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Modern Rymakonian for Zašta, the Luminary of [name unkown]. He was not the only one, but he was the first.

Stop trying to be the next iso

~ Mareck

A sound change applier with the eventual goal of being able to express the sound changes from Middle Rymakonian to Modern Rymakonian.


This project uses CMake. Type cmake . then make if you're on a non-retarded operating system.

(Protip: cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug builds a debug build and cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release builds a release build.)

You need Boost (for filesystem) installed as well.

make atest runs the tests. If you're hacking on ztš, then:

  • make sure to run the tests whenever you change the code
  • make sure you add tests for new features


Run the program with literally anything that isn't a valid input to see the usage for the command.

The ztš language


class C = p f m t s l n k x ŋ h;
class V = a e i o u;

feature pa {
  lb: p f m;
  av: t s l n;
  ve: k x ŋ;
  gl: h;

feature ma {
  pl: p t k;
  fr: f s x h;
  la: l;
  na: m n ŋ;

# Try replacing the thing after the slash with any of the following:
# ltr rtl once loopnsi loopsi
$(C:1|pa=lb) -> $(C:1|pa=av) (_ e) / loopsi;
s -> ss;
a -> o (_ ~);
pp -> p;
-> e (~ _ ŋ);
e -> (k _ t);
-> i (t _ ~);
$(C:1|pa!=ve) -> $(C:1|ma=na) (_ ŋ);

# This is an invalid rule, and ztš used to crash on it,
# but now the validator catches it!
# $(C:1|pa=lb) -> $(C:2|pa=av);

# Try to make a velar lateral
# This doesn't crash but you'll be warned.
$(C:1|pa=ve) -> $(C:1|ma=la) (_ ~);

# An example of replacing when the environment is mismatched.
e -> o !(t _ t);

# Enumerating matcher
$(C:1/p,k) -> $(C:1/k,p) / loopsi;


They start with # and last until the end of the line.

String literals

A string literal is:

  • a series of bytes that are either letters in ASCII or non-ASCII bytes (thereby allowing Unicode characters to be put in such a place), other than the keywords feature, class, NOT, ordered, executeOnce or setOptions
  • a series of characters other than \ or ", or the escape sequences \\, \" or \n (meaning what you expect them to mean), surrounded by double quotes

These are used in a lot of places, included as class or feature names, feature instances and phonemes.

Note that sound change option names are not reserved words. For instance, it's perfectly legal to name a feature ltr or loopsi.

Class declarations

class <class-name> = <phoneme+>;

This will declare a class with the name <class-name> and make it include the phonemes that follow.

For now, a given phoneme can be in only one class.

Feature declarations

feature <feature-name> [*] [ordered] {
  <feature-instance> [*]: <phoneme+>;
  # ...

This will declare a feature with the given name. Each phoneme takes one of the instances of each feature.

If * is present after the feature name, then the feature is marked as a non-core feature. This means that this feature will not factor into the identity of a phoneme.

If the ordered keyword is provided, then the feature is ordered. That is, the comparisons <, >, <= and >= can be used on it. Feature instances appearing lower in the feature definition will be "greater".

If * is present after a feature instance name, then that one is set as the default – that is, any phonemes not listed will take that instance. At most one instance can be set as the default.

In addition to explicitly listing phonemes, you can also import all phonemes that have a certain instance of a feature:


Sound changes:

<α> -> <ω> [[!] (<λ> _ <ρ>)];

Specify a replacement from <α> to <ω>, optionally restricting the change to occur after <λ> and before <ρ>. Each of the strings can consist of zero or more of the following:

  • a literal (no space needed between two literals; ztš will take the longest match to the phonemes it knows currently, or otherwise take one Unicode codepoint). Note that you can't use keywords such as feature or class as a string (space them out or wrap them in quotes). I don't want to make the lexer context-sensitive.
  • a matcher
  • in <λ> or <ρ>, a word boundary marker (~) is also allowed at the beginning or end, respectively
  • an alternation: a|b|c will match either a or b or c.
  • any of the above, plus a repetition modifier:
    • * matches zero or more
    • ? matches zero or one
    • + matches one or more
    • {<m>} matches <m> exactly
    • {<m>,} matches <m> or more
    • {<m>, <n>} matches at least <m> but at most <n>

If the ! is present, then the rule applies when the environment is not matched.

Matchers take the following syntax:


The <number> tag must be at least 1 if specified (0 is reserved for the default). Matchers with a <number> and without one cannot be mixed with each other.

Constraints are written as <feature> <op> <instance+>, where:

  • <feature> is a feature name, obviously
  • <op> is either = or != (only = is allowed in <ω>); if <feature> is ordered, then <, >, <= and >= are also allowed
  • <instance+> is a list of one or more instances of the feature you want to match for (or against). That is, if <op> is =, then the constraint will match phonemes with that feature set to any of the instances listed. If <op> is !=, then the constraint will match the phonemes with that feature set to a value other than any of the instances listed. For instance, pa=lb av will match phonemes with pa set to lb or av, while pa!=lb av will match phonemes with pa set to anything else.
    • An <instance> can either be a single feature instance name or refer to the value taken by another matcher: for instance, $(C:2|pa=C:1) means "match a consonant with the same pa as whatever C:1 matched".
    • <, >, <= and >= act differently when given multiple instances to match against. They match only when the comparison succeeds for all of the values. (Should this be changed?)

