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BlockWallet backend service that stores and manages incentive driven campaigns.

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BlockWallet - Campaigns service

This a service that stores the BlockWallet's incentive driven campaigns along with their participants, rewards and elegible accounts.


This is a REST API with two interfaces: HTTP and gRPC. It includes metrics, interceptors, logs and uses PostgreSQL to store the campaigns information.

Getting started

  1. Install the generate dependencies buf using the package manager of your preference.

If Homebrew package manager, here it is the installation command:

brew install buf

Otherwise, you can pick the most convinient installation for your environment here:

  1. Make sure your project builds successfully by running make build.

Database configuration

If you're using a local databse, make sure to configure the connection properly by using the Program env variable SQL_CONNECTION. If you would like to go with the default configuration, make sure you have a PostgreSQL db running in localhost:5432 with user=postgres and password=admin. This is the full default connection string: postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?user=postgres&password=admin&sslmode=disable

If you don't know how to initialize a database, you can run make db/up to have a proper db that fullfils the default connection string configuration. You can stop it without lossing all your's database configuration, in order to stop it, run make db/down.


This project runs the migrations automatically when the server starts. If would like to change this behavior indicate SKIP_MIGRATIONS=true when running this program.

Building and running locally

Using native OS env

On the base path of this project you can run make build. After that, running ./campaignsservice serve will run both the gRPC endpoint as well as the REST API in port 8080.

Also, you can can run make run and the result will be the same.

You can then test that the server is working issuing curl localhost:8080/ready. That must return YES.

Using docker

You can use docker-compose to run the campaignsservice and the postgres database without any extra configuration. To do so, run:

  • make dev/up -> Run postgres database and service. Run make dev/down to stop it.
  • make dev/run -> Run postgres database, build and run the campaigns service using latest tag. Run make dev/down to stop it.
  • make service/up -> Run just the campaignsservice. Run make service/down to stop it.
  • make db/up -> Run just the postgres database. Run make db/down to stop it.

If you don't want to use docker-compose it is possible to generate a Docker image manually and run the service there by running this command:

docker build --pull --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t campaignsservice:latest "."

And then this other command:

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8443:8443/tcp -p 9008:9008/tcp campaignsservice:latest

Program arguments

The server provides a way to modify some default parameters by these env variables: (this is not mandatory, please check the file cmd/server/init.go to check the default values.)

LOG_LEVEL -> string [debug|info|error|warning|fatal|panic] (debug)

PORT -> int (8080)
METRICS_PORT -> int (9008)

DB_TYPE -> string [PostgreSQL|SQLite] (PostgreSQL)
SQL_CONNECTION -> string (postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?user=postgres&password=admin&sslmode=disables)
ADMIN_USERNAME -> string (blockwallet)
ADMIN_PASSWORD -> string (password123)

Public Endpoints

These endpoints are accessible by everybody and they are meant to be used by dApps and the BlockWallet extension.


This endpoint list all the campaigns applying the indicated filters.


curl http://localhost:8080/v1/api/campaigns

Note that this endpoint returns ACTIVE campaigns by default. In order to change that behavior, you need to specify the statuses you want to include.

  • filters.tags-> string
  • filters.fromDate -> string date [Format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00]
  • filters.toDate -> string date [Format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00]
  • filters.chain_ids -> int
    "campaigns": [
            "id": "7fefd5a3-c808-4353-b5a9-98686dfc7fb0",
            "supportedChains": [
            "name": "Campaign 2",
            "description": "This is the second campaign for a PostgreSQL db",
            "status": "CAMPAIGN_STATUS_ACTIVE",
            "startDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
            "endDate": "2023-06-01T00:00:00Z",
            "rewards": {
                "token": {
                    "id": "",
                    "name": "GoBlank",
                    "decimals": 18,
                    "symbol": "BLANK",
                    "contractAddresses": {}
                "amounts": [
                "type": "REWARD_TYPE_PODIUM"
            "accounts": [],
            "participants": [],
            "tags": [
            "enrollMessage": "FYI: This is my cusotm enroll message"


