Cancellable futures for ReScript
Run the following in your console:
$ yarn add rescript-future
Then add rescript-future
to your rescript.json
's bs-dependencies
"bs-dependencies": [
+ "rescript-future"
A Future is a data structure that represents a potential value. It works both synchronously & asynchrously. It consists of 3 possible states:
: The value is yet to be resolvedCancelled
: The future has been cancelled before could resolveResolved
: The future holds its value
// Basic synchronous future
-> => x + 1)
->Future.flatMap(x => Future.value(x + 1))
// Logs: 3
See the details in the interface file
value('a) => Future.t<'a>
: creates a resolved futuremakePure(('a => unit) => unit) => Future.t<'a>
: creates a futuremake(('a => unit) => option<unit => unit>) => Future.t<'a>
: creates a future with a cancellation effect
: Cancels a future and its dependents
get(future, cb) => unit
: Executescb
's resolved value
map(future, mapper)
: Returns a new mapped futureflatMap(future, mapper)
: Returns a new mapped future with mapper returning a future itself
isPending(future) => bool
isCancelled(future) => bool
isResolved(future) => bool
mapResult(future, mapper)
mapOk(future, mapper)
flatMapOk(future, mapper)
mapError(future, mapper)
flatMapError(future, mapper)
tap(future, cb) => future
tapOk(resultFuture, cb) => resultFuture
tapError(resultFuture, cb) => resultFuture
all2((future, future))
all3((future, future, future))
all4((future, future, future, future))
all5((future, future, future, future, future))
all6((future, future, future, future, future, future))
In JavaScript, Promises
are not cancellable. That can be limiting at times, especially when using React
's useEffect
, that let's you return a cancellation effect in order to prevent unwanted side-effects.
let valueFromServer = Future.make(resolve => {
let request = getFromServer((err, data) => {
if err {
} else {
Some(() => cancelRequest(request))
let deserializedValueFromServer =
// valueFromServer & deserializedValueFromServer are cancelled if they were still pending
Heavily inspired by RationalJS/future's API