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Open-source Blockchain tools presented by lotuschain.org , 2023
Blue Lotus, also known as LotusChain, is at the forefront of developing and integrating decentralized applications (dapps) that leverage blockchain technology to revolutionize various industries. Our dapps, including dCDN, ALT, ALP, ALT-IDM, and ALT-Audit, showcase our commitment to utilizing the decentralized nature of blockchain networks to provide more efficient, secure, and scalable solutions.
[LotusChain Product] - shoot pitch
- Github: Repositories
- Publish: Applications
- Linkedin: Blue Lotus
- Home: Lotus Chain
- Solidity Libraries: Version 3 ✔️
- Telegram News: LotusChain
- Blog: Medium
flowchart LR
A[Idea] -->|R&D| B(Process)
B --> C{Develop}
C -->|Test| D[Beta Test]
C -->|Launch| E[Release Applications ]