CloudBackup is a tool to orchestrate MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB and PostgreSQL Backups in the Cloud. Each backup is encrypted with a unique key and compressed. In case you need to use any backup in a environment where cloudbackup is not present or for some reason you no longer want to use cloudbackup this project will help you getting the backup ready yo use.
cloudbackup-prepare is a simple binary to decrypt and uncompress backups made with CloudBackup
- If you already have go installed
go get
- Another alternative is to download the binary from the Release Section .
Usage of cloudbackup-prepare:
--agent-version string Agent version used to take the backup (if empty it's assumed <= 1.2.0)
-i, --backup-file string Binlogic CloudBackup file path
-e, --encryption-key string Encruption key to decrypt backup file
-o, --output-file string Outfile to save backup decrypted and uncompressed
-v, --version Output version information and exit
cloudbackup-prepare -i tesfiles/mysqldump_sql.z -e kpySdc2vfHL_4WebUstA29fRFacKis8LZRbLqFFY0HM= -o somefile.sql
Since we cant validate encryption key is valid to decrypt each file (otherwise you backup is not safe :( ), we only check key has a valid format. After process is complete, please check that the output file doesn't contain garbage. In that case
you are probably using an incorrect key.
where tesfiles/mysqldump_sql.z
is the backup file, kpySdc2vfHL_4WebUstA29fRFacKis8LZRbLqFFY0HM=
is the key used to encrypt this backup and somefile.sql
is where you want to dump decreypted and uncompress backup. Problably is you are
processing a MongoDB backup you want to use somefile.json
or if you are processing a xtrabackup file like somefile.xbstream
but that is up to you.
cloudbackup-prepare is distributed under Apache 2.0 License.