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A lua module to create a mumble bot client. Supports audio playback with automatic buffering, resampling, and even recording. Uses libuv for an efficient and easy event loop.


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A lua module to connect to a mumble server and interact with it

Build requirements


sudo apt-get install cmake pkgconf libluajit-5.1-dev protobuf-c-compiler libprotobuf-c-dev libssl-dev libopus-dev libuv1-dev libsndfile1-dev libsamplerate0-dev

Note: liblua5.1-0-dev can be substituted with libluajit-5.1-dev, liblua5.2-dev, or liblua5.3-dev depending on your needs.

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S cmake pkgconf luajit protobuf-c openssl libsndfile opus libuv libsamplerate

Note: luajit can be substituted with lua5.1, lua5.2 or lua5.3 depending on your needs.

Make usage

mkdir build

cd build

# Configure
cmake .. -DLUAVER=luajit -DLUALIB=/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1

# Build

# Copies to the provided LUALIB path
make install

# Removes in the provided LUALIB path
make uninstall

If you want a debug build, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to the cmake arguments

Scripting documentation


-- The mumble library is returned by a require call
local mumble = require("mumble")

-- Create a new mumble client
mumble.client = mumble.client()

-- Main event loop that handles all events, ping, and audio processing
-- This will block the script until SIGINT or mumble.stop(), so call this *after* you create your hooks

-- Break out of the mumble.loop() call

-- The client's user
-- Is only available *after* "OnServerSync" is called
mumble.user =
mumble.user = mumble.client:getMe()
mumble.user = mumble.client:getSelf()

-- A new timer object
-- The timer itself will do a best-effort at avoiding drift, that is, if you configure a timer to trigger every 10 seconds, then it will normally trigger at exactly 10 second intervals. If, however, your program cannot keep up with the timer (because it takes longer than those 10 seconds to do stuff) the timer will not fire more than once per event loop iteration.
-- Timers will keep the reference active until mumble.timer:stop() is called, or the timer stops on its own.
-- Timers will dereference themselves if the timer is stopped after the callback funciton call.
mumble.timer = mumble.timer()

-- A new buffer object
-- Can be used to read/write raw binary data
-- Can be initialized with data or a given size
mumble.buffer = mumble.buffer([Number size or String data])

-- A new thread controller object
-- The callback function will be ran in a separate thread.
mumble.thread.controller = mumble.thread(String filename or Function callback(mumble.thread.worker worker))

-- A new voicetarget object
mumble.voicetarget = mumble.voicetarget()

-- A new opus encoder object
-- Sample rate defaults to 48000
-- Channels defaults to 2
mumble.encoder = mumble.encoder(Number samplerate = 48000, Number channels = 2)

-- A new opus decoder object
-- Sample rate defaults to 48000
-- Channels defaults to 2
mumble.decoder = mumble.decoder(Number samplerate = 48000, Number channels = 2)

-- A timestamp in milliseconds
Number time = mumble.getTime()

-- A table of all currect clients
Table clients = mumble.getClients()

-- Structure
Table clients = {


-- Begins to connect to a mumble server.
-- Returns true or false depending if we could start connecting or not.
-- If connected is false, an error string will also be returned.
-- Since this method is non-blocking, you can use the "OnConnect" hook to determine when the client has fully connected.
Boolean connecting, [ String error ] = mumble.client:connect(String host, Number port, String certificate file path, String key file path)

-- Authenticate as a user.
-- Should be called inside an "OnConnect" hook.
mumble.client:auth(String username, [ String password, Table tokens ])

-- Manually call a custom hook.
-- Returns whatever the first hook that responded returned.
Varargs ... = mumble.client:call(String hook, ...)

-- Set the bots access tokens
mumble.client:setTokens(Table tokens)

-- Check if the client is connected
Boolean connected = mumble.client:isConnected()

-- Check if the client has fully synced all users and channels
Boolean synced = mumble.client:isSynced()

-- Request the registered ban list from the server
-- When server responds, it will call the 'OnBanList' hook

-- Request the registered user list from the server
-- When server responds, it will call the 'OnUserList' hook

-- Disconnect from the connected server

-- Transmit a plugin data packet
-- User list can be a table of users or varargs
mumble.client:sendPluginData(String dataID, String plugindata, [Table {mumble.user ..}, mumble.user ..])

-- Transmit a raw, encoded, opus packet.
-- Set speaking to false at the end of a stream.
-- This should only be used if you don't plan on using mumble.client:openAudio() or mumble.client:createAudioBuffer(),
-- since this will directly conflict with the internal output of this module.
-- When audio data is streamed, it can trigger the following hooks: OnUserStartSpeaking, OnUserSpeak, OnUserStopSpeaking
mumble.client:transmit(Number codec, String encoded_audio_packet, Boolean speaking = true)

-- Open an audio file as an audio stream
-- If audiostream = nil, it will pass along an error string as to why it couldn't open the file
mumble.audiostream audiostream, [ String error ] = mumble.client:openAudio(String audio file path, Number volume = 1.0)

-- Creates a buffer that you can write raw, 32bit float, PCM data that will be output by the client as soon as it can.
-- Creating multiple buffers will result in each buffer being mixed together during transmission, for simultaneous audio streaming.
-- You should only ever use buffer:writeFloat(), but the other buffer methods are always available for whatever reason.
-- When audio data is streamed, it can trigger the following hooks: OnUserStartSpeaking, OnUserSpeak, OnUserStopSpeaking
mumble.buffer buffer = mumble.client:createAudioBuffer([Number samplerate = 48000, Number channels = 2])

-- Gets a table of all currently playing audio streams
Table audiostreams = mumble.client:getAudioStreams()

-- Structure
Table audiostreams = {
	[1]	= mumble.audiostream,
	[2]	= mumble.audiostream,

-- Sets the size of each audio packet played.
-- The larger the packet size, the less chance of static.
-- Larger  = higher audio latency.
-- Smaller = lower audio latency.

