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Language guide: events
Added by betson betson
What's that timmy? You're exposing your API to someone else, and they want convient handy-dandy events?! No problem! As with everything in Boo, its dead simple to get up and running within moments with the event keyword.
import System
class Clicker:
event Clicked as EventHandler
def RaiseClick():
Clicked(self, null)
Aww, yeah! Now you can use it like any other event!
p = Clicker()
p.Clicked += def(sender, args):
print "Tah CLICKED!"
(it prints out "Tah CLICKED!" if you're curious)
By now you're probably wondering what "EventHandler" is. In .NET, they are commonly referred to as delegates, a type of event that can be subscribed to by multiple functions, as long as each function has the same method signature as the delegate. An "event" is a special kind of delegate that has some rules:
It can't be called from outside its declaring class. This keeps sneaky coders from invoking an event from somewhere else and potentially messing things up. Leaky boats are bad!
Suppose, though, you want a ham sandwich on rye, or you want to expose a unique kind of event that has its own unique arguments. Here's another code sample to whet your appetite:
import System
class Sandwich:
//object - sandwich eaten.
//bool - if there are leftovers.
event Eaten as callable(object, bool)
//The two codes of line below are
//the equivilent of the one line of code above!
event Eating as EatingEvent
//object -- sandwiich being eaten.
//string -- the kind of sammich being eaten.
callable EatingEvent(sammich as object, type as string)
def Eat():
Eating(self, "Turkey sammich.")
Eaten(self, false)
turkeyAndSwiss = Sandwich()
turkeyAndSwiss.Eating += def(obj, sammich):
print "You're eating a $sammich! It must be good."
turkeyAndSwiss.Eaten += def(obj, leftovers):
print "You", ("didn't leave me anything?!","left leftovers! How sweet!")[leftovers]