This template is subscripted to the Tornado events (deposits and withdrawals) in Polygon network. After every event the service populates all the necessary data and store it in the KV database initialized.


curl http://localhost:8080/v1/api/campaigns/7fefd5a3-c808-4353-b5a9-98686dfc7fb0

    "campaign":  {
            "id": "7fefd5a3-c808-4353-b5a9-98686dfc7fb0",
            "supportedChains": [
            "name": "Campaign 2",
            "description": "This is the second campaign for a PostgreSQL db",
            "status": "CAMPAIGN_STATUS_ACTIVE",
            "startDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
            "endDate": "2023-06-01T00:00:00Z",
            "rewards": {
                "token": {
                    "id": "",
                    "name": "GoBlank",
                    "decimals": 18,
                    "symbol": "BLANK",
                    "contractAddresses": {}
                "amounts": [
                "type": "REWARD_TYPE_PODIUM"
            "accounts": [],
            "participants": [],
            "tags": [
            "enrollMessage": "FYI: This is my cusotm enroll message"

Enroll account in campaign

The accounts that wants to enroll in a campaign should sign the campaign enrollMessage and provide the signature hash in order to make the registration valid. You can directly use the below endpoint GetCampaignEnrollMessage to just get the message to sign.


curl -X POST --location 'http://localhost:8080/v1/api/campaigns/7fefd5a3-c808-4353-b5a9-98686dfc7fb0/enroll' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "account_address":"0xf0F8B7C21e280b0167F14Af6db4B9F90430A6C22", "signature":"0xc7f3b054f0ed23f04d1214c3f35584c04994db5699da1f5e269b7304ee0efecc3bd219cb2e188ec4f353492418ea1fe4dc99efc3164fe44027dd7183405b93f01b" }'


To reduce the request response size, you can directly get the cmapaing's enroll message


curl http://localhost:8080/v1/api/campaigns/7fefd5a3-c808-4353-b5a9-98686dfc7fb0/enroll-message

    "message": "FYI: This is my cusotm enroll message"


To reduce the request response size, you can directly get the campaigns participant


curl http://localhost:8080/v1/api/campaigns/7fefd5a3-c808-4353-b5a9-98686dfc7fb0/accounts

    "accounts": [


Get all the tokens configured


curl http://localhost:8080/v1/api/tokens

    "tokens": [
            "id": "99ae3179-a06f-4c0d-92f5-6e44f1d3308a",
            "name": "GoBlank",
            "decimals": 18,
            "symbol": "",
            "contractAddresses": {
                "1": "0x41A3Dba3D677E573636BA691a70ff2D606c29666",
                "137": "0xf4C83080E80AE530d6f8180572cBbf1Ac9D5d435"



curl http://localhost:8080/v1/api/tokens/99ae3179-a06f-4c0d-92f5-6e44f1d3308a

    "token": [
            "id": "99ae3179-a06f-4c0d-92f5-6e44f1d3308a",
            "name": "GoBlank",
            "decimals": 18,
            "symbol": "",
            "contractAddresses": {
                "1": "0x41A3Dba3D677E573636BA691a70ff2D606c29666",
                "137": "0xf4C83080E80AE530d6f8180572cBbf1Ac9D5d435"

Private Endpoints

There are endpoints that are restricted to admin access. We use a Basic autentication credentials set on the request headers.

Authorization: Basic {credentials}

The credentials are of the shape: username:password based-64 encoded.


Admins may use this enpoint to create campaigns. Note that depending on the information the admin has, the body of this request may change.

For instance, in order to create a campaign, you should specify the reward token you want to use. If the token has already been used in campaign and the admin has its id (can be grabbed from the GetTokens public endpoint), he can just specify the id in the request, otherwise the admin should specify the whole information in order to create the token in the same flow.