Table = {
	["TINY"]	= 1,
	["SMALL"]	= 2,
	["MEDIUM"]	= 3,
	["LARGE"]	= 4,

mumble.client:setAudioPacketSize(Number size = [TINY = 1, SMALL = 2, MEDIUM = 3, LARGE = 4])

-- Returns the current duration of each audio packet
-- Default: = 1
Number size = mumble.client:getAudioPacketSize()

-- Sets the global volume level
-- Consider this the master volume level
mumble.client:setVolume(Number volume)

-- Gets the global volume level
Number volume = mumble.client:getVolume()

-- Returns if the client is tunneling UDP voice data through the TCP connection
-- This will be true until the first "OnPongUDP" call
Boolean tunneludp = mumble.client:isTunnelingUDP()

-- Attempts to change the bots comment
mumble.client:setComment(String comment)

-- Adds a callback for a specific event
-- If no unique name is passed, it will default to "hook"
mumble.client:hook(String hook, [ String unique name = "hook" ], Function callback(mumble.client))

-- Remove a callback for a specific event
-- If no unique name is passed, it will default to "hook"
mumble.client:unhook(String hook, [ String unique name = "hook" ])

-- Gets all registered callbacks
Table hooks = mumble.client:getHooks()

-- Structure
Table hooks = {
	["OnServerSync"] = {
		["hook"] = function: 0xffffffff,
		["do stuff on connection"] = function: 0xffffffff,
	["OnPingTCP"] = {
		["hook"] = function: 0xffffffff,
		["do stuff on ping"] = function: 0xffffffff,

-- Register a mumble.voicetarget to the server
-- Accepts multiple mumble.voicetarget objects that will all be assigned to the given ID
mumble.client:registerVoiceTarget(Number id, mumble.voicetarget ...)

-- Set the current voice target that mumble.client:play() will abide by
-- Defaults to 0, the default voice target
mumble.client:setVoiceTarget(Number id)

-- Get the current voice target
Number id = mumble.client:getVoiceTarget()

-- Get the encoder object that the internal audio system uses to encode audio data
mumble.encoder encoder = mumble.client:getEncoder()

-- Get the average ping of the client
Number ping = mumble.client:getPing()

-- Get the uptime of the current client in seconds
Number time = mumble.client:getUpTime()

-- Returns a table of all mumble.users
Table users = mumble.client:getUsers()

-- Structure
-- Key:		index
-- Value:	mumble.user
Table users = {
	[1] = mumble.user,
	[2] = mumble.user,
	[3] = mumble.user,

-- Allows you to lookup a channel using a file path syntax.
-- Will default to "." for the root channel.
-- "." for current channel
-- ".." for parent channel
-- "/" for seperator
-- "name" for channel name
-- If the channel name doesn't exist, it will return nil channel = mumble.client:getChannel([String path = "."])

-- Examples
local root = mumble.client:getChannel()
local testing = mumble.client:getChannel("Testing")
local root = mumble.client:getChannel("Testing/..")

-- Returns a table of all mumble.channels
Table channels = mumble.client:getChannels()

-- Structure
-- Key:		channel id
-- Value:
Table channels = {
	[id] =,
	[id] =,

-- Request a users full texture data blob
-- Server will respond with a "OnUserState" with the requested data filled out
mumble.client:requestTextureBlob([Table {mumble.user, ...}, mumble.user ..])

-- Request a users full comment data blob
-- Server will respond with a "OnUserState" with the requested data filled out
-- After the hook is called, mumble.user:getComment() will also return the full data
mumble.client:requestCommentBlob([Table {mumble.user, ...}, mumble.user ..])

-- Request a channels full description data blob
-- Server will respond with a "OnChannelState" with the requested data filled out
-- After the hook is called, will also return the full data
mumble.client:requestDescriptionBlob(T[Table {, ...}, ..])

-- Creates a channel
-- Will be parented to the root channel
mumble.client:createChannel(String name, [ String description = "", Number position = 0, Boolean temporary = false, Number max_users = 0 ])


-- Sends a text message to a user
mumble.user:message(String host)

-- Attempts to kick a user with an optional reason value
mumble.user:kick([ String reason ])

-- Attempts to ban a user with an optional reason value
mumble.user:ban([ String reason ])

-- Attempts to move a user to a different channel
mumble.user:move( channel)

-- Attempts to mute a user
-- If no boolean is passed, it will default to muting the user
mumble.user:setMuted([ Boolean mute = true ])

-- Attempts to deafen a user
-- If no boolean is passed, it will default to deafening the user
mumble.user:setDeaf([ Boolean deaf = true ])

-- Attempts to register the users name to the server

-- Requests the users information statistics from the server
-- If no boolean is passed, it will default to requesting ALL statistics
mumble.user:requestStats([ Boolean statsonly = false ])

-- Gets the current mumble.client this user is a part of
mumble.client client = mumble.user:getClient()

-- Gets the current session number
Number session = mumble.user:getSession()

-- Gets the name of the user
String name = mumble.user:getName()

-- Gets the channel of the user channel = mumble.user:getChannel()

-- Gets the registered ID of the user
-- Is 0 for unregistered users
Number userid = mumble.user:getId()

-- Returns if the user is registered or not
Boolean registered = mumble.user:isRegistered()

