A windows docker image for PostgreSQL 9.6.10 + PostGIS 3.0.1
In the dockerfile, there are comments showing where you can get the latest versions of postgresql and postgis. Getting different versions is very simple and will be simplified shortly as well. Please contact-me if you have any problem.
docker pull bobleujr/postgiswin
To build the image yourself without apt-cacher (also consumes more bandwidth since deb packages need to be refetched each time you build) do:
docker build -t your_image_name git://github.com/bobleujr/postgisDockerWin
To create a running container do:
docker run --name container_name -p OUT_PORT:5432 -d -t bobleujr/postgiswin
Default user postgres
Default pw password
For the moment, the only way to set the password is to adapt your dockerfile (this will be a run parameter shortly)