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Troy Garner edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the HttpsUtility wiki! This document aims to outline the general use of the API for the class that is to be used from S+ (SimplHttpsClient).

URL format

Each of the URL parameters for the S+ compatible S# API needs to be an "https://" URL. If an unsecure "http://" URL is specified the HttpsClient will fail to make the request.

Headers format

The headers parameter requires a single string input for each of the additional headers that are to be sent along with the HTTPS request. Multiple headers need to be delimited/separated by the '|' pipe character, and each header key and value are separated using a ':' colon.

Example: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzczEyMzQ=|Accept: application/json

Content format

The content parameter is analogous to the message body (or the payload for the request). This is typically for POST requests, so it is omitted from the Get() request in the API. It is sometimes used for PUT and DELETE requests however, so it is a parameter that can be passed along with those methods as well.

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