A command-line tool for creating sites with Initializr
sh <(curl https://raw.github.com/blackcoat/initializr-cli/master/install.sh)
By default, initializr
is installed in /usr/local/bin. If you'd like to install into another folder, set an INSTALL_PATH
INSTALL_PATH=/opt/bin sh <(curl https://raw.github.com/blackcoat/initializr-cli/master/install.sh)
Once installed, create a bare-bones site by running:
initializr <site-name>
Initializr features easy great options for creating sites from HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap templates. We can now do the same from the command line:
initializr --h5bp <site-name>
initializr --bootstrap <site-name>
initializr --responsive <site-name>