-- Returns if the user is muted or not
Boolean muted = mumble.user:isMuted()

-- Returns if the user is deaf or not
Boolean deaf = mumble.user:isDeaf()

-- Returns if the user is muted or not
Boolean muted = mumble.user:isSelfMute()

-- Returns if the user is deaf or not
Boolean deaf = mumble.user:isSelfDeaf()

-- Returns if the user is suppressed by the server
Boolean suppressed = mumble.user:isSuppressed()

-- Returns the comment string of the users comment
String comment = mumble.user:getComment()

-- Returns the comments SHA1 hash
String hash = mumble.user:getCommentHash()

-- Returns if the user is speaking or not
Boolean speaking = mumble.user:isSpeaking()

-- Returns if the user is recording or not
Boolean recording = mumble.user:isRecording()

-- Returns if the user is a priority speaker or not
Boolean priority = mumble.user:isPrioritySpeaker()

-- Returns the users avatar as a string of bytes
String texture = mumble.user:getTexture()

-- Returns the users avatar as a SHA1 hash
String hash = mumble.user:getTextureHash()

-- Returns the users username SHA1 hash
String hash = mumble.user:getHash()

-- Sets the users avatar image using a string of bytes
mumble.user:setTexure(String bytes)

-- Adds a channel to the list of channels the user is listening to
-- Channel list can be a table of channels or varargs
mumble.user:listen([Table { ..}, ..])

-- Removes a channel from the list of channels the user is listening to
-- Channel list can be a table of channels or varargs
mumble.user:unlisten([Table { ..}, ..])

-- Returns if the user is listening to this channel or not
Boolean isListening = mumble.user:isListening( channel)

-- Returns a table of all channels the user is currently listening to
Table listens = mumble.user:getListens()

-- Structure
-- Key:		channel id
-- Value:
Table channels = {
	[id] =,
	[id] =,

-- Transmit a plugin data packet to this user
mumble.user:sendPluginData(String dataID, String plugindata)

-- Request a users full texture data blob
-- Server will respond with a "OnUserState" with the requested data filled out
-- After the hook is called, mumble.user:getTexture() will also return the full data

-- Request a users full comment data blob
-- Server will respond with a "OnUserState" with the requested data filled out
-- After the hook is called, mumble.user:getComment() will also return the full data

-- Starts recording a users voice output to an ogg file.
-- Will return nil and an error string if it failed to create the file.
Boolean success, [String error] = mumble.user:startRecord(String oggFilePath)

-- Will return true if we successfully stopped recording.
-- Will return false if the user wasn't being recorded.
Boolean success = mumble.user:stopRecord()

-- Returns if the user is being recorded or not.
Boolean isBeingRecorded = mumble.user:isBeingRecorded()

-- Gets a channel relative to the current channel = path) parents_parent ="../..") child ="Child")

-- Sends a text message to the entire channel message)

-- Attempts to set the channels description description)

-- Attempts to remove the channel

-- Gets the current mumble.client this channel is a part of
mumble.client client =

-- Gets the channels name
String name =

-- Gets the channel ID
Number id =

-- Gets the parent channel
-- Returns nil on root channel channel =

-- Returns the channels that are parented to the channel
Table children =

-- Returns the users that are currently within the channel
Table users =

-- Structure
-- Key:		index
-- Value:	mumble.user
Table users = {
	[1] = mumble.user,
	[2] = mumble.user,
	[3] = mumble.user,

-- Gets the channels description
String description =

-- Gets the channels description SHA1 hash
String hash =

-- Returns if the channel is temporary or not
Boolean temporary =

-- Returns the channels position
Number position =

-- Gets the max number of users allowed in this channel
Number max =

-- Returns a table of all linked channels
Number linked =

-- Attempts to link channel(s)
-- Channel list can be a table of channels or varargs[Table { ..}, ..])

-- Attempts to unlink channel(s)
-- Channel list can be a table of channels or varargs[Table { ..}, ..])

-- Returns if the client is restricted from entering the channel
-- NOTE: *Will only work in mumble version 1.4+*
Boolean restricted =

-- Returns if the client is able to enter the channel
-- NOTE: *Will only work in mumble version 1.4+*
Boolean enter =

-- Request ACL config for the channel
-- When server responds, it will call the 'OnACL' hook

-- Request permissions for the channel
-- When server responds, it will call the 'OnPermissionQuery' hook

-- Gets the permissions value for the channel
Number permissions =

-- Gets the permissions value for the channel
Boolean permission = flag)

-- Request a users full texture data blob
-- Server will respond with a "OnChannelState" with the requested data filled out
-- After the hook is called, will also return the full data

-- Creates a channel
-- Will be parented to the channel that this method was called from name, String description = "", Number position = 0, Boolean temporary = false, Number max_users = 0)


-- Run the timer with a given callback function.
-- The callback function will first be called after the initial delay.
-- If the timers repeat value is > 0, it will then repeat over using the repeat value as the delay.
-- While the timer is running, the timer will not be garbage collected.
-- It will only be garabage collected once the timer stops on its own, or mumble.timer:stop() is called.
mumble.timer = mumble.timer:start(Function callback(mumble.timer), Number after = 0, Number repeat = 0)

-- Stops the timer and readies the timer for garabage collection

-- Pauses the timer
-- Will error out if the timer is not repeating or hasn't been started previously.

-- Restarts the timer and sets the iteration count back to 0
-- Will error out if the timer is not repeating or hasn't been started previously.

-- Resumes the timer
-- Will error out if the timer is not repeating or hasn't been started previously.

