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Add support for nested Maybe records
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Required ToMaybe, ToAlias, ToAliasReference instances for SqlMaybes
Also, required implementation changes to the sqlSelectProcessRow for
  • Loading branch information
csamak committed Oct 18, 2024
1 parent 603e083 commit 66ea2f7
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Showing 4 changed files with 249 additions and 88 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
- @csamak
- [#405](
- `ToMaybe` instances are now derived for Maybe records.
See [Issue #401](
- @arguri
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion esqueleto.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12

name: esqueleto

synopsis: Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends.
description: @esqueleto@ is a bare bones, type-safe EDSL for SQL queries that works with unmodified @persistent@ SQL backends. Its language closely resembles SQL, so you don't have to learn new concepts, just new syntax, and it's fairly easy to predict the generated SQL and optimize it for your backend. Most kinds of errors committed when writing SQL are caught as compile-time errors---although it is possible to write type-checked @esqueleto@ queries that fail at runtime.
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174 changes: 101 additions & 73 deletions src/Database/Esqueleto/Record.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import GHC.Exts (IsString(fromString))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, listToMaybe, isJust)

-- | Takes the name of a Haskell record type and creates a variant of that
-- record prefixed with @Sql@ which can be used in esqueleto expressions. This
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,17 +187,23 @@ deriveEsqueletoRecordWith settings originalName = do
sqlSelectInstanceDec <- makeSqlSelectInstance info
sqlMaybeRecordDec <- makeSqlMaybeRecord info
toMaybeInstanceDec <- makeToMaybeInstance info
sqlMaybeToMaybeInstanceDec <- makeSqlMaybeToMaybeInstance info
sqlMaybeRecordSelectInstanceDec <- makeSqlMaybeRecordSelectInstance info
toAliasInstanceDec <- makeToAliasInstance info
sqlMaybeToAliasInstanceDec <- makeSqlMaybeToAliasInstance info
toAliasReferenceInstanceDec <- makeToAliasReferenceInstance info
sqlMaybeToAliasReferenceInstanceDec <- makeSqlMaybeToAliasReferenceInstance info
[ recordDec
, sqlSelectInstanceDec
, sqlMaybeRecordDec
, toMaybeInstanceDec
, sqlMaybeToMaybeInstanceDec
, sqlMaybeRecordSelectInstanceDec
, toAliasInstanceDec
, sqlMaybeToAliasInstanceDec
, toAliasReferenceInstanceDec
, sqlMaybeToAliasReferenceInstanceDec

-- | Information about a record we need to generate the declarations.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,19 +652,23 @@ nonRecordConstructorMessage con =
(RecGadtC names _fields _ret) -> head names

makeToAliasInstance :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
makeToAliasInstance info@RecordInfo {..} = do
toAliasDec' <- toAliasDec info
makeToAliasInstance RecordInfo {..} = makeToAliasInstanceFor sqlName sqlFields

makeSqlMaybeToAliasInstance :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
makeSqlMaybeToAliasInstance RecordInfo {..} = makeToAliasInstanceFor sqlMaybeName sqlMaybeFields

makeToAliasInstanceFor :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Q Dec
makeToAliasInstanceFor name fields = do
toAliasDec' <- toAliasDec name fields
let overlap = Nothing
instanceConstraints = []
instanceType =
(ConT ''ToAlias)
`AppT` (ConT sqlName)
instanceType = (ConT ''ToAlias) `AppT` (ConT name)
pure $ InstanceD overlap instanceConstraints instanceType [toAliasDec']

toAliasDec :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
toAliasDec RecordInfo {..} = do
toAliasDec :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Q Dec
toAliasDec name fields = do
(statements, fieldPatterns, fieldExps) <-
unzip3 <$> forM sqlFields (\(fieldName', _) -> do
unzip3 <$> forM fields (\(fieldName', _) -> do
fieldPatternName <- newName (nameBase fieldName')
boundValueName <- newName (nameBase fieldName')
Expand All @@ -673,35 +683,40 @@ toAliasDec RecordInfo {..} = do
[ Clause
[ RecP sqlName fieldPatterns
[ RecP name fieldPatterns
( NormalB $
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
(statements ++ [NoBindS $ AppE (VarE 'pure) (RecConE sqlName fieldExps)])
(statements ++ [NoBindS $ AppE (VarE 'pure) (RecConE name fieldExps)])
-- `where` clause.

