Dockerfile for quassel-webserver by magne4000.
Forked from jakexks/dockerfiles with minor edits to work with newer quassel-webserver
A web client for Quassel (requires a running quasselcore)
Out of the box, it provides a client that can connect to any quassel core. Note that it always listens on port 64080 as this is the one exposed by the Dockerfile
docker run \
-detach \
--name quassel-webserver \
--publish-all \
Alternatively, you can specify advanced options by setting the following environment variables:
- the address of your quassel core (default localhost)QUASSEL_PORT
- the port it is listening on (default 4242)FORCE_DEFAULT
- Only allow connections to the above core (default false)WEBSERVER_MODE
- http or https (default https)PREFIX_PATH
- prefix Path (default '')
docker run \
--detach \
--name quassel-webserver \
--publish 8080:64080 \
--env QUASSEL_HOST=localhost \
--env QUASSEL_PORT=4242 \
--env FORCE_DEFAULT=true \
--env WEBSERVER_MODE=https \
--env PREFIX_PATH=/irc \