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Bool Network Advanced Solidity Examples

Advanced Solidity examples for developing on Bool Network.


  • Clone this repository
    git clone
    cd advanced-solidity-tutorials
  • Add dependencies
    yarn install

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Project structure

  • /contracts: smart contracts.
  • /tasks: extra Hardhat tasks to build omni-chain applications on Bool Network.
  • hardhat.config.ts: configuration file.

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Environment variables

In order to prevent users to leak private keys, this project includes the dotenv package which is used to load environment variables. It's used to load the wallet private key, required to run the deploy script.

To use it, rename .env.example to .env and enter your private key. And do remember to fund your DEPLOYER_ADDRESS in order to build!


In addition, set the RPC URLs of the networks you want to test with.


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  • yarn hardhat compile will compile the contracts.
  • yarn hardhat compile --network zksync_goerli will specifically compile the contracts for the zkSync Goerli network.

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AMT Bridge in Bool Network

About AMT Bridge

What is an AMT Bridge?

Arbitrary Message Transmission (AMT) bridges are a type of bridge defined by Bool Network that allows for the transfer of arbitrary data across multiple chains. This is in contrast to a token bridge, which only allows for the transfer of a specific token.

Each AMT bridge is defined by a group of Anchor contracts, one on each chain. Each Anchor contract is responsible for helping its uniquely binding Consumer contract to interact with Bool Network by sending and receiving cross-chain messages.

The security of each Anchor is preserved by a distinctive Dynamic Hidden Committee in Bool Network.

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How does an AMT Bridge work?

The diagram below visually depicts the complete lifecycle of a cross-chain transaction processed by Bool Network.


Consumer in the diagram is instantiated by a liquidity pool for USDT, which also effectively illustrates the process of a cross-chain asset transfer conducted by our SWAP application, BoolSwap. The detailed process is as follows:

  • Source Step1: When the source Pool receives a specific amount of the designated token, it generates a message including the informaiton of the amount of token and the address of the destination recipient, and sends it in the form of a payload to its binding Anchor on the source chain.
  • Source Step2: The source Anchor then sends a standardized message to the source Messenger and triggers the standard cross-chain event that can be monitored by Bool Network
  • Off-chain Step1: The Committeee binding to the destination Anchor will verify the finality of the source chain transaction and the validity of the message. If the verification is successful, the Committee will sign the message content with its private key.
  • Off-chain Step2: The Deliverer service (previously known as Relayer) will collect the signature and the corresponding message, and send them to the destination Messenger.
  • Destination Step1: The destination Messenger will verify the validity of the message versus the signature based on the public key stored on the destination Anchor, and then send the message to the destination Anchor.
  • Destination Step2: The destination Anchor then sends the message to the destination Pool, which will release the designated amount of token to the destination recipient.

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Build an AMT Bridge

In this section, we provide an outline for developers to build an Arbitrary Message Transmission (AMT) bridge on Bool Network.

WARNING: You must build an AMT bridge before deploying an omni-chain application on Bool Network.

  1. Get tBOOL tokens from Bool Network Testnet Faucet.
  2. Open Bool Network Explorer (Testnet).
  3. Connect your MetaMask to Bool Network Testnet (configuration here).
  4. Create two ECDSA-type committees, one for each chain (link here).
  5. Build an AMT bridge by deploying two Anchor contracts to two chains respectively (link here).
  6. You should see your newly created AMT bridge under the Dashboard/Bridge tab (link here). An example is given as follows:

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Remaining Work

After completing the creation of an AMT bridge, there are still the following necessary steps to complete the development of an omni-chain dApp:

  1. Design your Consumer contract that should comply with our standards where the Anchor address is cofigured as one of the constructor parameters (link here).
  2. Deploy your Consumer contracts on each chain you intend to support.
  3. Bind each Consumer contract to its corresponding Anchor contract by calling the updateConsumer function on the Anchor contract.
  4. Update the remote Anchor addresses with remote chainIds on each Anchor contract by calling the batchUpdateRemoteAnchors function on the Anchor contract.
  5. Send transactions by calling the cross-chain functions in your Consumer contract, e.g. deposit() in the TokenBridge.sol, and track the lifecycle of the transaction via BoolScan.

Suggestion: For steps 3 and 4, you can use the updateConsumer and updateRemoteAnchor tasks provided by this repository.

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In this section, we will introduce dApp developers on how to design a Consumer contract that complies with the Bool Network standards.

Contract Inheritance

Your Consumer contract must inherit from ./contracts/bool/BoolConsumerBase.sol

Required Functions

  • Send logic: an external payable function to call _sendAnchor in order to send a cross-chain message to the Anchor contract on the source chain.
  • Receive logic: implement the receiveFromAnchor function to receive cross-chain message. WARNING: you must use the onlyAnchor modifier to restrict the access of this function to the binding Anchor contract.

Optional Functions

  • Encode & Decode logic: implement the encodePayload and decodePayload functions to encode and decode the message content. Suggestions: we recommend set the visibility of these two functions as public.
  • Calculate fee: implement the calculateFee function to calculate the fee for sending a cross-chain message based on your payload. This functin can provide convenience for the front-end by directly calculating the fee from your Consumer contract before initiating a cross-chain transaction.

