Minor tooling and documentation update release
Ignore dev files 947e041
Update semver selector for axios to latest release 65c637e
Tidy up vscode config 6c740e0
jsdoc corrections; clamp buildBrightnessState c9071ad
Update devcontainer configuration 9e4cbb8
Add matrix test definition for LTS and current Node.js versions; Save test-reports e86c132
Update ava and @ava/typescript; Update transient dependencies 34ec6eb
Create dependabot.yml 0a2b2be
security: update vulnerable version of node/tar e2cee06
chore: tidy jsdoc strings; minor reformatting e4900e5
Run up to date, audited 273 packages in 859ms b5d5d26
Sort imports; Format with prettier; test against Node 20.x locally b72a5d5
Update README with CircleCI build status badge 3517c02
Update to latest versions of all dependencies e7894e6
Move to cimg/node:20.x and docker small 02827d3
1.8.0 6c4a37c
Run npm pkg fix 053de03
Bump copyright notices to 2024 700df9f
Clean up files that should no longer exist or be generated 77136e6
Remove nyc; use ava in typescript mode 9d13a63
Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 43437d4
Bump @babel/traverse from 7.14.2 to 7.23.7 c7bcf51
Bump axios from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 e1328d4
Missed updating package-lock.json with publishing 1.7.0 d0eeb0a
You can’t perform that action at this time.