makeToAliasReferenceInstance :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
makeToAliasReferenceInstance info@RecordInfo {..} = do
toAliasReferenceDec' <- toAliasReferenceDec info
makeToAliasReferenceInstance RecordInfo {..} = makeToAliasReferenceInstanceFor sqlName sqlFields

makeSqlMaybeToAliasReferenceInstance :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
makeSqlMaybeToAliasReferenceInstance RecordInfo {..} =
makeToAliasReferenceInstanceFor sqlMaybeName sqlMaybeFields

makeToAliasReferenceInstanceFor :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Q Dec
makeToAliasReferenceInstanceFor name fields = do
toAliasReferenceDec' <- toAliasReferenceDec name fields
let overlap = Nothing
instanceConstraints = []
instanceType =
(ConT ''ToAliasReference)
`AppT` (ConT sqlName)
instanceType = (ConT ''ToAliasReference) `AppT` (ConT name)
pure $ InstanceD overlap instanceConstraints instanceType [toAliasReferenceDec']

toAliasReferenceDec :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
toAliasReferenceDec RecordInfo {..} = do
toAliasReferenceDec :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Q Dec
toAliasReferenceDec name fields = do
identInfo <- newName "identInfo"

(statements, fieldPatterns, fieldExps) <-
unzip3 <$> forM sqlFields (\(fieldName', _) -> do
unzip3 <$> forM fields (\(fieldName', _) -> do
fieldPatternName <- newName (nameBase fieldName')
boundValueName <- newName (nameBase fieldName')
Expand All @@ -717,14 +732,14 @@ toAliasReferenceDec RecordInfo {..} = do
[ Clause
[ VarP identInfo
, RecP sqlName fieldPatterns
, RecP name fieldPatterns
( NormalB $
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
(statements ++ [NoBindS $ AppE (VarE 'pure) (RecConE sqlName fieldExps)])
(statements ++ [NoBindS $ AppE (VarE 'pure) (RecConE name fieldExps)])
-- `where` clause.
Expand All @@ -745,18 +760,28 @@ makeSqlMaybeRecord RecordInfo {..} = do
-- | Generates a `ToMaybe` instance for the given record.
makeToMaybeInstance :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
makeToMaybeInstance info@RecordInfo {..} = do
toMaybeTDec' <- toMaybeTDec info
toMaybeTDec' <- toMaybeTDec sqlName sqlMaybeName
toMaybeDec' <- toMaybeDec info
let overlap = Nothing
instanceConstraints = []
instanceType = (ConT ''ToMaybe) `AppT` (ConT sqlName)

pure $ InstanceD overlap instanceConstraints instanceType [toMaybeTDec', toMaybeDec']

-- | Generates a `type ToMaybeT ... = ...` declaration for the given record.
toMaybeTDec :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
toMaybeTDec RecordInfo {..} = do
pure $ mkTySynInstD ''ToMaybeT (ConT sqlName) (ConT sqlMaybeName)
-- | Generates a `ToMaybe` instance for the SqlMaybe of the given record.
makeSqlMaybeToMaybeInstance :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
makeSqlMaybeToMaybeInstance RecordInfo {..} = do
sqlMaybeToMaybeTDec' <- toMaybeTDec sqlMaybeName sqlMaybeName
let toMaybeIdDec = FunD 'toMaybe [ Clause [] (NormalB (VarE 'id)) []]
overlap = Nothing
instanceConstraints = []
instanceType = (ConT ''ToMaybe) `AppT` (ConT sqlMaybeName)
pure $ InstanceD overlap instanceConstraints instanceType [sqlMaybeToMaybeTDec', toMaybeIdDec]

-- | Generates a `type ToMaybeT ... = ...` declaration for the given names.
toMaybeTDec :: Name -> Name -> Q Dec
toMaybeTDec nameLeft nameRight = do
pure $ mkTySynInstD ''ToMaybeT (ConT nameLeft) (ConT nameRight)
mkTySynInstD className lhsArg rhs =
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -851,66 +876,69 @@ sqlMaybeSelectColsDec RecordInfo {..} = do

