Hi, my name is Abdullah Al Raqibul Islam. I usually go as Raqib in real life and biqar/biqarboy in cyberspace. I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science department at UNC Charlotte (UNCC). I work as a research assistant in the Data Intelligence Research (DIR) lab under the supervision of Prof. Dong Dai. My research aims to build a high-performance graph storage system and optimize it for emerging storage technologies (e.g., Persistent Memory). I am particularly interested in developing data structures to efficiently store dynamic graphs without scarifying the efficiency of running graph analysis.
Before my time at UNC Charlotte, I was appointed as a Principal Software Engineer at TigerIT Bangladesh Ltd., leading the machine learning engineering team. Besides, I was responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining server-side programming modules using different technologies, including but not limited to Spring, EJB, Apache Spark, Oracle, Elasticsearch, etc.
I received my B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (DU). While at DU, I participated in several competitive programming competitions, including the ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on
high-performance graph storage system
. - 🌱 I’m currently learning
academic writing
. - 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on
any storage system related project
. - 💬 Ask me about
my research
. - 😄 Pronouns:
. - ⚡ Fun fact:
"Your research may started just after you build the system"
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