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dhumeniuk edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 3 revisions

Buildpath versions can have several variations. This page describes them.

-buildpath: path/to/file.jar;version=file

reference to .jar (possibly bundle) directly, rather than through a bnd project. (normally this is not a bnd project, because then you would one of the other forms)

-buildpath: bsn

oldest version available

-buildpath: bsn;version=1.6

specific version (oldest of the 1.6 range)

-buildpath: bsn;version=latest

latest either in an available repo or in bnd workspace

-buildpath: bsn;version=snapshot

reference to target generated .jar file of a bnd project in bnd workspace

-buildpath: bsn;version=project

reference to project/bin directory in bnd workspace, give you visibility of packages in the project that are not exported or even included as private packages in the output bundle.


In an offline build, javac is unware of OSGi exports, so javac will see the entire jar. In Eclipse, the classpath container could constrain the access rules for jars using their export information. This means that Eclipse would provide visibility closer to runtime than an offline build would or could.

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