A step by step Capifony deployment for Symfony2 projects
$ composer create-project symfony/symfony-standard . 2.1.x-dev
Install dependencies
$ composer install
Install capifony
by running:
$ sudo gem install capifony
Then create basic configuration for your project
$ capify .
It should create two files Capfile
and app/config/deploy.rb
For the purpose of this tutorial, and to better organize things, I'm gonna slightly change the default skeleton
$ mkdir deployment/{tasks,stages}
$ mv app/config/deploy.rb deployment/
$ vi Capfile
Update Capfile
to target the new deployment/deploy.rb
by replacing load 'app/config/deploy'
with load 'deployment/deploy'
Then, we have to set up a minimal but working deployment configuration.
$ vi deployment/deploy.rb
set :domain, "localhost"
set :application, "Capifony Symfony 2 Tutorial"
set :deploy_to, "~/capifony/#{domain}"
set :app_path, "app"
set :repository, "~/Workspace/capifony-tuto"
# Set the path to the repository, for this tutorial we use a local repository
# is also accepted
set :scm, :git
# Or: `accurev`, `bzr`, `cvs`, `darcs`, `subversion`, `mercurial`, `perforce`, or `none`
set :model_manager, "doctrine"
# Or: `propel`
set :keep_releases, 3
role :web, domain # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc
role :app, domain # This may be the same as your `Web` server
role :db, domain, :primary => true # This is where Symfony2 migrations will run
# Be more verbose by uncommenting the following line
logger.level = Logger::MAX_LEVEL
default_run_options[:pty] = true
set :use_composer, true
With the above configuration, capifony will try to :deploy_to
on :domain
using ~/Workspace/capifony-tuto
as :git
and :use_composer
to install dependencies.
Now, you should be able to run cap deploy
to start deployment.
It will try to ssh to your localhost using the current user and prompt for your password.
Most of the time we need to work with different environments and different servers. Thanks to the multistages extension (part of capistrano) it is really easy.
We early created a directory named stages
, it is where we will set up different environment.
First, we need to require
extension. Edit deployment/deploy.rb
and append the following to the top of the file.
set :stages, %w(production development)
set :default_stage, 'development'
set :stage_dir, 'deployment/stages'
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
set :deploy_to, "~/capifony/localhost"
We also need to remove the following line:
set :domain, "localhost"
set :deploy_to, "~/capifony/#{domain}"
role :web, domain # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc
role :app, domain # This may be the same as your `Web` server
role :db, domain, :primary => true # This is where Symfony2 migrations will run
Now, we create a per stage file in deployment/stages
. We should end up with deployment/stages/production.rb
and deployment/stages/development.rb
both empty files.
In development.rb
add the following line:
server 'localhost', :app, :web, :primary => true
Do the same in production.rb
and change localhost
to your production domain.
In order to deploy on development or production environment we need to prepend the task with the stage:
$ cap development deploy
Because we set default_stage
to development
we can omit it:
$ cap deploy
Scalable production environements are often clustered to multiple frontend, to deploy to several servers at a time, simply add
a new server to your production.rb
server '0001.production.com', :app, :web, :primary => true
server '0002.production.com', :app, :web