Process a cookie log and return the most active cookie for a specific day
- Java 11, Spring Boot (framework), Maven (build tool)
Given a cookie log file in the following format:
- Write a command line program to process the log file and return the most active cookie for a specific day.
- Include a -f parameter for the filename to process and a -d parameter to specify the date.
e.g. we’d execute your program like this to obtain the most active cookie for 9th Dec 2018.
$ ./[command] -f cookie_log.csv -d 2018-12-09
And it would write to stdout:
We define the most active cookie as one seen in the log the most times during a given day.
- If multiple cookies meet that criteria, please return all of them on separate lines.
- Only use additional libraries for testing, logging and cli-parsing.
- You can assume -d parameter takes date in UTC time zone.
- You have enough memory to store the contents of the whole file.
- Cookies in the log file are sorted by timestamp (most recent occurrence is the first line of the file).
- Go to directory: cookie-filter
- Using Maven to build and package source code into a jar file:
mvn clean package
- Still stand at the directory: cookie-filter
- Run the compiled jar file:
java -jar target\cookie-filter-version-SNAPSHOT.jar -f csv-file-path -d selected-date
- Example:
java -jar target\cookie-filter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -f src\logs\cookie_log.csv -d 2018-12-09