This Laravel 5.1 package provides an easy way to associate all sorts of files with Eloquent models. Storage of the filesis handled by Laravel's Filesystem, so you can easily use something like S3. Additionally the package can create image manipulations on images and pdfs that have been added in the medialibrary.
To create derived images GD should be installed on your server. For the creation of thumbnails of pdf's you should also install Imagick.
On Ubuntu you can install Imagick by issuing this command:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick php5-imagick
You can install this package via composer using this command:
composer require spatie/laravel-medialibrary
Next, you must install the service provider:
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
You can publish the migration with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
After the migration has been published you can create the media-table by running the migrations:
php artisan migrate
You can publish the config-file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
* The filesystems on which to store added files and derived images. Choose one or more
* of the filesystems you configured in app/config/filesystems.php
'filesystem' => 'media',
* The maximum file size of an item in bytes. Adding a file
* that is larger will result in an exception.
'max_file_size' => 1024 * 1024 * 10,
* This queue will used to generate derived images.
* Leave empty to use the default queue.
'queue_name' => '',
's3' => [
* The domain that should be prepended when generating urls.
'domain' => '',
And finally you should add a disk to app/config/filesystems.php
. This would be a typical configuration:
'disks' => [
'media' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => public_path().'/media',
All files of the medialibrary will be stored on that disk. If you are planning on working with the image manipulations you should configure a queue on your service with the name specified in the config file.
In essence the medialibrary is very simple. All files added to the library are associated with record in the db. All examples in this readme assume that you have already have a news model set up. Of course this package will work with any Eloquent model.
To relate media to a model, the model must implement this interface and trait:
namespace App\Models;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMediaTrait;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia;
class News extends Model implements HasMedia
use HasMediaTrait;
###Associating a file You can add associate a file with a model like this:
$newsItem = News::find(1);
The file will now be associated with the newsItem
. Adding a file will move your file to a configured disk.
###Retrieving media
To retrieve files you can use the getMedia
$mediaItems = $news->getMedia();
The method returns an collection with Media
You can retrieve the url to the file associated with Media
-object with:
$publicUrl = $mediaItems[0]->getUrl();
A media-object also has a name. By default it is the name of the file.
echo $mediaItems[0]->name // display the name
$mediaItems[0]->name = 'newName'
$mediaItems[0]->save(); // the new name gets saved. Activerecord ftw!
You can also get the size of the file:
$mediaItems[0]->size // returns the size in bytes
$mediaItems[0]->humanReadableSize // returns the size in a human readable form (eg. 1,5 MB)
You can remove something from the library simply calling delete
on the media-object:
When a media item gets deleted all related files will be removed from the filesystem.
Deleting a model with associated media will also delete all associated files.
$newsItem->delete(); // all associated files will be deleted as well
If you want to remove all associated media in a specific collection you can use this method:
$newsItem->clearMediaCollection(); // all media will be deleted
If you have different types of files that you want to associate, you can put them in their own collection.
$newsItem = News::find(1);
$news->addMedia($pathToImage, 'images');
$news->addMedia($pathToAnotherImage, 'images');
$news->addMedia($pathToPdfFile, 'downloads');
$news->addMedia($pathToAnExcelFile, 'downloads');
All media in a specific collection can be retrieved like this:
$news->getMedia('images'); // returns media objects for all files in the images collection
$news->getMedia('downloads'); // returns media objects for all files in the downloads collection
A collection can have any name you want. If you don't specify a name, the file will get added to a
You can clear out a specific collection just be passing the name to clearMediaCollection
###Defining conversions Imagine you are making a site with a list of all news-items. Wouldn't it be nice to show the user a thumb of image associated with the news-item? When adding an image to a media collection, these derived images can be created automatically.
You can let the package know that it should create a derived by registering a media conversion on the model.
//in your news model
public function registerMediaConversions()
->setManipulations(['w' => 368, 'h' => 232])
When associating a jpg-, png-, or pdf-file, to the model the package will, besides storing the original image, create a derived image for every media conversion that was added. By default, the output will be a jpg-file.
