The Microsetta Initiative: Overhaul
This release, in concert with the release of sibling project, represents an overhaul of the user experience for TMI. Major changes include significant modifications to the surveys, the ability to re-take surveys, separating consents into data and biospecimen documents, consent versioning, automated perk fulfillment, a new user interface, and assorted bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements.
Thank you to the entire TMI ecosystem, including the developers who contributed to this release, those who have worked on the project in the past, and the designers, testers, and collaborators whose valuable contributions aren't captured in the form of code.
What's Changed
- Fix workflow in master-overhaul branch by @cassidysymons in #241
- Workflow fix for overhaul by @cassidysymons in #243
- Removing Participant Email field from Source submitting page by @Ram6911 in #236
- Kit_id and activation code removal change from a fresh fork by @ragini7913 in #244
- Get master-overhaul current with bugfixes, changes, and Spain locale by @cassidysymons in #245
- Merge updates to master into overhaul by @cassidysymons in #263
- Consent Changes for Data and Bio by @ragini7913 in #251
- Get master-overhaul current by @cassidysymons in #269
- Revert "Get master-overhaul current" by @cassidysymons in #270
- Get master-overhaul current by @cassidysymons in #271
- Overhaul by @cassidysymons in #268
- Remove COVID-19 Survey by @cassidysymons in #272
- Updates to Spanish + minor bugfixes and feature improvements by @cassidysymons in #274
- Prompt to Update Surveys + Test Mode Message by @cassidysymons in #281
- Merge master into master-overhaul via conflict resolution branch by @cassidysymons in #282
- Minor Report Adjustments by @cassidysymons in #283
- Overhaul Adjustments Based on Testing by @cassidysymons in #284
- Reconsent Tweaks & Results Report Content by @cassidysymons in #285
- Disable Japanese Locale by @cassidysymons in #286
- Spanish Updates by @cassidysymons in #287
- Merge Master-overhaul into Master by @cassidysymons in #288
Full Changelog: 2023.4...2023.8