This library is developed to provide similar functionality to Java's java.util.Properties
class. It allows for the flat storing of name-value pairs in XML.
Get the library from Nuget by using your package manager or by running;
Install-Package PropertyConfig.dll
Add the directive to your class file:
using PropertyConfig;
Instantiate the class (preferably in the main entry class and storing it in a static variable)
public static Properties configuration = new Properties();
Add whatever properties necessary, for example
configuration["Hello"] = "World";
configuration.Add("Hello", "World");
After including every property, save the configuration
configuration.StoreToXml(); //saves to the default 'config.xml'
configuration.StoreToXml("my-config.xml"); //saves to specified xml file
configuration.StoreToXml("my-config.xml", "Do not modify manually"); // saves to specified file with additional comment
this produces an output that looks like
<!--Do not modify manually-->
To load a config file
configuration.LoadFromXml() //loads from default 'config.xml'
configuration.LoadFromXml("my-config.xml"); //loads config key-value pairs from the specified file