-- Sets the timers delay and repeat values
mumble.timer:set(Number after, [ Number repeat = 0 ])

-- Gets the timers delay and repeat values
Number after, Number repeat = mumble.timer:get()

-- Sets the timers delay value
mumble.timer:setDuration(Number after)

-- Gets the timers delay value
Number after = mumble.timer:getDuration()

-- Sets the timers repeat value
mumble.timer:setRepeat(Number repeat)

-- Gets the timers repeat value
Number repeat = mumble.timer:getRepeat()

-- Retruns if the timer is currently running
Boolean running = mumble.timer:isActive()

-- Get how many times the timer has looped
Number count = mumble.timer:getCount()

-- Get how many seconds remain until the callback is triggered
Number remain = mumble.timer:getRemain()

mumble.timer = mumble.timer:set(Number after, Number repeat = 0)

-- Returns if the timer is currently running or not.
Boolean active = mumble.timer:isActive()

-- Returns if the timer is currently paused or not.
Boolean paused = mumble.timer:isPaused()


A buffer object used to read/write data from. It will dynamically adjust its capacity to fit all written data.

-- Packs the buffer, moving all remaining data that has not been read to the start.
-- BEFORE PACK = [1234|5678|]
--          Read head ^    ^ Write head
-- AFTER PACK = [|5678|]
--     Read head ^    ^ Write head
-- If the read head and write head are in the same position, the buffer is cleared.

-- Resets the buffer, setting the read head and write head to the start.
-- Esentially empties the buffer, but the capacity will remain the same.

-- Flips the buffer, preparing it for reading by setting the position to 0
-- Does not alter the write head, so data can continue to be written to it.

-- Get the length of the buffer
Number length = buffer.length
Number length = #buffer

-- Get a byte from the buffer without reading
String byte = buffer[Number index]

-- Returns the capacity of the buffer, which is the total amount of space allocated
Number capacity = buffer.capacity

-- Returns if the buffer has no data available to be read.
-- Works by checking if the read head position equals the write head position.
Boolean isEmpty = buffer:isEmpty()

-- Returns the current read_head position in the buffer
Number read_head = buffer.read_head, same as buffer:seek("read")

-- Returns the current write_head position in the buffer
Number write_head = buffer.write_head, same as buffer:seek("write")

-- Will attempt to seek to a given position via offset numbers.
-- See:
-- Returns the offset that it has seeked to.
-- Mode defaults to "read"
-- Whence defaults to "cur"
-- Offset defaults to 0
-- If the mode is set to "both" the read and write values will be returned.
Number position = buffer:seek([String mode ["read", "write", "both"] = "read", String whence ["set", "cur", "end"] = "cur", offset = 0])

-- Write the given string to the buffer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the buffer
Number written = buffer:write(String data)

-- Reads the specified number of bytes from the buffer and returns the data as a string
-- Accepts multiple arguments, like buffer:read(4, 6, "*all")
String data = buffer:read([Number length, String format, ..]

-- Write a single byte to the buffer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the buffer
Number written = buffer:writeByte(Number value)

-- Reads a single byte from the buffer and returns it
Number value = buffer:readByte()

-- Write a short integer to the buffer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the buffer
Number written = buffer:writeShort(Number value)

-- Reads a short integer from the buffer and returns it
Number value = buffer:readShort()

-- Write a 32-bit integer to the buffer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the buffer
Number written = buffer:writeInt(Number value)

-- Reads a 32-bit integer from the buffer and returns it
Number value = buffer:readInt()

-- Write a variable-length integer to the buffer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the buffer
Number written = buffer:writeVarInt(Number value)

-- Reads a variable-length integer from the buffer and returns it
Number value = buffer:readVarInt()

-- Write a float to the buffer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the bufferbuffer
Number written = buffer:writeFloat(Number value)

-- Reads a float from the buffer and returns it
Number value = buffer:readFloat()

-- Write a double to the buffer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the buffer
Number written = buffer:writeDouble(Number value)

-- Reads a double from the buffer and returns it
Number value = buffer:readDouble()

-- Write a string to the buffer, including its length as a variable-length integer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the buffer
Number written = buffer:writeString(String value)

-- Reads a string from the buffer, using a variable-length integer to determine its size
String value = buffer:readString()

-- Write a boolean value (as 0 or 1) to the buffer
-- Returns how many bytes were written to the buffer
Number written = buffer:writeBool(Boolean value)

-- Reads a boolean value from the buffer (returns true or false)
Boolean value = buffer:readBool()


-- Sets a callback function that will be called when the worker is joined back into the controller thread.
mumble.thread.controller = mumble.thread.controller:onFinish(Function callback(mumble.thread.controller))

-- Sets a callback function that will be called when the controller receives a message from the worker.
mumble.thread.controller = mumble.thread.controller:onMessage(Function callback(String message))

-- Sends a message to the worker thread.
mumble.thread.controller = mumble.thread.controller:send([String message, mumble.buffer message])

-- Blocks the main thread until the worker completes.
mumble.thread.controller = mumble.thread.controller:join()


-- Sleep the worker thread for however many milliseconds.
mumble.thread.worker = mumble.thread.worker:sleep(Number milliseconds)

-- Keep the thread open until singnaled to close.
-- Allows us to receive messages using mumble.worker.onMessage.
mumble.thread.worker = mumble.thread.worker:loop()

-- Signals the thread to exit its loop.
mumble.thread.worker = mumble.thread.worker:stop()

-- A new buffer object. (shortcut for mumble.buffer())
-- Can be used to read/write raw binary data.
-- Can be initialized with data or a given size.
mumble.buffer = mumble.thread.worker:buffer([Number size, String data])

