A simple single page application which shows the coolest venues around your location (using Foursquare API):
- Venues endpoint: https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/api/venues/explore
- Authentication: https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/api/configuration/authentication
- The user enters the website (hosted here) and is prompted to share his geolocation.
- If the user agrees then the autocomplete placeholder (first input on the page) will be populated with his geolocation name.
- If the user does no agree, the placeholder will show "Choose a place...".
- The user can choose a different place using the Google Maps Autocomplete component.
- The user can change the radius of his search and the types of venues he wants to see.
- When there is no geolocation selected, other filters must be disabled (radius, type).
- Clicking the pin (last column) in the venue list will open the address Google Maps (for some venues the location is not accurate due to the API data).
- While the application is querying the Foursquare API, a loader is shown.
FoursquareConstants $http $window $q
\ | / \ /
FoursquareAPIService GeolocationService $scope
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Based on the user changes in venues-filters.html
the venues-list.html
is updated.
Prerequisites: Install Node.js - https://nodejs.org
How to run tests:
npm install && npm test
Tests documentation: https://code.angularjs.org/1.5.11/docs/guide/unit-testing
OBS: Ony 5 unit tests written for
as a proof of concept (seeVenuesController.spec.js
). -
Manually tested on browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari on desktop Mac OS X and Chrome, Safari mobile browsers (Android and iOS).
Framework used:
- Angular JS: https://code.angularjs.org/1.5.11/docs/guide
Other 3rd party libraries:
- Bootstrap CSS: https://getbootstrap.com
- Google Maps API: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform
- Google Maps Autocomplete adapter for Angular JS: https://github.com/jvandemo/angularjs-google-maps
- Loader inspired from: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_loader.asp
- Material Design Icons: https://material.io/tools/icons
- Favicon: https://favicon.io/emoji-favicons/frog-face
- SVG created with: https://editor.method.ac
Desktop | Mobile |
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