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@bkrem bkrem released this 20 Dec 22:47
· 138 commits to master since this release

What's new in v2

This list is intended as an overview of important breaking changes that were introduced with v2.0.0.

For a list of all changes compared to v1, please see the changelog.


  • Bumped React peer dependency: new minimum is react@16.x, supports react@17.x.
  • Removed d3 as peer dependency: the specific D3 modules that are necessary for react-d3-tree to function (d3-hierarchy, d3-selection, d3-shape, d3-zoom) have instead been included as direct dependencies. This means:
    • Using react-d3-tree does no longer require any version of d3 to be present as a peer dependency.
    • Mitigates an issue where multiple versions of D3 may conflict with each other (#125).
  • Typescript-first: all internal components (except unit tests) have been refactored to Typescript.
  • Transpiled code in the package is no longer minified by default (thankfully!). This means:
    • More useful stack traces.
    • Easier debugging.
  • Simpler demo integration: the demo/playground app now lives inside the repo's demo directory. The separate react-d3-tree-demo repo will be archived.
  • Removed reliance on *.css files: react-d3-tree no longer uses any CSS files internally for styling.
    • Importing CSS files globally (i.e. import "./styles.css") can cause resolution issues with some libraries/frameworks (e.g. Next.js).
  • Renamed internal CSS classNames for clarity and consistency.
    • If you were relying on react-d3-tree's internal classNames, please ensure you update references in your own CSS (e.g. .linkBase -> .rd3t-link).
    • The full list of internally used CSS classNames can be found here.


  • Removed treeUtils export.
    • treeUtils has been removed to avoid redundant complexity, abstraction and bloat in the library's package.
    • If needed for your use case, the functionality treeUtils provided can be achieved by leveraging some additional D3 modules, such as d3.csvParse + d3.stratify.
  • Moved animations behind enableLegacyTransitions prop. Animations are now disabled by default.
    • This has been done due to react-d3-tree still requiring react-transition-group@1 internally.
    • I spent a lot of time trying to get newer major versions of react-transition-group (and a couple of other libraries) to play nice with D3's imperative approach - without success - at which point I decided to move ahead with other pressing issues for v2.
    • It is recommended to avoid the enableLegacyTransitions flag if possible, as animations can be slow in large trees and you may see compatibility warnings in your console due to react-transition-group@1 relying on React lifecycle methods that will be deprecated in React 18.x.
  • Tweaked node event handler naming to be clearer and more consistent (e.g. onClick → onNodeClick).
  • Removed deprecated circleRadius prop.
  • Removed textLayout prop.
  • Removed styles prop. Styling nodes & links is now best handled via:
    • the new className props:
      • svgClassName
      • pathClassFunc
      • rootNodeClassName
      • branchNodeClassName
      • leafNodeClassName
    • the new renderCustomNodeElement prop.
  • Removed useCollapseData prop.
    • Reason: one of the key focuses for v2 was to move away from mixing concerns (raw input data and styling/tree state) inside data.
  • Consolidated the RawNodeDatum interface (i.e. the expected shape of nodes in data):
    • Merged distinct data._children and data.children into single
      data.children key.
    • Created data.__rd3t key to separate rd3t-specific data points from user input data:
      • data._collapsed -> data.__rd3t.collapsed
      • data._depth -> data.__rd3t.depth
      • ->