SWFExporter exports vector graphics data from SWF files to alternative formats using the as3swf library.
Copyright (c) 2011 Booyah, Inc.
Brian Chapados brian.chapados@booyah.com
SWFExporter is an Adobe Air App that uses the as3swf library to extract vector graphics data from SWF files. The app is intended to be run on .SWF files that represent individual graphics that would otherwise be converted to PNG files. The app currently exports vector graphics data to a JSON format, suitable for processing by other tools. The output format type can be changed by instantiating a different as3swf exporter class in the app source code (SWFConverter.as).
Clone the project, and pull down as3swf as a submodule:
git submodule init
git submodule update
contains source for Flex / FlashBuilder projectvendor
contains submodule for as3swf project
Create an SWFExporter project in Flash Builder at point it at the contents of the flash
Build & Run the project.
- Select a directory containing .swf files
- Click 'Convert'
- JSON files are written to the same directory, with the '.swf' extension replaced by '.json'
For convenient use from within build scripts, the app also has a command line interface:
$ /Applications/SWFExtractor.app/Contents/MacOS/SWFExporter -h
2011-09-28 15:55:05.106 SWFExporter[42956:707] NSDocumentController Info.plist warning: The values of CFBundleTypeRole entries must be 'Editor', 'Viewer', 'None', or 'Shell'.
usage: SWFExporter -o <dir> [-i <dir>] <SWF Files...>
convert SWF files to JSON format
-h print this help message
-o <directory> output dir for JSON files
-i <directory> input dir containing SWF files to convert
SWFExporter has only been test on Mac OSX, on a limited subset of SWF files. If you find bugs, patches are welcome.