A Swift client and unofficial documentation for the BBC News API.
This project is for educational and research purposes only.
bbc-news-swift can be installed using Swift Package Manager by adding the following
to your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/bilaalrashid/bbc-news-swift.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.1.2"))
Full documentation is available on Swift Package Index.
import BbcNews
let bbcNews = BbcNews(modelIdentifier: "iPhone15,2", systemName: "iOS", systemVersion: "17.0")
// Get results from the home page
let results = await bbcNews.fetchIndexDiscoveryPage(postcode: "W1A")
// Get results from a topic page
let results = await bbcNews.fetchTopicDiscoveryPage(for: "c50znx8v8y4t")
// Check if the network call was a success or not
switch result {
case .success(let result):
// Parse story promo from a set of discovery results and fetch the full contents of that story
for item in result.data.items {
if case .storyPromo(let storyPromo) = item {
let url = storyPromo.link.destinations[0].url
// Get the full contents of the story
let story = await bbcNews.fetch(url: url)
case .failure(let error):
All methods have equivalents to support both the Result
type and traditional try
You can use the try
equivalents by appending Throwing
to the end of a method name.
let result = await bbcNews.fetchIndexDiscoveryPage(postcode: "W1A")
switch result {
case .success(let results):
print(results) // [...]
case .failure(let error):
let results = try await bbcNews.fetchIndexDiscoveryPageThrowing(postcode: "W1A")
print(results) // [...]
import BbcNews
// Check if a URL is part of the BBC News API
BbcNews.isApiUrl(url: URL(string: "https://bbc.co.uk")!) // false
// Convert a webpage URL to a URL for the API
BbcNews.convertWebUrlToApi(url: URL(string: "https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c289n8m4j19o")!) // https://news-app.api.bbc.co.uk/fd/app-article-api?clientName=Chrysalis&clientVersion=pre-7&page=https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c289n8m4j19o
This project uses SwiftLint to enforce coding style. You can check for any style violations and attempt to fix them using:
swiftlint --config .swiftlint.yml --strict [--fix]
The test suite uses local files in the tests resources bundle. This causes tests to fail in Xcode, so tests must be run from the command line.
swift test
Full contributing guidelines can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md.
Documentation of the API is defined using OpenAPI and automatically built using the CI (accessible at https://bilaalrashid.github.io/bbc-news-swift).
These schema files can be linted using Redocly:
redocly lint openapi/*/openapi.yaml
Changes to these files can be visualised by generating a pageset:
redocly build-docs openapi/<version>/openapi.yaml
On the main
- Bump the tag and update the README
make release # Defaults to patch
make release-<major|minor|patch>
make release-version VERSION=<version>
- Push to the remote
git push --follow-tags
- Create a corresponding release on GitHub