-- | Generates the `sqlSelectProcessRow` declaration for an `SqlSelect`
-- instance.
-- instance for a SqlMaybe.
sqlMaybeSelectProcessRowDec :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
sqlMaybeSelectProcessRowDec RecordInfo {..} = do
sqlOp x = case x of
-- AppT (ConT ((==) ''Entity -> True)) _innerType -> id
-- (ConT ((==) ''Maybe -> True)) `AppT` ((ConT ((==) ''Entity -> True)) `AppT` _innerType) -> (AppE (VarE 'pure))
-- inner@((ConT ((==) ''Maybe -> True)) `AppT` _inner) -> (AppE (VarE 'unValue))
(AppT (ConT ((==) ''SqlExpr -> True)) (AppT (ConT ((==) ''Value -> True)) _)) -> (AppE (VarE 'unValue))
(AppT (ConT ((==) ''SqlExpr -> True)) (AppT (ConT ((==) ''Entity -> True)) _)) -> id
(AppT (ConT ((==) ''SqlExpr -> True)) (AppT (ConT ((==) ''Maybe -> True)) _)) -> (AppE (VarE 'pure))
(ConT _) -> id
_ -> error $ show x

fieldNames <- forM sqlFields (\(name', typ) -> do
var <- newName $ nameBase name'
pure (name', var, sqlOp typ (VarE var)))

joinedFields =
case (\(_,x,_) -> x) `map` fieldNames of
[] -> TupP []
[f1] -> VarP f1
f1 : rest ->
let helper lhs field =
(VarP field)
in foldl' helper (VarP f1) rest

-- See sqlSelectProcessRowDec, which is similar but does not have special handling for Maybe
(statements, fieldExps) <-
unzip <$> forM (zip fields sqlMaybeFields) (\((fieldName', fieldType), (_, sqlType')) -> do
valueName <- newName (nameBase fieldName')
pattern <- sqlSelectProcessRowPat fieldType valueName
( BindS
(AppTypeE (VarE 'takeColumns) sqlType')
, (valueName, wrapJust fieldType $ VarE valueName)

colsName <- newName "columns"
processName <- newName "process"

#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
bodyExp = DoE Nothing
bodyExp = DoE
[ BindS joinedFields (AppE (VarE 'sqlSelectProcessRow) (VarE colsName))
, NoBindS
$ AppE (VarE 'pure) (
case fieldNames of
[] -> ConE constructorName
(_,_,e):xs -> foldl'
(\acc (_,_,e2) -> AppE (AppE (VarE '(<*>)) acc) e2)
(AppE (AppE (VarE 'fmap) (ConE constructorName)) e)
bodyExp <- [e|
first (fromString ("Failed to parse " ++ $(lift $ nameBase sqlMaybeName) ++ ": ") <>)
(evalStateT $(varE processName) $(varE colsName))

pure $
[ Clause
[VarP colsName]
(NormalB bodyExp)
-- `where`
[ ValD
(VarP processName)
(NormalB $
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
(statements ++ [
NoBindS $ AppE (VarE 'pure) (
(VarE 'or)
(ListE $ fmap (\(n, _) -> AppE (VarE 'isJust) (VarE n)) fieldExps))
(case snd <$> fieldExps of
[] -> ConE constructorName
x:xs -> foldl'
(\a b -> InfixE (Just a) (VarE '(<*>)) (Just b))
(InfixE (Just $ ConE constructorName) (VarE '(<$>)) (Just x))
(ConE 'Nothing)
wrapJust x = case x of
AppT (ConT ((==) ''Entity -> True)) _innerType -> id
((ConT ((==) ''Maybe -> True)) `AppT` _inner) -> AppE (ConE 'Just)
(ConT _) -> id
_ -> error $ show x

-- | Generates the `sqlSelectColCount` declaration for an `SqlSelect` instance.
sqlMaybeSelectColCountDec :: RecordInfo -> Q Dec
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