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Implementation of various recommender systems with unified pipeline


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This repository aims for implementing various machine learning algorithms in recommender system with unified pipeline. Any PRs are warmly welcomed!

Setting up environment

Ensure that latest poetry version is installed.

$ poetry --version
Poetry (version 1.8.5)

Python version higher than 3.11 is required.

$ python3 --version
Python 3.11.11

Make virtual environment using poetry.

$ poetry shell

Install required packages from poetry.lock.

$ poetry install

Quick start

You can select model that you want to train and set appropriate loss function.

Let's run singular value decomposition on movielens 1m dataset using our pipeline.

Download dataset

Dataset will be downloaded in recommender/.data/movielens.

$ python3 scripts/download/ --package ml-1m

Run pipeline

There are two kinds of main scripts depending on model type.

  • torch based model: recommender/
  • csr based model: recommender/

Because svd is torch based model, run recommender/

$ python3 recommender/ \
  --dataset movielens \
  --model svd \
  --loss mse \
  --epochs 30 \
  --num_factors 16 \
  --train_ratio 0.8 \
  --random_state 42 \
  --result_path "./result/svd"

Check experiment result

The results will be saved in ./result/svd where you can check figures, logs and model weights.

$ ls

Why made this repository?

  • There are lots of algorithms in recommender system starting from item-based recommendation, matrix factorization to deep-learning based recommendation.
  • To understand better, this repository provides implementation of various recommender algorithms using pytorch or custom learning methods.
  • Also, we not only offer implementation code but also pipelines for training recommender models with various implicit / explicit data (movielens, yelp, pinterest etc..)
  • By comparing metric (ndcg, mAP etc..) between different dataset and algorithm, figure out which algorithm is suitable for specific situation.


flowchart LR
    A[Download data] --> B[Load data]
    B --> C[Preprocess data]
    C --> D[Prepare model data]
    D --> E[Training]
    E --> F[Summarize results]
Step Code Description
Download data scripts/download Download selected dataset from public url
Load data recommender/load_data Load downloaded dataset with pandas data type
Preprocess data recommender/preprocess Preprocess dataset
Prepare model data recommender/prepare_model_data Convert dataset which will be fed to models
Training recommender/model Train various recommender algorithms
Summarize results recommender/libs/plot Make metric plots, loss curve

Implemented models

Models Input data type Path Possible loss function
User based CF csr matrix recommender/model/neighborhood/ NA
SVD pytorch dataset recommender/model/mf/ MSE, BCE, BPR
SVD with bias pytorch dataset recommender/model/mf/ MSE, BCE, BPR
ALS csr matrix recommender/model/mf/ ALS
GMF pytorch dataset recommender/model/deep_learning/ MSE, BCE, BPR
MLP pytorch dataset recommender/model/deep_learning/ MSE, BCE, BPR
TWO-TOWER pytorch dataset recommender/model/deep_learning/ MSE, BCE, BPR

Refer to following parameter description when running recommender/ or recommender/ You can check below parameters in this code.

Parameter explanations
Parameter name Explanation Default
dataset integrated dataset name required
model implemented model name required
loss implemented loss name required
implicit whether implicit dataset type or not False
num_neg number of negative samples None
neg_sample_strategy negative sampling strategy None
device device information, either cpu or cuda cuda
batch_size number of data in one batch 128
lr learning rate controlling speed of gradient descent 1e-2
regularization hyper parameter controlling balance between original loss and penalty 1e-4
epochs number of training epochs 10
num_factors dimension of user embedding and item embedding 128
train_ratio ratio of training dataset 0.8
random_state random seed for reproducibility 42
patience tolerance count when validation loss does not drop 5
result_path absolute directory to store training result required
num_sim_user_top_N number of users who are the most similar in top N (used in user_based CF) 45
is_test when set true, use part of dataset when training for quick pytest False

Supported dataset

For more details about how to download dataset in local, please refer scripts/download/

Name Description Related link
movielens 1m movie rating dataset url
movielens 10m movie rating dataset url

Supported loss

You can choose which loss to use when training models. Here is a list of loss that we are currently supporting.

Name Type Possible models
Mean Squared Loss regression / explicit svd, svd_bias
Binary Cross Entropy Loss classification / implicit svd, svd_bias, gmf, mlp, two_tower
Triplet Loss (BPR) triplet / implicit svd, svd_bias, gmf, mlp, two_tower
ALS Loss implicit als

Be careful of possible models in each loss type when choosing appropriate loss. For example, you cannot use MSE loss function with gmf model.

Loss function could affect models' performance. Figure out which loss is best suited for your dataset !

Project code lint

We use ruff lint for project code consistency. Run following command if ruff lint check passes.

$ make lint

You should update code corresponding to ruff's guide, otherwise ci test won't pass.

How to run pytest

Run following command.

$ make test

How to contribute

Although any kinds of PRs are warmly welcomed, please refer to following rules.

  • After opening PRs, all the integration tests should be passed.
  • Basic tests in tests/ directory should be added.
  • Depending on input data type (pytorch dataset or csr matrix), you should integrate your implementation to recommender/ or recommender/
  • When adding new models, please include followings in PR.
    • Experiment results including metric plot, metric value, loss plot after running recommender/ or recommender/ with your arguments.
    • Example command to reproduce model training result.
    • Full logs when executing model training python script.


  • Although you can select which device (cpu or cuda) to use when training model, please note that code is not optimized with the cuda case, so be careful when using training with cuda.


Implementation of various recommender systems with unified pipeline







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