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Rewrite of bobril-build to .Net. Mainly for speed reasons. It now replaced original JS version.

How to start

yarn global add bobril-build


What to do when bb failing to start for first time because Github rate limit

Github by default has limit of 60 anonymous requests per hour from one IP. So if it fails you have 2 options, wait or provide token to authenticate as yourself. First read [] how to create your token. Token can have just read only rights, you don't need to select any scopes. Then you can either store it into your user profile directory in .github/token.txt file or set environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.

How to override used version

By default prerelease versions are not used.

In .bbrc file set bbVersion to specific version you need. By setting tsVersion you can override used TypeScript for compilation. By setting jasmineVersion you can override Jasmine version only allowed values are "2.99" (default) and "3.3".

    "bbVersion": "2.10.0",
    "tsVersion": "5.2.2",
    "jasmineVersion: "3.3"

By setting BBVERSION environment variable you can define default version (including prerelease). If you will start bb2 instead of bb, then BBVERSION override what is in .bbrc or package.json.

How to override where bb store its caches

bb stores its cache in user_home/.bbcore/tools directory. In Docker it uses /bbcache. You can override it be defining BBCACHEDIR environmental variable.

How to use Docker version

Run it

docker run -it --rm -v %cd%:/project -v directory_for_persistent_cache:/bbcache -p 8080:8080 bobril/build

What it contains

  • Bobril-build
  • Chrome
  • Nodejs
  • Npm
  • Yarn

Build it on your own

docker build . -t bobril/build --build-arg VERSION=x.y.z
docker tag bobril/build bobril/build:x.y.z
docker push bobril/build:x.y.z

Look inside

docker history bobril/build
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash bobril/build

List of bobril-build specific warnings and errors

Number Severity Message
-1 Warn Local import has wrong casing
-2 Warn Module import has wrong casing
-3 Error Missing dependency
-5 Error First parameter of b.asset must be resolved as constant string
-6 Error b.sprite cannot have more than 6 parameters
-7 Warn Problem with translation message
-8 Error Translation message must be compile time resolvable constant string, use f instead if intended
-9 Error Hint message must be compile time resolvable constant string
-11 Warn Fixing local import with two slashes
-12 Warn Importing module without being in package.json as dependency
-13 Warn Unused dependency in package.json
-14 Warn Importing obsolete module: reason
-15 Warn Cannot resolve import
-16 Error Syntactic Error
-17 Error Invalid or unusable svg
-18 Error File does not exists

.bbrc or Package.json/bobril section features

Define global constants and process.env

global constants are defined using "defines" object. If DEBUG is not defined is it automatically defined as DEBUG build-in constant which is true in interactive, test modes and fast build mode. First are expanded all defines, than result of this expansion is input to envs expansion. In envs you define replacement for process.env object. If NODE_ENV is not defined is it automatically defined like in example below. Content must be always JavaScript expression with specially handled build-ins DEBUG, env, file. env is virtually object with system environment variables. file is virtually object with utf-8 content of all files where property name is file name relative to project root directory.

"defines": {
    "DEBUG": "DEBUG",
    "SomeConstant": "\"this is JS \"+\"expression\"",
    "FileContent": "file[\"some_file_relative_to_package.json\"]"
"envs": {
    "NODE_ENV": "DEBUG?\"development\":\"production\"",
    "path": "env.Path"

Update/Install of dependencies

Default is to update all dependencies to latest version defined by package.json:

    "dependencies": "upgrade"

If you want just install missing dependencies:

    "dependencies": "install"

Or if you want to completely disable this feature:

    "dependencies": "disabled"

Update of tsconfig.json

Build generates tsconfig.json by default. You can disable this feature by:

    "tsconfigUpdate": false

Override localization

By default localization is detected from existence of dependency bobril-g11n. You can override it:

    "localize": true

Override directory with translations

    "pathToTranslations": "translations/path/like/this"

It is relative to project. Default is "translations".

Define default build path

    "buildOutputDir": "./dist"

Enable writing of build result in Interactive mode to build path

    "interactiveDumpsToDist": true

It checks only for existence of this interactiveDumpsToDist key, value does not matter for now.

Override generated tsconfig.json include

    "include": [ "**/*" ]

Specify generated tsconfig.json exclude

    "exclude": [ "node_modules" ]

Add generated tsconfig.json files

    "files": [ "src/main.ts" ]

This list is just appended to generated tsconfig.json files list.

Where to find test sources

By default it finds all tests in project directory (it always skips node_modules). By defining this, you can limit or add additional directories where to search.

    "testDirectories": [ "spec" ]

Warnings As Errors

    "warningsAsErrors": true

Ignore some Warnings and Errors

    "ignoreDiagnostic": [ -1, -8 ]

How to enable generating of sprites.ts from all pngs in assets directory

    "plugins": {
        "bb-assets-generator-plugin": {
            "generateSpritesFile": true

How to mark module as obsolete

    "obsolete": "Reason why is obsolete and what to use instead"

Use this comment in source code with import to ignore this specific import (must be before last import in source file)

// BBIgnoreObsolete: modulea, moduleb

How to add additional assets

    "assets": {
        "original/source/path/name.ext": "distName.ext",
        "node_modules/anymodule/path", "path"

How to disable autodetection of common project root

    "preserveProjectRoot": true

Override imports

    "imports": {
        "perf_hooks": null

This allows to override imports. If value is null then import is removed (behaves like it would be empty file). If value is string then import path is replaced by this string.

Proxy all requests in interactive mode to defined url

Useful if your API server does not uses CORS, so proxy requests through bobril-build localhost:8080. It includes support for WebSockets connections. Url have to start with http:// or https://.

    "proxyUrl": "http://localhost:3001"

Define headless browser strategy

By default it will use only Chrome or Chromium to test your code. But because headless Chrome on Windows does hang with some projects you can use use Firefox on Windows by defining this:

    "headlessBrowserStrategy": "PreferFirefoxOnWindows"

Environmental variables

Forcing Polling watcher

Watcher inside Docker cannot use OS notification of filesystem changes. So by default BB inside docker uses polling implementation with 250ms check frequency. You modify this time in milliseconds by BBWATCHER variable, also without Docker it forces polling watcher:

set BBWATCHER=1000

Specify path to browser used for testing

set BBBROWSER=C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe

Disable yarn creating links

Docker on Windows filesystem has limitation in creating links. To workaround this issue create environment variable BBCoreNoLinks with not empty value so bbcore will add --no-bin-links parameter to yarn command line.

Recognize when running in Docker

It uses same variable like all other dotnet containers DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER.

Global configuration

In ~/.bbcore/.bbcfg you can define global configuration. It is JSON file with following settings.

Windows Notifications

If you want to disable Windows notifications after build/test finished, you can create this file with following content:

{ "notificationsEnabled": false }