This is a model of the BlueROV2, including support for both the base and heavy configurations, that runs in Gazebo Garden. It uses the BuoyancyPlugin, HydrodynamicsPlugin and ThrusterPlugin.
- Debian
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
- macOS
brew install opencv
- Debian
A helper script is provided to build the models and plugins:
An example can be launched using the following commands:
Once Gazebo has been launched, you can directly send thrust commands to the BlueROV2 model in Gazebo:
scripts/ <model_name>
scripts/ <model_name>
Now launch ArduSub and ardupilot_gazebo:
Tools/autotest/ -L RATBeach -v ArduSub -f <frame> --model=JSON --out=udp: --console
where <frame>
is replaced with either vectored
for the BlueROV2 base configuration or
for the BlueROV2 Heavy configuration.
Note: if you run into problems switching between the vectored and vectored_6dof frame add the -w
option to delete all ArduSub parameters.
Use MAVProxy to send commands to ArduSub:
arm throttle
rc 3 1450
rc 3 1500
mode alt_hold
rc 5 1550
Additional information regarding the usage of each model may be found in a model's respective directory.
See original at