Also, there are some restrictions regarding the campaign status, whether it is active by default or not. Here are the things admins should pay attention:

  • You can create finished campaings (end_date after than today).
  • You can activate a campaign that hasn't started yet (start_date after than today).

Last but not least, the campaign's enroll message can be specified in the request, otherwise a message will be auto-generated by the service using a prefix + the campaigns name. For instance, if the prefix is Please sign this message in order to enroll in the and the campaigns name is Staking campaign, the final enroll message will be: Please sign this message in order to enroll in the Staking campaign.


curl -X POST --location 'http://localhost:8080/v1/admin/campaigns' -d /

    "campaign": {
        "name":"Campaign 2",
        "description":"This is an active campaign",
                "create": {
        "supported_chains": [1,137]

If you want to specify the token_id you should only remove the rewards.create and add a new property with the desired token_id.

    "campaign": {
        "id": "f3fa1d90-362a-4674-8515-25d5c8b50aef",
        "supportedChains": [
        "name": "Campaign 2",
        "description": "This is an active campaign",
        "status": "CAMPAIGN_STATUS_ACTIVE",
        "startDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
        "endDate": "2023-06-01T00:00:00Z",
        "rewards": {
            "token": {
                "id": "",
                "name": "GoBlank",
                "decimals": 18,
                "symbol": "BLANK",
            "amounts": [
            "type": "REWARD_TYPE_PODIUM"
        "accounts": ["0x1fC50bFc3E5c9C937fC0baf7422d19e39b00eDBc"],
        "participants": [{
                "accountAddress": "0x1fC50bFc3E5c9C937fC0baf7422d19e39b00eDBc",
                "earlyEnrollment": false,
                "eligibility": null
        "tags": [
        "enrollMessage": "Sign this message to enroll in Campaign 2",
        "enrollmentMode": "INSTANCE_UNLIMITED_ENROLL",
        "campaignType": "CAMPAIGN_TYPE_PARTNER_OFFERS",


Admins can only update campaigns status and in case of updating the status to FINISHED they can also specify the elegible accounts. The elegible accounts may change depending on the campaign's reward type, where those campaigns which rewards are of they type PODIUM the amount of accounts should match the quantity of amounts.

Possible transitions:

  • PENDING or WAITLIST -> ACTIVE (Campaign's start_date should be after now and end_date should be before the current datetime)
  • ACTIVE -> FINISHED (must specify elegible accounts)
  • FINISHED -> FINISHED (must specify elegible accounts again)

If some of these transitions cannot fulfill what you want to do with the campaign, you should CANCEL it and create a new one.


curl -X PATCH --location 'http://localhost:8080/v1/admin/campaigns/f3fa1d90-362a-4674-8515-25d5c8b50aef' -d /



  • After made changes run make fmt and make lint to lint your code
  • If any proto is modified run make generate to generate the expected interface. Then you'll need to implement and register the handlers.


To run the test excecute make test


The REST server runs on port 8080 but, in the port 9008 another server runs that includes usage metrics.

You can retrieve the metrics by running curl localhost:9008/metrics

Code format

Before upload any change please run make fmt and make lint for code formatting and linting



This service is deployed automatically when a new version is pushed to the aws ECR. Please refer to repository to see the k8s configuration.


  1. Install AWS v2 CLI

  2. Ask for your credentials (with access to the ECRs) in the channel #devops

  3. Configure your cli with aws configure

  4. Install kubectl

Build and push

CI/CD Pipeline

  • Pushing to main using a PR will build and push a new Docker image using the first 5 characters of the commit as a version.
  • Creating a new tag will build and push a new Docker image using the the tag you've just created as a version. ** Use semver 2.0 starting with 'v'**


make docker-login
make docker-publish TAG=<semver>


BlockWallet backend service that stores and manages incentive driven campaigns.






No packages published

Contributors 4