In this case, the matcher will match only phonemes that have the correct instance of a feature. If there are multiple constraints, then all of them must be matched to return a match.

Enumerating matchers are also supported. Note that an enumerating matcher can backreference only to another enumerating matcher with the same number of phonemes listed, in which case the phoneme with the same index as the match is selected. NB: enumerating matchers can be thought of as a special case of alternation, but faster (no backing up the list of matcher matches) and legal in <ω>.

Of course, matchers can be specified in <ω> as well. Such a matcher outputs the phoneme matched by the same matcher in one of <α>, <λ> or <ρ> and changes features based on the constraints given. Only core features can be set in <ω>; it wouldn't make sense to change a non-core feature there.

A compound rule can be specified as follows:

  <simple rule>;
  # ...

Note that the final semicolon is necessary. This rule will, for each candidate position, try each rule in sequence before moving onto the next position.

Finally, options can be passed into sound changes, right before the final semicolon:

[/ <option-name+>] [: <pos+>]

/ <option-name+> supports the following options:

  • ltr (default): Match from left to right.
  • rtl: Match from right to left.
  • once (default): Replace only once.
  • loopnsi: Replace as many times as possible, without intersecting matches.
  • loopsi: Replace as many times as possible, with intersecting matches.

You can also change the default options using setOptions <option-name+>;.

: <pos+> allows you to specify which parts of speech to perform this rule on. Only words with one of the part-of-speech declarations listed will be affected. This is useful for said 7_1→7_1_1 sound changes, wherein l-recession depends on the part of speech.

Note that in a compound rule, these options can only be applied to the whole sound change and not its individual components.

Nitty-gritties of matching

<α>, <ρ> and <ω> are matched left-to-right in an / ltr sound change and right-to-left in an / rtl sound change. <λ> is matched in the opposite direction as the others.

In an / ltr sound change, <α> is checked first, then <λ>, then <ρ>, then the substitution to <ω> is performed. In an / rtl sound change, the order <α><ρ><λ><ω>.

A matcher captured inside an alternation is considered "seen" outside the alternation if it is "seen" in all of its branches. Note that this is just how the static verifier checks things. For instance, in the following string:


the static verifier considers $(C:1) seen at the b (assuming left-to-right checking), but when the rule is actually run, $(C:1) could be captured earlier.

Lua scripting

Lua code blocks are surrounded by $$ (two dollar signs on each side) around them. Funky things will happen if you happen to have that string within your Lua code.

Global Lua code blocks are run once during the invocation of ztš. The syntax is executeOnce <lua_code>; for instance, if you want to print a string once in a program, insert the following:

executeOnce $$
print("soonoyun i lua!")

Of course, the real magic comes when you make rules fire only when a certain condition is met. This is the infamous Γ from UDN. Just pop a Lua code block right after the environment (if you have one):

a+ -> "OKITA-SAN DAISHOURI!" (~ _ ~) $$ isPrime(M.n) $$;

Given a string with n as (and nothing else), this rule replaces it with OKITA-SAN DAISHOURI! if n is prime (given a suitable definition of isPrime, of course). Otherwise, the substitution is not done:

aaaaaaaa -> aaaaaaaa

The following variables are available inside Γ-expressions:

  • W: the word as it is before the rule is applied. A list of phoneme spec objects, one-indexed. (I personally dislike one-indexing, but that's what Lua does.)
  • M: a table with the following entries:
    • s: the index of the first character matched (from one).
    • e: the index right after the last character matched (from one). That is, e can range from 1 to #W + 1.
    • n: the number of characters matched – e - s.

sca is available pretty much everywhere and refers to the current SCA object.

sca:getPhoneme(name) -- name is a string, returns a phoneme spec object
sca:getFeature(name) -- name is a string, returns a pair (index, feature)
                     -- index is from zero; feature is a feature object
sca:getClass(name)   -- similar, but returns char class object as 2nd elem
sca:getFeatureByIndex(index) -- similar to the two above, but take in the
sca:getClassByIndex(index)   -- index and return only the relevant object
ps:getName()           -- returns the name of this phoneme spec
ps:getCharClass(sca)   -- takes in an SCA object, returns a char class
ps:getCharClassIndex() -- just returns the index
                       -- (you can feed it into sca:getClassByIndex)
ps:getFeatureValue(fid, sca)
                       -- fid is a feature index (get from sca:getFeature)
                       -- sca is an sca object
                       -- returns a 1-based index into the
                       -- feature:getInstanceNames() table
ps:getFeatureName(fid, sca)
                       -- similar, but actually returns the name
feature:getName()          -- returns the name
feature:getInstanceNames() -- returns a table of instance names for
                           -- this feature
feature:getDefault()       -- default instance, is an index
feature:isCore()           -- true if core feature
feature:isOrdered()        -- true if ordered feature
cc:getName() -- returns the name

Unimplemented features

  • Heck, why not add looping rules and such?
  • Disjunction in constraints is not yet supported in general (e. g. it's not yet possible to match phonemes with, say, pa=lb or ma=pl). This can probably be done with alternation.


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