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bill-auger edited this page Sep 26, 2016 · 15 revisions

please use the github issue tracker for bug reports and join the gitter chat for other questions or comments.

gitter chat




  • started packaging for Arch, Fedora 24, OpenSuse Leap 42.2
  • currently packaging for the following distros:
    • Arch
    • Debian 9
    • Fedora 23, Fedora 24
    • OpenSuse Leap 42.2, OpenSuse Tumbleweed
    • Ubuntu 16.04


  • added detailed in-app configuration help
  • GitHub user 06needhamt has done some preliminary work on an android port
  • started packaging for Ubuntu 16.04
  • stopped packaging for Centos 7, RedHat RHEL7, Suse SLE12, and Ubuntu 15.10
  • currently packaging for the following distros:
    • Debian 8/testing
    • Fedora 23
    • OpenSuse Tumbleweed
    • Ubuntu 16.04


  • chat feature is fully implemented and configurable


  • added program icon and desktop launch file


  • made the GUI layout more modular to facilitate new "look-and-feel" designs
  • i would also like to welcome designuiru to the project who has offered to help out with some new design


  • the screen and camera capture can now be turned on and off at runtime via control buttons
  • tracing is enabled in release build


  • an experimental chat feature is mostly implemented and should be usable for the next version
  • i would also like to welcome sonulohani to the project who has offered to help out with some new design


  • package repositories are now hosted on the OpenSUSE Build Service for the following distros:
    • CentOS 7
    • Debian 8/testing
    • Fedora 23
    • OpenSuse Tumbleweed
    • RedHat RHEL7
    • Suse SLE12
    • Ubuntu 15.10


  • the stream output and live preview can now be turned on and off at runtime via control buttons


  • implemented saving configurations as separate presets with some default presets for file and rtmp output and one with LCTV hard-coded as destination

click here for the latest demo


  • allow streaming without a camera


  • milestone 'first usable version' reached - fullscreen screencap, camera overlay, and audio streaming to LCTV with real-time video previews


  • the first full-chain end-to-end broadcast with the new client - fullscreen screencap, camera overlay, and audio streaming to LCTV

  • the first end-to-end broadcast with the new client - fullscreen test source, second test source overlay, and audio streaming to LCTV


  • several days of reading , tweaking , and head-scratching in a quagmire have bourne some fruits in the past few days which have marked an encouraging leap forward with the most tenuous and fussy bits implemented - the AvCaster client is now streaming camera and audio into LCTV quite nicely with no apparent stability issues - the only two milestone features remaining are compositing and the splitting of the inputs between the GUI and the muxer

  • the first broadcast with the new client with real video - fullscreen camera and audio streaming to LCTV


  • today was the first broadcast with the new client - fullscreen test source and audio streaming to LCTV


  • gStreamer seems to be working out quite well so far - it is currently capturing screen and camera and displaying them in preview windows - one nice feature was discovered that gStreamer handles screen resolution/orientation changes gracefully - even if the width/height parameters specified are or become out of range gStreamer defaults to full screen where the ffmpeg implementation would crash in this situation - the folks on the IRC were fairly confident that gStreamer was capable of fullfilling all of this project's media requirements so it was probably a good decision to switch


  • this project's initial prototype was implemented as a GUI frontend to a ffmpeg/avconv command-line but this approach had some critial limitations and the gStreamer native API was introduced to supply the missing features - we are now exploring the fitness of gStreamer for the handling of all media functionality without the ffmpeg dependency