Internally Glide is used to manipulate images. You can use any parameter you find
in their image API. So if you want to output another image format you can specify png
or gif
using the fm
-key in an an imageprofile.
By default, a conversion will be performed on the queue that you specified
in the configuration. You can also avoid the usage of the queue by calling nonQueued()
on a conversion.
You can add as many conversions on a model as you want. Conversion can also be performed on multiple collections. To do so
you can just leave of the performOnCollections
-call. If you pass *
to performOnCollections
conversion will be applied to every collection as well.
Here's an example where some of these options are demonstrated.
//in your news model
public function registerMediaConversions()
->setManipulations(['w' => 368, 'h' => 232,'filt' => 'greyscale', 'fm' => 'png'])
->performOnCollections('images', 'anotherCollection') // the conversion will be performed on multiple collections
->nonQueued(); // this conversion will not be queued
//a second media conversion
->setManipulations(['w' => 50, 'h' => 50, 'sharp'=> 15])
->performOnCollections('*'); // perform the conversion on every collection
//a third media conversion that will be performed on every collection
->setManipulations(['w' => 500, 'h' => 500);
###Retrieving derived images Here's example that shows you how to get the url's to the derived images:
$mediaItems = $news->getMedia('images');
Because getting an url to the first mediaItem in a collection is such a common scenario
the getFirstMediaUrl
- convenience-method is provided. The first parameter is the name
of the collection, the second the name of a conversion.
$urlToFirstListImage = $newsItem->getFirstMediaUrl('images', 'thumb');
###Regenerating images When you change a conversion on your model, all images that were previously generated will not updated automatically. To regenerate all images related to the News model you can issue this artisan command:
$ php artisan medialibrary:regenerate news
Leaving off news
will regenerate all images.
###Avoiding an empty registration function
If you don't need media conversions at all, you may be bothered by the empty registerMediaConversions
in your model. You may replace the hasMedia
-interface by the hasMediaWithoutConversions
-interface to avoid
having to declare that empty function.
##Advanced usage
###Generating custom urls
When getUrl()
is called the task of generating that url is passed to an implementation of Spatie\MediaLibraryUrlGenerator
The package contains a LocalUrlGenerator
that can generate url's for a medialibrary that
is stored above the public path. Also included is an S3UrlGenerator
for when you're using S3
to store your files.
If you are storing your media files in a private directory or use a different filesystem,
you can write your own UrlGenerator
. Your generator must adhere to the Spatie\MediaLibraryUrlGenerator
When you also extend Spatie\MediaLibraryUrlGenerator\BaseGenerator
you must only implement
one method: getUrl()
that should return the url. You can call getPathRelativeToRoot()
get the relative path to the root of your disk.
The code of the included S3UrlGenerator
should help make things more clear:
namespace Spatie\MediaLibrary\UrlGenerator;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\Exceptions\UrlCouldNotBeDeterminedException;
class S3UrlGenerator extends BaseUrlGenerator implements UrlGenerator
* Get the url for the profile of a media item.
* @return string
* @throws UrlCouldNotBeDeterminedException
public function getUrl()
return config('laravel-medialibrary.s3.domain').'/'.$this->getPathRelativeToRoot();
###Storing manipulations on a media object
A media object has a property manipulations
. You can set it to an array of
which the keys must be conversion names and the values manipulation arrays.
When saving the media object, the package will regenerate all files and use the saved manipulation as the first manipulation when creating a derived image.
For example:
// in your news model
public function registerMediaConversions()
->setManipulations(['w' => 500, 'h'=>500])
// somewhere in your project and assuming you've already added some images to myCollection.
$mediaItems = $news->getMedia('images');
$mediaItems[0] = $news->manipulations = ['thumb' => ['mode' => 'filt' => 'greyscale']]
$mediaItems[0]->save(); // this will cause the thumb conversion to be regenerated. The result will be a greyscale image.
Calling save()
in this example will regenerate the thumb-image. The output will be a
greyscale image that has a both width and height of 500 pixels.
You can run the tests with:
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.