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RSS, JSON and Atom feed publisher

Creates sitewide and/or contenttype specific feeds for your Bolt website.

After installation, a configuration file will be created as app/config/extensions/rssfeed.bolt.yml, where you can define how the various feeds should be created. Depending on your set up in the extension's configuration, you can access RSS feeds either by sitewide or contenttype specific URLs:

  • Site wide: /rss/feed.{extension}
  • Contenttype: /{contenttypeslug}/rss/feed.{extension}


  • {contenttypeslug} is the slug of your contenttype.
  • {extension} is either 'xml' or 'rss'.

See the comments in your rssfeed.bolt.yml for more details.

To allow RSS and other Feed aggregators like Feedly to easily find your site's feed, you should add an autodiscovery link to the <head>-section of your site. Do this by simply setting autodiscovery: true in the configuration file.

Configuring routing

This extension automatically sets up routing to match the URL patterns mentioned above (like /rss/feed.xml). If you have need of a specific URL to publish the feed on, you must add the route to your routing.yml file. For example:

    path: /news.xml
        _controller: controller.rssfeed:feed
        contenttypeslug: news

Taxonomy filters

You can apply a taxonomy filter as a query string to your feeds, like so:


For example:


This only works for at most one filter and only for taxonomies.