It understands the warlight2 engine input and provides abstractions for you to describe the actions the bot should take. This starter bot has no brains. It will place all starting armies on one spot and move armies to a random neighbour. It does include a nifty test harness so that you can quickly correct it's behaviour.
Good hunting!
This creates
ready for uploading to warlight2.
lein repl
(load "runner")
Try inputting any warlight2 engine input, e.g.:
setup_map super_regions 1 1 2 0 3 2 4 6 5 1
The bot will function as normal. In addition it will echo the current state to stderr.
lein run
Try inputting any warlight2 engine input, e.g.:
setup_map super_regions 1 1 2 0 3 2 4 6 5 1
The bot will function as normal. In addition it will echo the current state to stderr.
lein spec
- Capture the log output from a game your bot has played. Something like
- Trim the output down to end at the point where you want to correct the bot's behaviour (e.g. right after
go place_armies
on round 1, or right aftergo attack/transfer
on round 5, etc.). - Add the validity conditions you require.
- Save the file as "spec/NameOfTheAspectYouAreTesting.txt".
- Run the tests to verify that it fails.
See an example to see where these validity conditions go.
- bot.clj - the run loop (you shouldn't need to change this).
- brain.clj - the logic for picking starting regions, placing armies, and attacking or transfering.
- handlers.clj - the logic to parse incoming information and requests for action (you should rarely need to touch this).
- launcher.clj - an ugly hack to make the code work as a single script with the warlight2 engine.
The central data structure to this bot is the state
. It's a map that represents the entire game state. Here is what those keys are:
- :max_rounds - e.g. 45
- :starting_armies - e.g. 5
- :time_per_move - e.g. 500
- :last-placement - e.g. [{:region {:id 17, ...}, :armies 5}, ...]
- :regions - a map of region id to region - e.g. {7 {:id 7, :super_region_id 3, :armies 2, :neighbours (13 8 12 6 3), :owner :us}, ... }
- :our_name - e.g. "player1"
- :super_regions - a map of super region id to super region e.g. {5 {:id 5, :reward 1}, ...}
- :their_name - e.g. "player2"
- :their_starting_regions - e.g. (15 4)
The keys of a region are:
- :id - e.g. 17
- :super_region_id - e.g. 5
- :armies - e.g. 2
- :neighbours - e.g. (16)
- :owner - e.g. :us
- :wasteland - e.g. true
The keys of a super region are:
- :id - e.g. 5
- :reward - e.g. 1