-- Sets a callback function that will be called when the worker receives a message from the controller.
mumble.thread.controller = mumble.thread.controller:onMessage(Function callback(String message))

-- Sends a message to the controller thread.
mumble.thread.controller = mumble.thread.controller:send([String message, mumble.buffer message])

Thread examples

--local thread = mumble.thread("thread.lua")

local outsideValue = "outside scope"

local thread = mumble.thread(function(worker)
	-- This function is ran in a separate thread and will not block.
	-- The scope of this function starts here and can not access upvalues from the outer scope.
	print("outsideValue", outsideValue) -- outsideValue is nil here.
	worker:send("my work has begun")
	for i=1,3 do
		worker:send("hello " .. i)
	worker:send("my work has completed")
end):onMessage(function(t, msg)
	-- Use this to receive data from the worker thread.
	print("worker: " ..  msg)
	-- Thread was joined back into our main thread.
	print("thread finished", t)


outsideValue    nil
worker: my work has begun
worker: hello 1
worker: hello 2
thread finished mumble.thread.controller: 0x7ffff7b7bc70
worker: hello 3
worker: my work has completed


-- When running a file in a thread, the worker will be passed in as arg[1]
local worker = ...

-- This function is ran in a separate thread and will not block.
-- The scope of this function starts here and can not access upvalues from the outer scope.
worker:send("my work has begun")
for i=1,3 do
	worker:send("hello " .. i)
worker:send("my work has completed")


-- Add a user to whisper to
mumble.voicetarget:addUser(mumble.user user)

-- Return a table of all the users currently in the voicetarget
Table users = mumble.voicetarget:getUsers()

-- Structure
-- Key:		index
-- Value:	Number session
Table channels = {
	Number session,
	Number session,

-- Sets the channel that is be shouted to
mumble.voicetarget:setChannel( channel)

-- Gets the channel that is shouted to

-- Sets the specific user group to whisper to
mumble.voicetarget:setGroup(String group)

-- Gets the group name we are whispering to
String group = mumble.voicetarget:getGroup()

-- Shout to the linked channels of the set channel
mumble.voicetarget:setLinks(Boolean followlinks)

-- Returns if we are currently shouting to linked channels of the set channel
Boolean links = mumble.voicetarget:getLinks()

-- Shout to the children of the set channel
mumble.voicetarget:setChildren(Boolean followchildren)

-- Returns if we are currently shouting to children of the set channel
Boolean children = mumble.voicetarget:getChildren()


-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_FINAL_RANGE
Number range = mumble.encoder:getFinalRange()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_PITCH
Number pitch = mumble.encoder:getPitch()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_BANDWIDTH
Number bandwidth = mumble.encoder:getBandwidth()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_SAMPLE_RATE
Number samplerate = mumble.encoder:getSamplerate()

Boolen inversion = mumble.encoder:getPhaseInversionDisabled()

mumble.encoder:setPhaseInversionDisabled(Boolean inversion)

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_IN_DTX
Boolen indtx = mumble.encoder:getInDTX()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_COMPLEXITY
Number bitrate = mumble.encoder:getComplexity()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY
mumble.encoder:setComplexity(Number complexity)

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_BITRATE
Number bitrate = mumble.encoder:getBitRate()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_SET_BITRATE
mumble.encoder:setBitRate(Number bitrate)

-- Encode X number of pcm 16 bit short frames into an opus audio packet
String encoded = mumble.encoder:encode(Number frames, String pcm)

-- Encode X number of pcm 32 bit float frames into an opus audio packet
String encoded = mumble.encoder:encodeFloat(Number frames, String pcm)


-- Equivalent to OPUS_RESET_STATE

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_FINAL_RANGE
Number range = mumble.decoder:getFinalRange()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_PITCH
Number pitch = mumble.decoder:getPitch()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_BANDWIDTH
Number bandwidth = mumble.decoder:getBandwidth()

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_SAMPLE_RATE
Number samplerate = mumble.decoder:getSamplerate()

Boolen inversion = mumble.decoder:getPhaseInversionDisabled()

mumble.decoder:setPhaseInversionDisabled(Boolean inversion)

-- Equivalent to OPUS_GET_IN_DTX
Boolen indtx = mumble.decoder:getInDTX()

-- Decode an opus audio packet into raw PCM data
String decoded = mumble.decoder:decode(String encoded)

-- Decode an opus audio packet into raw PCM float data
String decoded = mumble.decoder:decodeFloat(String encoded)


Click here for a list of supported audio formats

All audio will be resampled to 48000 Hz and remixed to stereo.

-- Returns if this audio stream is currently playing or not
Boolean isplaying = mumble.audiostream:isPlaying()

-- Sets the volume of the audio stream
-- Returns itself so you can stack calls
-- example: client:openOgg("file.ogg"):setVolume(0.5):setLooping(true):play()
mumble.audiostream = mumble.audiostream:setVolume(Number volume)

-- Gets the volume of the audio stream
Number volume = mumble.audiostream:getVolume()

-- Pause the audio

-- Resume playing the audio

-- Pauses the audio AND resets playback to the beginning
-- Will remove the stream from the mumble.client:getAudioStreams() table

-- Fade the volume to the specified volume over the duration.
mumble.audiostream:fadeTo(Number volume, Number duration = 1)

-- Fade the volume to 0 over the duration and stop playing.
mumble.audiostream:fadeOut(Number duration = 1)

-- Will attempt to seek to a given position via sample numbers.
-- See:
-- Returns the offset that it has seeked to.
-- Mode defaults to "read"
-- Whence defaults to "cur"
-- Offset defaults to 0
Number samples = mumble.audiostream:seek(String whence ["set", "cur", "end"] = "cur", Number offset = 0)

