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An R package used to fit cure models with auxiliary survival Information.

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This is an R package used to fit Cure models with Auxiliary information in type of Subgroup survival Probabilities.

  • The underlying methods are based on the paper titled "Efficient auxiliary information synthesis for cure rate model", which has been accepted by Journal of the Royal Statistial Society Series C (Applied Statistics) with DOI: 10.1093/jrsssc/qlad106.
  • We have also wrote a paper titled "CureAuxSP: An R package for estimating mixture cure models with auxiliary survival probabilities" that introduces the detailed information about this package and this paper has been accepted by Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine with DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2024.108212.
  • It can also be downloaded as a standard R package from

Package description and included main functions

We focus on cure models: (Semiparametric) PH mixture cure model or AFT mixture cure model with or without auxiliary subgroup survival probabilities.

Our provided main functions are (we refer to their help pages for more details):

  • SMC.AuxSP: fit the models in various ways with syntax
SMC.AuxSP(formula, cureform, sdata, aux = NULL, hetero = FALSE, N = Inf, latency = "PH", nboot = 400)
  • print.SMC.AuxSP: print outputted results from SMC.AuxSP() with syntax

Two numerical illustrations

An example using a simulated dataset is shown below:

## library

## generate both the internal dataset of interest and the external dataset

# - the internal dataset
sdata.internal <- sdata.SMC(n = 300)

# - the external dataset 
sdata.external <- sdata.SMC(n = 10000)

## prepare the auxiliary information based on the external dataset

# - define two functions for subgroup splitting
gfunc.t1 <- function(X,Z=NULL){
  rbind((X[,1] <  0 & X[,2] == 0), (X[,1] >= 0 & X[,2] == 0),
        (X[,1] <  0 & X[,2] == 1), (X[,1] >= 0 & X[,2] == 1))}
gfunc.t2 <- function(X,Z=NULL){rbind((X[,2] == 0), (X[,2] == 1))}

# - calculate subgroup survival rates
sprob.t1 <- Probs.Sub(tstar = 1, sdata = sdata.external,
                      G = gfunc.t1(X = sdata.external[,-c(1,2)]))
sprob.t2 <- Probs.Sub(tstar = 2, sdata = sdata.external, 
                      G = gfunc.t2(X = sdata.external[,-c(1,2)]))
cat("Information at t* = 1:", sprob.t1, "\nInformation at t* = 2:", sprob.t2)

# - prepare the set that collects information about auxiliary data
aux <- list(
  time1 = list(tstar = 1, gfunc = gfunc.t1, sprob = c(0.73,0.70,0.88,0.83)),
  time2 = list(tstar = 2, gfunc = gfunc.t2, sprob = c(0.62,0.76)-0.20)

## fit the model without auxiliary information
sol.PHMC <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ X1 + X2, cureform = ~ X1, 
  sdata = sdata.internal, aux = NULL, latency = "PH"
print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC)

## fit the model with auxiliary information

# - ignore heterogeneity
sol.PHMC.Homo <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ X1 + X2, cureform = ~ X1, 
  sdata = sdata.internal, aux = aux, hetero = FALSE, latency = "PH"
print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC.Homo)

# - consider heterogeneity
sol.PHMC.Hetero <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ X1 + X2, cureform = ~ X1, 
  sdata = sdata.internal, aux = aux, hetero = TRUE, latency = "PH"
print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC.Hetero)

An example using a real dataset from TCGA program is shown below:

## library

## prepare the breast cancer dataset

# - download clinical data from the TCGA website
query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-BRCA", 
                  data.category = "Clinical", file.type = "xml")
clinical <- GDCprepare_clinic(query, = "patient")

