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CSS for real

Please note that this is work in progress and that everything is not in place, not everyone that should have been attributed with content has been, please be patient with things that are still missing.

This material is to a large extent based on the excellent Udemy course CSS - The Complete Guide (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass).

If you're like me and are using CSS on a daily basis, yet find yourself constantly searching for answers on the internet and stack overflow to fix or implement what seems like basic layout issues, this set of exersizes are for you. You might also find this material useful if you're in the process of learning web development and CSS or if you are brushing up on that skillset and find yourself wanting to explore in more detail some of the features of CSS and web layout that you come across.

Setting up your development environment

It is beyond the scope of this workshop to go into the configuration of individual tools for developing and maintaining CSS and web applications in general. That being said, to follow along in the workshop material, you are going to need some things.

Editor of choice

Any IDE where you are comfortable working will do, I will however recommend a couple of options.

  • Visual Studio Code - A good, free and cross platform option for working with web development and scripting.
  • Atom - Free, potent editor with a huge number of capabilities available as plugins.


I would recommend that you at least install Chrome, but preferrably other browsers as well so that you can better examine the results of your CSS code. The examples illustrated as part of this workshop will mostly be using chrome since that is the browser that I find to have the most useful debugging tools when it comes to CSS and web development in general.


In this repository and associated material I present a set of exersizes that you can explore to further your understanding of some CSS3 topic. The exersizes are organized by topic ranging from beginner level through intermediary and all the way to some of the more advanced topics dealing with more recent additions to CSS and web layout.

You are free to explore the exersizes in whatever order you see fit. They all build upon each other and include the result from the previous making it possible to go through them one by one, starting at some point where you feel you would benefit the most, or selecting any of them and focusing on some particular topic. As an example web page I have used a fictive business web page of a paint supply vendor, Colorisious Inc., that you might contact when you need to do a new paint job on your house.

How to use an exersize

In the table below I have listed all the exersizes. The first one with a very basic HTML page tasking you to introduce your very first CSS into the page. Ranging through a wide variety of topics the following exersizes lets you examine diferent aspects of CSS.

Each of the exercises is contained in its own folder containing a detailing the goals of the exersize along with a description of the included files.

Exercise # Start tag End tag Description Topic keywords
1 inline-css__start inline-css__end Inlining CSS basics, inclusion, inlining
2 style-tag__start style-tag__end Applying CSS using a style tag basics, inclusion, embedded
3 externalizing-css__start externalizing-css__end Externalizing CSS rules into a separate file basics, inclusion
4 basic-selectors__start basic-selectors__end Basic selector types basics
5 cascading-and-specifity__start cascading-and-specifity__end About Cascading and Specifity, how properties are applied basics, selection, overriding
6 basic-fonts__start basic-fonts__end About built in font families and Google fonts basics, basic-property
7 inheritance__start inheritance__end Inheritance and specificity of inheritance basics, selection, overriding
8 combinators__start combinators__end Using CSS combinators basics, selection
9 box-model__start box-model__end The Box model basics, element-behaviour
10 box-sizing__start box-sizeing__end How elements get their size basics, element-behaviour
11 margin-collapsing__start margin-collapsing__end Overlapping margins and collapsing basics, element-behaviour
12 display-property__start display-property__end The display property, block, inline and inline-block basics, element-behaviour
13 pseudo__start pseudo__end Pseudo classes and pseudo elements intermediate, selection
14 important__start important__end About !important and when to use it intermediate, selection, overriding
15 browser-support__start browser-support___start How to find out what the browsers support basics, compatibility
16 retailer-display__start retailer-display___end Adding a retailer display to our sample site basics, practice
17 product-short-list__start product-short-list__end Building the product short list on the main page basics, practice
18 footer__start footer__end Including a footer basics, practice
19 new-page__start new-page__end A new page and sharing the CSS basics, practice
20 absolute__start absolute__end Using absolute positioninig intermediate, positioning
21 fixed__start fixed__end Using fixed positioning intermediate, positioning
22 sticky__start sticky__end Using sticky positioning intermediate, positioning
23 background__start background__end Background properties and working with background images intermediate, positioning
24 units__start units__end Different CSS units and their use cases. intermediate, sizing
25 responsive__start responsive__end Using responsive design for the example web page intermediate, overriding, media
26 flexbox__start flexbox__start Using flexbox advanced, layout


In addition, I have gathered a set of useful resources that I'm including in this README that might be of use when you need to look something up or otherwise have some web design need that you need to adress. This includes generators for font size, color schemes and more.

Resource Link Description
CSS Home The CSS Home page where you can find CSS related news as well as information about the current standard and the CSS working group
Chrome Download the Google Chrome browser
Firefox Download the Mozilla Firefox browser
Visual Studio Code Download the Visual Studio Code editor (Win / MacOS / Linux)
Atom Download the Atom editor
MDN CSS Docs Mozilla Developer Network documentation for CSS
MDN HTML Docs Mozilla Developer Network documentation for HTML
Can I Use Web development browser support and market shares
Coloors Online color theme generator
Optimizilla Optimizilla Online Image Compressor (somewhat add heavy, but really useful)
Specifity Calculator by Keegan Street Online Specifity Calculator that can be used to examine selector expressions for specifity
Type Scale Online font sizing tool for web pages

I have tried to highlight resources again as they become relevant for some particular exersize.


CSS in depth workshop






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