-- Returns the duration of the stream given the unit type
Number samples/seconds = mumble.audiostream:getLength(String units ["seconds", "samples"])

-- Returns a table of information about the audio file.
Table info = mumble.audiostream:getInfo()

-- Structure
-- Key:		String
-- Value:	Number
Table info = {
	["channels"] = Number channels,
	["sample_rate"] = Number sample_rate,
	["setup_memory_required"] = Number setup_memory_required,
	["setup_temp_memory_required"] = Number setup_temp_memory_required,
	["temp_memory_required"] = Number temp_memory_required,
	["max_frame_size"] = Number max_frame_size

-- Returns the title of the file.
-- Will return nil if not available.
String title = mumble.audiostream:getTitle()

-- Returns the artist of the file.
-- Will return nil if not available.
String artist = mumble.audiostream:getArtist()

-- Returns the copyright of the file.
-- Will return nil if not available.
String title = mumble.audiostream:getCopyright()

-- Returns the software the file was created in.
-- Will return nil if not available.
String title = mumble.audiostream:getSoftware()

-- Returns the comments of the file.
-- Will return nil if not available.
String comments = mumble.audiostream:getComments()

-- Enables the audio stream to loop to the beginning when reaching the end.
-- Boolean = true will cause it to loop forever.
-- Number = Will loop X amount of times before eventually stopping.
-- Returns itself so you can stack calls.
-- example: client:openOgg("file.ogg"):setVolume(0.5):setLooping(true):play()
mumble.audiostream = mumble.audiostream:setLooping([Boolean loop, Number loop_count])

-- Returns if the stream is looping or not
Boolean looping = mumble.audiostream:isLooping()

-- Retuns how many more times the stream will loop before stopping.
-- If you used setLooping(true), this will return math.huge (inf)
Number count = mumble.audiostream:getLoopCount()


Table mumble.acl = {
	NONE = 0x0,
	WRITE = 0x1,
	TRAVERSE = 0x2,
	ENTER = 0x4,
	SPEAK = 0x8,
	MUTE_DEAFEN = 0x10,
	MOVE = 0x20,
	WHISPER = 0x100,
	TEXT_MESSAGE = 0x200,
	LISTEN = 0x800,

	-- Root channel only
	KICK = 0x10000,
	BAN = 0x20000,
	REGISTER = 0x40000,
	SELF_REGISTER = 0x80000,

	CACHED = 0x8000000,


Table mumble.reject = {
	[0] = "None",
	[1] = "WrongVersion",
	[2] = "InvalidUsername",
	[3] = "WrongUserPW",
	[4] = "WrongServerPW",
	[5] = "UsernameInUse",
	[6] = "ServerFull",
	[7] = "NoCertificate",
	[8] = "AuthenticatorFail",


Table mumble.deny = {
	[0]  = "Text",
	[1]  = "Permission",
	[2]  = "SuperUser",
	[3]  = "ChannelName",
	[4]  = "TextTooLong",
	[5]  = "H9K",
	[6]  = "TemporaryChannel",
	[7]  = "MissingCertificate",
	[8]  = "UserName",
	[9]  = "ChannelFull",
	[10] = "NestingLimit",
	[11] = "ChannelCountLimit",


OnConnect (mumble.client client)

Called when the connection to the server is fully established.

OnDisconnect (mumble.client client, String reason)

Called when the connection to the server is disconnected for any reason.

OnServerVersion (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the server version information is recieved.

Table event = {
	["version"]		= Number version,
	["release"]		= String release,
	["os"]			= String os,
	["os_version"]	= String os_version,

OnPongTCP (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the server sends a responce to a TCP ping request.

Table event = {
	["ping"]			= Number ping,
	["timestamp"]		= Number timestamp,
	["good"]			= Number good,
	["late"]			= Number late,
	["lost"]			= Number lost,
	["resync"]			= Number resync,
	["udp_packets"]		= Number udp_packets,
	["tcp_packets"]		= Number tcp_packets,
	["udp_ping_avg"]	= Number udp_ping_avg,
	["udp_ping_var"]	= Number udp_ping_var,
	["tcp_ping_avg"]	= Number tcp_ping_avg,
	["tcp_ping_var"]	= Number tcp_ping_var,

OnPongUDP (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the server sends a responce to a UDP ping request.

Table event = {
	["ping"]			= Number ping,
	["timestamp"]		= Number timestamp,

OnServerReject (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when you are rejected from connecting to the server.

Table event = {
	["type"]	= mumble.reject type,
	["reason"]	= String reason,

OnServerSync (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called after the bot has recieved all the mumble.user and states.

Table event = {
	["user"]			= mumble.user user,
	["max_bandwidth"]	= Number max_bandwidth,
	["welcome_text"]	= String welcome_text,
	["permissions"]		= Number permissions,

OnChannelRemove (mumble.client client, channel)

Called when a is removed.

OnChannelState (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when a state has changed.. Like updating the name, description, position, comment, etc.. Not every value will always be set. Only the fields that are currently changing will be set!

