This script computes the average root-mean square-deviation per eigenvalue of a BandUP output file from a primitive cell (PC) spectrum.
- Choose an k-mesh for your PC calculation and calculate it with VASP.
- Use BandUP to unfold a supercell (SC) band structure onto the k-points of the k-mesh.
- The unfolded spectral data are in the output file "BandUP/step-4/plot/../...symmetry_averaged....dat".
- Copy the IBZKPT and EIGENVAL of PC calculation, the unfolded SC spectral data, and this python script in the same directory.
- Check that the parameters in the head of the python script are set to your desired setting.
- Run the script.
- This script omits degeneracies in PC spectrum. If one needs it, one should implement it by him/herself.
- The output figures are as follows:
- PC.png --- PC spectrum
- SC_raw.png --- SC intensity profile before preprocessing
- SC_refined.png --- Preprocessed SC intensity profile with noise removal and bottom of valence band alignment