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React FigStrap

React components for FigStrap.


Install the NPM Package

Using yarn?

yarn add @bitesite/react-figstrap


npm install @bitesite/react-figstrap

Install Peer Dependencies

You'll also have to make sure you're using react, and styled-components:

yarn add react styled-components


Frame (Auto-layout Frame)

The main component of Figstrap is an Auto-layout Frame. When a designer uses a Frame in Figma and sets it to Auto-layout, you can use the Frame component in your React code to achieve the same effect.


import { Frame } from '@bitesite/react-figstrap';

const MyComponent = () => {

  return (
    <Frame vertical gap={20} padding={10} alignItems="center" justifyContent="flex-end">


prop Description
vertical Optional - When set to true, children are laid out vertically. If this is not specified, the default Frame will lay out children horizontally
padding Optional - The amount of padding in pixels as an number. Unlike the plain old CSS version of FigStrap, the React version is not limited to certain padding sizes. So you can put whatever number you want here.
gap Optional - The size of the gap between children in pixels as an number. Unlike the plain old CSS version of FigStrap, the React version is not limited to certain gap sizes. So you can put whatever number you want here.
alignItems Optional - This directly translates to Flexbox align-items. Use any flexbox valid value like center or flex-start. The default value for this is stretch.
justifyContent Optional - This directly translates to Flexbox justify-content. Use any flexbox valid value like center or flex-start. The default value for this is flex-start.

Additional props

The Frame component is implemented using a div and styled components. As such, you can pass any valid HTML attribute to the Frame and it will just apply it to the div.

Want a different element than a div?

The Frame component is implemented using a div and styled components so you're always going to get a div if you use the Frame. However, because it's built using styled components, you can decide to render other HTML elements instead using the as functionality of styled components.


return (
  <Frame vertical padding={20} as='form'>

The above will render a form rather than a div.

Extending the Frame

The Frame component is implemented using styled components, so if you need to apply additional CSS or what to create another component based on a Frame, you can.

Adding additional CSS


return (
  <Frame vertical padding={20} style={{background: 'black'}}>
Adding CSS Classes


return (
  <Frame className='product-list' vertical padding={20}>
Creating a new Frame Component


import styled from 'styled-components';
import { Frame } from '@bitesite/react-figstrap';

const MyFancyFrame = styled(Frame)`
  border-radius: 3px;
  border: 2px solid #000000;
  background: #efefef;

export default MyFancyFrame;


If you're a developer on this project and you want to create a new build and publish it:

  1. Update the version number in package.json.
  2. Build the output by running npx webpack
  3. Package the output by running npm pack
  4. Publish the package by running npm publish --access public


React Components for Figstrap.






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