Table event = {
	["channel"]				= channel,
	["parent"]				= parent,
	["channel_id"]			= Number channel_id,
	["position"]			= Number position,
	["max_users"]			= Number max_users,
	["name"]				= String name,
	["description"]			= String description,
	["description_hash"]	= String description_hash,
	["temporary"]			= Boolean temporary,
	["is_enter_restricted"]	= Boolean is_enter_restricted,
	["can_enter"]			= Boolean can_enter,
	["links"]				= {
		[1] = channel,
	["links_add"]			= {
		[1] = channel,
	["links_remove"]		= {
		[1] = channel,

OnUserChannel (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when a mumble.user changes their channel

Table event = {
	["user"]	= mumble.user user,
	["actor"]	= mumble.user actor,
	["from"]	= from,
	["to"]		= to,

OnUserRemove (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when a mumble.user disconnects or is kicked from the server

Table event = {
	["user"]	= mumble.user user,
	["actor"]	= mumble.user actor,
	["reason"]	= String reason,
	["ban"]		= Boolean ban,

OnUserConnect (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when a mumble.user has connected to the server

Table event = {
	["user"]	= mumble.user user,

OnUserState (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when a mumble.user state has changed.. Like updating their comment, moving channels, muted, deafened, etc.. Not every value will always be set. Only the fields that are currently changing will be set!

Table event = {
	["user_id"]				= Number user_id,
	["session"]				= Number session,
	["actor"]				= mumble.user actor,
	["user"]				= mumble.user user,
	["channel"]				= channel,
	["mute"]				= Boolean mute,
	["deaf"]				= Boolean deaf,
	["self_mute"]			= Boolean self_mute,
	["self_deaf"]			= Boolean self_deaf,
	["suppress"]			= Boolean suppress,
	["recording"]			= Boolean recording,
	["priority_speaker"]	= Boolean priority_speaker,
	["name"]				= String name,
	["comment"]				= String comment,
	["texture"]				= String texture,
	["hash"]				= String hash,
	["comment_hash"]		= String comment_hash,
	["texture_hash"]		= String texture_hash,

OnUserStartSpeaking (mumble.client client, mumble.user)

Called when a user starts to transmit voice data.

OnUserStopSpeaking (mumble.client client, mumble.user)

Called when a user stops transmitting voice data.

OnUserSpeak (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when a user starts to transmit voice data.

Table event = {
	["user"]			= mumble.user user,
	["codec"]			= Number codec,
	["target"]			= Number target,
	["sequence"]		= Number sequence,
	["data"]			= String encoded_opus_packet,	-- Raw encoded audio data
	["frame_header"]	= Number frame_header,			-- The frame header usually contains a length and terminator bit
	["speaking"]		= Boolean speaking,				-- Is false when this is the last audio packet for the speaking user.
	["channels"]		= Number channels,				-- How many channels were detected in this opus packet.
	["bandwidth"]		= Number bandwidth,				-- How much bandwidth this opus packet uses.
	["samples_per_frame"] = Number samples_per_frame,	-- How many samples per frame this opus packet has.

Audio loopback example

local decoder = mumble.decoder()
local echoing
local option = 1

client:hook("OnUserSpeak", function(client, event)
	if == event.user then return end

	-- We have two ways to echo voice data back

	if option == 1 then

		-- Create an audio buffer for this user
		-- This allows multiple people to be echoed at once
		if not event.user.audiobuffer then
			event.user.audiobuffer = client:createAudioBuffer()

		-- Option 1
		-- Decode the audio data and write it to our audiostream.
		-- This will be properly mixed with any audio streams that are playing. (via client:openAudio("sound.mp3"):play())
		local decoded = decoder:decodeFloat(


	elseif option == 2 and not echoing then

		-- Option 2
		-- Transmit the encoded data back directly.
		-- This will not sound right if any audio streams are playing. (via client:openAudio("sound.mp3"):play())
		client:transmit(event.codec,, event.speaking)

		-- Keep echoing until the user stops speaking
		echoing = speaking and event.user or nil


OnBanList (mumble.client client, Table banlist)

Called on response to a mumble.client:requestBanList() call

Table banlist = {
	[1] = {
		["address"] = {
			["string"]	= String ipaddress,
			["ipv4"]	= Boolean isipv4,
			["ipv6"]	= Boolean isipv6,
			["data"]	= Table raw,
		["mask"]		= Number ip_mask,
		["name"]		= String name,
		["hash"]		= String hash,
		["reason"]		= String reason,
		["start"]		= String start,
		["duration"]	= Number duration

OnMessage (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the bot receives a text message

Table event = {
	["actor"]		= mumble.user actor,
	["message"]		= String message,
	["users"]		= Table users,
	["channels"]	= Table channels, -- will be nil when receiving a direct message
	["direct"]		= Boolean direct

OnPermissionDenied (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when an action is performed that you don't have permission to do

Table event = {
	["type"]		= Number type,
	["permission"]	= Number permission,
	["channel"]		= channel,
	["user"]		= mumble.user user,
	["reason"]		= String reason,
	["name"]		= String name,

OnACL (mumble.client client, Table acl)

Called when ACL data is received from a request

Table acl = {
	["channel"]      = channel,
	["inherit_acls"] = Boolean inherit_acls,
	["groups"]       = {
		[1] = {
			["name"]        = String group_name,
			["inherited"]   = Boolean inherited,
			["inheritable"] = Boolean inheritable,
			["add"] = {
				[1] = Number user_id,
			["remove"] = {
				[1] = Number user_id,
			["inherited_members"] = {
				[1] = Number user_id,
	["acls"]       = {
		[1] = {
			["apply_here"]  = Boolean apply_here,
			["apply_subs"]  = Boolean apply_subs,
			["inherited"]   = Boolean inherited,
			["user_id"]     = Number user_id,
			["group"]       = String group,
			["grant"]       = Number grant, -- This number is a flag that determines what this group is allowed to do
			["deny"]        = Number deny,  -- This number is a flag that determines what this group is NOT allowed to do

OnCryptSetup (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the server sends UDP encryption keys to the client.

