#JNI Wrapper for the BRICS_3D library
This project provides a thin JNI wrapper layer for the Robot Scene Graph [(RSG)] (http://www.best-of-robotics.org/brics_3d/worldmodel.html) part of the BRICS_3D library. The target system is Android.
This package consists of three packages:
- A shared C++ libray called brics_3d-jni (
) that provides the C++ part of the wrapper. - The corresponting Java RobotSceneGraph (
) that reprents the Java part of the wrapper. - Example Android applications that make use of the above libraries. Both above packages are a prerequisite that have to be included as references in the "libs" folder of an Android application.
This software is published under a dual-license: GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL 2.1 and Modified BSD license. The dual-license implies that users of this code may choose which terms they prefer. Please see the files called LGPL-2.1 and BSDlicense.
This work was supported by the European FP7 project SHERPA (FP7-600958).
Written by Sebastian Blumenthal (blumenthal@locomotec.com) Last update: 10.09.2014