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Satellite API

Julian Waller edited this page Sep 8, 2024 · 10 revisions

It is possible to remotely connect a 'streamdeck' to companion so that it appears as its own device and follows the paging model. This is different to how the OSC/TCP/UDP servers operate.

This page documents the protocol. The intention is to only ever add non-breaking functionality to this API, and to keep this document updated with new functionality as it is added.

API Spec

The server by default runs on port TCP 16622, but this will become configurable in the future. You should make sure to support alternate ports to allow for future compatibility as well as firewalls or router port forwarding.
Each message is presented as a line, with a \n or \r\n terminator.
Messages follow the general format of COMMAND-NAME ARG1=VAL1 ARG2=true ARG3="VAL3 with spaces"\n. Key numbers are in the range of 0-31.

Note: You can send boolean values can as both true/false and 0/1, you will always receive them as 0/1

Upon connection you will receive BEGIN CompanionVersion=2.2.0-d9008309-3449 ApiVersion=1.0.0 stating the build of companion you are connected to. The CompanionVersion field should not be relied on to be meaningful to your application, but can be presented as information to the user, or to aid debugging. You should use the ApiVersion field to check compatibility with companion. The number followers semver for versioning. We hope to keep breaking changes to a minimum, and will do so only when necessary.

Messages to send

Upon receiving an unknown command, the server will respond with the format ERROR MESSAGE="Unknown command: SOMETHING"
Known commands will get either a success or error response like the following:

  • COMMAND-NAME ERROR MESSAGE="Some text here"\n

Close connection

QUIT Close the connection, removing all registered devices


PING payload Check the server is alive, with an arbitrary payload Responds with PONG payload
You must call this at an interval, we recommend every 2 seconds, this is to ensure the connection does't get closed from being idle.

Adding a satellite device

ADD-DEVICE DEVICEID=00000 PRODUCT_NAME="Satellite Streamdeck"

  • DEVICEID should be a unique identifier for the hardware device. such as a serialnumber, or mac address.
  • PRODUCT_NAME is the name of the product to show in the Surfaces table in the UI

Optional parameters:

  • KEYS_TOTAL - number of keys the device has. (default 32) Valid values varies depending on API Version:
    • Since 1.5.1, this can be any integer value >= 1
    • Before 1.5.1, must be in the range 1-32
  • KEYS_PER_ROW - number of keys per row. (default 8) Valid values varies depending on API Version:
    • Since 1.5.1, this can be any integer value >= 1
    • Before 1.5.1, must be in the range 1-8
  • BITMAPS - This varies depending on API Version:
    • Since 1.5.0, this is a number specifying the desired size of the bitmaps. If 0 or false, then bitmaps will not be streamed. If 1 or true, they will be 72px (default 72)
    • Before 1.5.0, this is true/false whether you want to be streamed bitmaps for display on the buttons (default true)
  • COLORS - Since 1.6 true/false/'hex'/'rgb', before 1.6 true/false whether you want to be streamed colors for display on the buttons and in which format (default false). If you specify true or 'hex', you'll get color readouts in hexadecimal notation, if you specify 'rgb', you'll get color readouts in css rgb notation without spaces.
  • TEXT - true/false whether you want to be streamed button text for display on the buttons (default false)
  • TEXT_STYLE - (added in v1.4.0) true/false whether you want to be streamed text style information for display on the buttons (default false)
  • BRIGHTNESS - (added in v1.7.0) true/false whether the device supporting changing brightness (default true)
  • VARIABLES - (added in v1.7.0) a base64 encoded json array describing any input or output variables supported for this device
    Each item in the array should be of the form:
        "id": "some-id", // This is the identifier used when sending/receiving a value for the variable
        "type": "input", // or "output". When set to `input`, this is a value that the satellite device produces. When `output`, a value will be streamed to the satellite device
        "name": "My value", // A user facing name for this variable
        "description": "Something longer about it. eg Supports values in range 0-100", // A longer user facing description of this variable

Removing a satellite device


  • DEVICEID the unique identifier used to add the device

Pressing a key


  • DEVICEID the unique identifier used to add the device
  • KEY number of the key which is pressed/released. Since v1.6 this can be either a legacy key number or the local row/column starting at top left with 0/0 and counting up towards bottom/right
  • PRESSED true/false whether the key is pressed

Rotating an encoder (Since v1.3.0)

Note: there is a checkbox to enable this per bank inside Companion, allowing users to define the actions to execute KEY-ROTATE DEVICEID=00000 KEY=0 DIRECTION=1

  • DEVICEID the unique identifier used to add the device
  • KEY number of the key/encoder which is rotated. Since v1.6 this can be either a legacy key number or the local row/column starting at top left with 0/0 and counting up towards bottom/right
  • DIRECTION direction of the rotation. 1 for right, -1 for left

Updating a variable (Since v1.7.0)

This can be used when input variables are defined as part of ADD-DEVICE.


  • DEVICEID the unique identifier used to add the device
  • VARIABLE the id of the variable being updated
  • VALUE the value of the variable, base64 encoded. The encoding is so that special characters and newlines don't have to be escaped, avoiding a wide range of easy to trigger bugs.

Messages to receive

No responses are expected to these unless stated below, and to do so will result in an error.


PING payload The server is checking you are still alive, with an arbitrary payload You must respond with PONG payload

State change for key

KEY-STATE DEVICEID=00000 KEY=0 BITMAP=abcabcabc COLOR=#00ff00

  • DEVICEID the unique identifier of the device
  • KEY number of the key which the pixel buffer is for
  • TYPE type of the key. (added in v1.1.0) Either BUTTON, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN or PAGENUM

Optional parameters:

  • BITMAP base64 encoded pixel data. This is only sent for devices which were added where BITMAPS is enabled. Resolution follows the size defined by the BITMAPS, also on the version of the api. Currently encoded as 8bit RGB (this may be configurable in the future).
  • COLOR hex or css encoded 8bit RGB color for the key background. This is only sent for devices which were added where COLORS was true
  • TEXTCOLOR hex or css encoded 8bit RGB color for the key text. This is only sent for devices which were added where COLORS was true (added in v1.6)
  • TEXT base64 encoded text as should be displayed on the key. This is only sent for devices which were added where TEXT was true
  • FONT_SIZE numeric size that should be used when displaying the text on the key. This is only sent for devices which were added where TEXT_SYLE was true (added in v1.4.0)

Note: expect more parameters to be added to this message over time. Some could increase the frequency of the message being received.

Reset all keys to black


  • DEVICEID the unique identifier of the device

Change brightness


  • DEVICEID the unique identifier of the device
  • VALUE brightness number in range 0-100

Update of a variable (Since v1.7.0)

This can be received when output variables are defined as part of ADD-DEVICE.


  • DEVICEID the unique identifier used to add the device
  • VARIABLE the id of the variable being updated
  • VALUE the value of the variable, base64 encoded. The encoding is so that special characters and newlines don't have to be escaped, avoiding a wide range of easy to trigger bugs.