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Mikidown is a note taking application with markdown.
Mikidown was inspired by Zim and based on ReText. The logo is derived from markdown-mark.
Install mikidown with
python3-pip install mikidown
Run mikidown without installing
git clone
cd mikidown
- Edit markdown with live preview
- Switch between Edit/View/LiveEdit mode
- All notes in one place, with multiple notebooks support
- Page cross-link
- Import from plain text files, export to HTML, PDF
- Customise your note style (by editing CSS file)
- Spell check
- Python.3+
- PyQt.5+
- python-markdown
- python-whoosh
- python-html2text ( Optional for HTML to markdown conversion, otherwise, formatted text is pasted as HTML )
- python-asciimathml ( Optional for asciimathml support )
- The default version of python-asciimathml doesn't support Python 3. Please use the one from this repo:
- python-pyenchant ( Optional for spell checking )
- slickpicker ( Optional for better color picking for mikidown highlighting colors )
In case you are unfamiliar with markdown, you can use this file (Help->README) as a simple reference to basic markdown syntax. However, Its suggested to look at the complete Markdown Syntax.
All python-markdown extensions are supported. To enable/disable extension, edit the notebook.conf
file in your notebook folder.
# notebook_folder/notebook.conf
extensions=nl2br, strkundr, codehilite, fenced_code, headerid, headerlink, footnotes
page cross link
absolute and relative image path

# path relative to notebook folderCtrl + I
or Edit -> Insert Image will bring up an insert image dialog.
will yielddelete__insert__
will yield insert**strong**
will yield strong//emphasis//
will yield emphasis
ShadowKyogre and more
Fork and help are much appreciated.
Want to help? Further details are in the file.