# - a preparation
sdata.pre <- data.frame(
  yobs   = ifelse(![,'days_to_death']),clinical[,'days_to_death'],clinical[,'days_to_last_followup'])/365,
  delta  = ifelse(![,'days_to_death']),1,0),
  ER     = ifelse(clinical[,'breast_carcinoma_estrogen_receptor_status']=='Positive',1,ifelse(clinical[,'breast_carcinoma_estrogen_receptor_status']=='Negative',0,NA)),
  Age    = clinical[,'age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis'],
  Race   = ifelse(clinical[,'race_list']=='BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN','black',ifelse(clinical[,'race_list']=='WHITE','white','other')),
  Gender = ifelse(clinical[,'gender']=='FEMALE','Female',ifelse(clinical[,'gender']=='MALE','Male',NA)),
  Stage  = sapply(clinical[,'stage_event_pathologic_stage'],function(x,pattern='Stage X|Stage IV|Stage [I]*'){ifelse(grepl(pattern,x),regmatches(x,regexpr(pattern,x)),NA)},USE.NAMES = FALSE)

# - extract covariates and remove undesiable subjects and NA 
sdata.TCGA <- na.omit(
    sdata.pre[,'yobs'] > 0
    & sdata.pre[,'Age'] <= 75
    & sdata.pre[,'Gender'] == "Female"
    & sdata.pre[,'Race'] %in% c('white')
    & sdata.pre[,'Stage'] %in% c('Stage I','Stage II','Stage III'),
rownames(sdata.TCGA) <- NULL

# - summary statistics of the internal dataset

## plot a figure to show the existence of a cure fraction
# pdf("Figure_KM_TCGA_BRCA.pdf",width=8.88,height=6.66); {
  survival::survfit(survival::Surv(yobs, delta) ~ 1, data = sdata.TCGA), = T, mark.time = TRUE, lwd = 2,
  ylab = "Survival Probability", xlab = "Survival Time (in Years)", 
  xlim = c(0,25), ylim = c(0,1)
# };

## fit the model without auxiliary information

# - rescale the Age variable
Age.Min <- min(sdata.TCGA$Age); Age.Max <- max(sdata.TCGA$Age)
sdata.TCGA$Age <- (sdata.TCGA$Age-Age.Min)/(Age.Max-Age.Min)

# - fit the model
sol.PHMC <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ Age + ER, cureform = ~ Age + ER, 
  sdata = sdata.TCGA, aux = NULL, latency = "PH"
print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC)

## fit the model with auxiliary information

# - prepare the auxiliary information
Age.Cut <- c(0,(c(40,50,60)-Age.Min)/(Age.Max-Age.Min),1)
gfunc.t1 <- function(X,Z){
  rbind((X[,1] >= Age.Cut[1] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[2] & X[,2] == 1),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[2] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[3] & X[,2] == 1),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[3] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[4] & X[,2] == 1),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[4] & X[,1] <= Age.Cut[5] & X[,2] == 1),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[1] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[2] & X[,2] == 0),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[2] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[3] & X[,2] == 0),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[3] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[4] & X[,2] == 0),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[4] & X[,1] <= Age.Cut[5] & X[,2] == 0))}
gfunc.t2 <- function(X,Z){rbind((X[,2] == 1), (X[,2] == 0))}
aux <- list( 
  time1 = list(tstar = 5, gfunc = gfunc.t1,
               sprob = c(0.810,0.935,0.925,0.950,0.695,0.780,0.830,0.850)),
  time2 = list(tstar = 10, gfunc = gfunc.t2, sprob = c(0.825,0.705))

# - ignore heterogeneity
sol.PHMC.Homo <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ Age + ER, cureform = ~ Age + ER, 
  sdata = sdata.TCGA, aux = aux, hetero = FALSE, N = 1910, latency = "PH"
print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC.Homo)

# - consider heterogeneity
sol.PHMC.Hetero <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ Age + ER, cureform = ~ Age + ER, 
  sdata = sdata.TCGA, aux = aux, hetero = TRUE, N = 1910, latency = "PH"
print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC.Hetero)


An R package used to fit cure models with auxiliary survival Information.






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