Table of Contents
- /help
- /track
- /trackforever
- /iplist
- /debug
- /statics
- /invite
Please read these Terms of Service before using the Service.
By using the Service, you agree to these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you do not have permission to use the Service.
By using the Service, you agree that:
- You will not violate these Terms, the Discord Terms of Service nor the Discord Guidelines while using the Service.
- You will not use the Service for any illegal and/or malicious behavior.
- You will not attempt to purposely interrupt the operation of the Service.
- You will not abuse or exploit bugs or related to the Bot.
- You will not use macros, scripts or any other form of automation to interact with the Bot.
- Your use of the Service is purely for virtual entertainment. We are not responsible for any real-life damages caused by your use of the Service.
This Privacy Policy informs you of our policies about the information collected when you use the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
- We collect certain information from our users, this information is securily saved and protected.
- User Entered Server IPs
- Channel and Guild Informations
How we use your information
This information is used for the functionality of the Bot and the information is securily saved and protected.
blu knite#3638 : @discord
Terms of Service : Here