Table event = {
	["valid"]			= Boolean valid,
	["key"]				= String key,
	["client_nonce"]	= String client_nonce,
	["server_nonce"]	= String server_nonce,

OnUserList (mumble.client client, Table userlist)

Called on response to a mumble.client:requestUsers() call

Table userlist = {
	[1] = {
		["user_id"]			= Number user_id,
		["name"]			= String name,
		["last_seen"]		= String last_seen,
		["last_channel"]	= last_channel,

OnPermissionQuery (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the bot recieves permissions for a channel.

Table event = {
	["channel"]			= channel,
	["permissions"]		= Number permissions,
	["flush"]			= Boolean flush,

OnCodecVersion (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the bot recieves the codec info from the server.

Table event = {
	["alpha"]			= Number alpha,
	["beta"]			= Number beta,
	["prefer_alpha"]	= Boolean prefer_alpha,
	["opus"]			= Boolean opus,

OnUserStats (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the mumble.user's detailed statistics are received from the server. Only sent if mumble.user:requestStats() is called.

Table event = {
	["user"]				= mumble.user actor,
	["stats_only"]			= Boolean stats_only,
	["certificates"]		= Table certificates,
	["from_client"]			= {
		["good"]	= Number good,
		["late"]	= Number late,
		["lost"]	= Number lost,
		["resync"]	= Number resync,
	["from_server"]			= {
		["good"]	= Number good,
		["late"]	= Number late,
		["lost"]	= Number lost,
		["resync"]	= Number resync,
	["udp_packets"]			= Number udp_packets,
	["tcp_packets"]			= Number tcp_packets,
	["udp_ping_avg"]		= Number udp_ping_avg,
	["udp_ping_var"]		= Number udp_ping_var,
	["tcp_ping_avg"]		= Number tcp_ping_avg,
	["tcp_ping_var"]		= Number tcp_ping_var,
	["version"]				= Number version,
	["release"]				= String release,
	["os"]					= String os,
	["os_version"]			= String os_version,
	["certificates"]		= Table celt_versions,
	["address"]				= {
		["string"]	= String ipaddress,
		["ipv4"]	= Boolean isipv4,
		["ipv6"]	= Boolean isipv6,
		["data"]	= Table raw,
	["bandwidth"]			= Number bandwidth,
	["onlinesecs"]			= Number onlinesecs,
	["idlesecs"]			= Number idlesecs,
	["strong_certificate"]	= Boolean strong_certificate,
	["opus"]				= Boolean opus,

OnServerConfig (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the servers settings are received. Usually called after OnServerSync

Table event = {
	["max_bandwidth"]			= Number max_bandwidth,
	["welcome_text"]			= String welcome_text,
	["allow_html"]				= Boolean allow_html,
	["message_length"]			= Number message_length,
	["image_message_length"]	= Number image_message_length,
	["max_users"]				= Number max_users,

OnSuggestConfig (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the servers suggest the client to use specific settings.

Table event = {
	["version"]					= Number version,
	["positional"]				= Boolean positional,
	["push_to_talk"]			= Boolean push_to_talk,

OnPluginData (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called when the client receives plugin data from the server.

Table event = {
	["sender"] = mumble.user sender, -- Who sent this data packet
	["id"]     = Number id,          -- The data ID of this packet
	["data"]   = String data,        -- The data sent (can be binary data)
	["receivers"]				= {  -- A table of who is receiving this data
		[1] = mumble.user,

OnError (mumble.client client, String error)

Called when an error occurs inside a hook. WARNING: Erroring within this hook will cause an error on the line where mumble.loop() is called, causing the script to exit

OnPingTCP (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called just before a TCP ping is sent to the server. This updates the users statistics found on their information panel. The mumble.client will automatically ping the server every 30 seconds within mumble.loop()

Table event = {
	["timestamp"]		= Number timestamp,
	["good"]			= Number good,
	["late"]			= Number late,
	["lost"]			= Number lost,
	["resync"]			= Number resync,
	["udp_packets"]		= Number udp_packets,
	["tcp_packets"]		= Number tcp_packets,
	["udp_ping_avg"]	= Number udp_ping_avg,
	["udp_ping_var"]	= Number udp_ping_var,
	["tcp_ping_avg"]	= Number tcp_ping_avg,
	["tcp_ping_var"]	= Number tcp_ping_var,

OnPingUDP (mumble.client client, Table event)

Called just before a UDP ping is sent to the server. The mumble.client will automatically ping the server every 30 seconds within mumble.loop()

Table event = {
	["timestamp"]		= Number timestamp,

OnAudioStream (mumble.client client, Number samplerate, Number channels, Number frames)

Called just before any playing audio streams are encoded and transmitted.

Sinwave tone example

local samples = 0
local time = 0
local audiostream = client:createAudioBuffer()

client:hook("OnAudioStream", function(client, samplerate, channels, frames)
	-- The client is about to encode and stream x amount of frames
	-- Samplerate will always be 48000
	-- Channels will always be 2
	-- Frames will be based off the audio packet size
	for i=1,frames do
		samples = samples + 1
		time = samples / samplerate
		for c=1,channels do
			-- Write a 600hz tone to both channels for this frame
			-- Whatever is written to the output buffer will be mixed with any playing mumble.audiostream
			audiostream:writeFloat(math.sin(2 * math.pi * 600 * time))

OnAudioStreamEnd (mumble.client client, mumble.audiostream stream)

Called when a sound file has finished playing. Passes the the audio stream that finished.


A lua module to create a mumble bot client. Supports audio playback with automatic buffering, resampling, and even recording. Uses libuv for an efficient and easy event loop.








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