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Alessandro Gubitosi edited this page May 22, 2014 · 3 revisions

This page contains the enumerated set definition of all standard match operators.

###String operators

Variable name Value Type Description
kOPERATOR_EQUAL $EQ Equal This enumeration represents equality
kOPERATOR_EQUAL_NOT $NE Not equal This enumeration represents inequality
kOPERATOR_PREFIX $PX Prefix This enumeration represents prefix comparaison: starts with (for strings)
kOPERATOR_CONTAINS $CX Contains *This enumeration represents content comparaison: contains (for strings)
kOPERATOR_SUFFIX $SX Suffix This enumeration represents suffix comparaison: ends with (for strings)
kOPERATOR_REGEX $RE Regular expression This enumeration represents a regular expression (for strings)

=== ###Range operators

Variable name Value Type Description
kOPERATOR_IRANGE $IRG Range inclusive This enumeration represents a range including limits
kOPERATOR_ERANGE $ERG Range exclusive This enumeration represents a range excluding limits

=== ###Modifiers

Variable name Value Type Description
kOPERATOR_NOCASE $i Case insensitive This enumeration indicates a case and accent insensitive match