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About TokenBridge

WARNING: TokenBridge is designed for testing purposes only.

This section provides an outline for deploying a burn & mint ERC20 token bridge on Bool Network.

Deploy Setup

Deploy an AMT Bridge (Build an AMT Bridge) and get two Anchor addresses through BoolScan/Dashboard/Bridge/<your bridge>. For example:

  • 0xe59a9ab6a5732d5f7a89d9c7f31964c459456f70 on Arbitrum Goerli
  • 0x7eb25a4ab45e29c9306a1987c664111bf7ebd002 on zkSync Goerli

TokenBridge.sol - a burn & mint ERC20 token bridge

WARNING: You must deploy an AMT bridge through BoolScan before building a TokenBridge.

  1. Deploy two TokenBridge contracts.
    Format: yarn hardhat deployTokenBridge --anchor <anchor address> --decimals <decimals> --name <token name> --symbol <token symbol> --network <network name>
    yarn hardhat deployTokenBridge --anchor 0xe59a9ab6a5732d5f7a89d9c7f31964c459456f70 --decimals 9 --name BoolTestToken --symbol BTT --network arbitrum_goerli
    Deploying TokenBridge...
    Deploying a new TokenBridge contract on chain 421613...
    TokenBridge deployed at 0x565D09b0cd1c8B7Ca4846c06cc9Ec4a92a01012d
    yarn hardhat deployTokenBridge --anchor 
    0x7eb25a4ab45e29c9306a1987c664111bf7ebd002 --decimals 9 --name BoolTestToken --symbol BTT --network zksync_goerli
    Deploying TokenBridge...
    Deploying a new TokenBridge contract on chain 280...
    TokenBridge deployed at 0x281b5702012654065733A0b763e2F3494663968b
  2. Binding each TokenBridge to an Anchor.
    Format: yarn hardhat updateConsumer --anchor <anchor address> --consumer <tokenBridge address> --network <network name>
    yarn hardhat updateConsumer --anchor 0xe59a9ab6a5732d5f7a89d9c7f31964c459456f70 --consumer 0x565D09b0cd1c8B7Ca4846c06cc9Ec4a92a01012d --network arbitrum_goerli
    The current consumer: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    Updating the consumer...
    Transaction hash: 0x9bb73e827f490d7863bb23696ee55c8f0ce9395a64c1b67edc1b7fb1127446a5
    The new consumer: 0x565D09b0cd1c8B7Ca4846c06cc9Ec4a92a01012d
    yarn hardhat updateConsumer --anchor 0x7eb25a4ab45e29c9306a1987c664111bf7ebd002 --consumer 0x281b5702012654065733A0b763e2F3494663968b --network zksync_goerli
    The current consumer: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    Updating the consumer...
    Transaction hash: 0x139d4589783d96a36d7a40748a7e090e844feb131b007850a4a3ed9ca06bb673
    The new consumer: 0x281b5702012654065733A0b763e2F3494663968bb
  3. Configure the "remote anchors" so each of them can receive messages from one another, and only one another on a specific chain.
    Format: yarn hardhat updateRemoteAnchor --anchor <anchor address> --id <remote chain id> --remoteanchor <remote anchor address in bytes32> --network <network name>
    yarn hardhat updateRemoteAnchor --anchor 0xe59a9ab6a5732d5f7a89d9c7f31964c459456f70 --id 280 --remoteanchor 0x0000000000000000000000007eb25a4ab45e29c9306a1987c664111bf7ebd002 --network arbitrum_goerli
    Updating the remote anchors...
    Transaction hash: 0x3ef9850d957763db1eb9a0fc3526ba6a70f67e64b547a7569e87102314629854
    yarn hardhat updateRemoteAnchor --anchor 0x7eb25a4ab45e29c9306a1987c664111bf7ebd002 --id 421613 --remoteanchor 0x000000000000000000000000e59a9ab6a5732d5f7a89d9c7f31964c459456f70 --network zksync_goerli
    Updating the remote anchors...
    Transaction hash: 0x46660f869763dedb4a3697cb08fbb51b666bef6204e3c7eabd2c66481ae34e56
  4. Deposit tokens on Arbitrum Goerli and receive them on zkSync Goerli.
    Format: yarn hardhat tokenBridgeDeposit --amount <deposit amount> --bridge <tokenBridge address> --id <destination chain id> --network <network name>
    yarn hardhat tokenBridgeDeposit --amount 1000000000 --bridge 0x565D09b0cd1c8B7Ca4846c06cc9Ec4a92a01012d --id 280 --network arbitrum_goerli
    Depositing 1.0 BTT to chain 280
    Transaction hash: 0x4de93d3f6ae3d301e0ceffbee3e87203db98aa8017e2f66321f547d4431a5d32
  5. Track the lifecycle of the transaction on BoolScan.

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Advanced Solidity examples for developing on Bool Network.







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