hal 2.X
PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.hardware.sensors@2.X-service.multihal bosch.sensor.multihal
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += hardware/bosch/sensors/multihal/hals.conf:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/sensors/hals.conf
# For sensor multi hal AIDL
PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.hardware.sensors-service.multihal bosch.sensor.multihal
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += hardware/bosch/sensors/multihal/hals.conf:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/sensors/hals.conf
Modify the sepolicy file_contexts file (i.e. android-platform/device/brcm/rpi4/sepolicy/file_contexts) by adding these lines:
# For sensor hal 2.0
/vendor/bin/hw/android\.hardware\.sensors@2\.0-service\.bosch u:object_r:hal_sensors_default_exec:s0
# For sensor hal 2.1
/vendor/bin/hw/android\.hardware\.sensors@2\.1-service\.bosch u:object_r:hal_sensors_default_exec:s0
# For sensor hal AIDL
/vendor/bin/hw/android\.hardware\.sensors@aidl-service\.bosch u:object_r:hal_sensors_default_exec:s0
# For sensor multi hal 2.X
/vendor/bin/hw/android\.hardware\.sensors@2\.X-service\.multihal u:object_r:hal_sensors_default_exec:s0
# For sensor multi hal AIDL
/vendor/bin/hw/android\.hardware\.sensors-service\.multihal u:object_r:hal_sensors_default_exec:s0
SMI240 legacy HAL implements sensor HAL v1.0 Interface. It runs on Linux platform instead on Android. For more information please refer to HAL sensors-1.0
SMI240 HAL is a shared lib, compatible with android sensor 1.0 specification. There are two ways to compile/build the lib.
This way, the HAL lib is dynamically linked to other Android libs in its SDK. For convenient testing, it can also be compiled as an executable to directly run on command line.
Integrate this repository into your build setup into location
extend your build setup with SMI240-hal and compile it.
For more information please refer to android build system
The essential header files from Android have already been placed in the repo and adapted for compiling the lib. The local libs instead of Android SDK libs would be used to link to the HAL lib in the build process. Go to the folder where Makefile is located, and first clean the folder by issuing command:
make clean
Then simply issue command:
the Hal lib will be built in seconds. Note: the Makefile is written for cross compiling on the host and with toolchain specified. If a different environment is used, a little change is needed to fit into new conditions.
See LICENSE file
Android APPS
Android Framework
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