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Gitlab CI/CD pipeline with aws integration for magento 2 deployment

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Gitlab CI/CD pipeline with aws integration for magento 2 deployment

Feature highlights

  • Created with simplicity and ease of use in mind, inspired by magento cloud pipeline
  • Emphasis on zero downtime during deployment, must have at least 2 nodes for this
  • Separate root to build application changes without affecting mage root
  • State checking flow for optimized build of pipeline/server/application related changes
  • Simple deploy summary for pipeline/server/application section in tabular format during each deployment
  • Support to sync nginx, php, logrotate and magento env changes directly from repository to golden server
  • Composer auto update flow when last update run exceeds 30 days during deployment even without any changes
  • Patches install complete flow to auto apply, revert and delete relevant changes
  • Aws cli integration to create image, update launch configuration and start/wait for instance refresh

Important configuration information

  • Part of static pub/static on efs causes massively slow static deployment so it should not been kept on efs
  • Part of static var/view_preprocessed will be on efs due to entire var being efs, so custom configuration will be done later on to remedy massively slow static deployment
  • Part of static pub/static/_cache should for now be in efs as it generates only on demand and not sharing it breaks layout static cache bug
  • Crontab for root and ubuntu user will be auto deleted on auto scaling nodes to avoid conflicting cron runs, this effectively allows golden server to be also used as a dedicated cron server. It is achieved using launch configuration user data.
  • Logrotate config has *.cfsaved extenstion so regular cron skips it and we can define custom schedule using root user's crontab as required
# Magento log rotation
45 20 * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/magento.cfsaved -s /var/lib/logrotate/magento.status

Contents overview

  1. Project sequence diagram
  2. Pre-Requistices
  3. Configure repository and user for deployment
  4. Configure gitlab server
  5. Configure golden server
  6. Usage of pipeline and extra information

1. Project sequence diagram

Deployment Pipeline

2. Pre-Requistics

  • Proper credentals/vpn to ssh into staging/production ec2 servers
  • Magento 2 existing project installed and running on staging/production ec2 server
  • These folders mounted on efs app/etc, var and pub/media in ec2 server mage root
  • All services endpoint accessible from staging/production ec2 server
  • Proper credentals to ssh into gitlab hosted server
  • Gitlab installed/running, magento repository configured in gitlab and two gitlab shell runner configured
  • Access to all relevant aws credentals and aws cli installed and configured in gitlab/staging/production server
  • Ssl configured using ssl termination externally from loadbalancer side

3. Configure repository and user for deployment

  • Clone this repository in your pc and cd into it
  • Follow steps below to configure repository for existing and cloud
  • Follow steps below to configure a new new user for deployment

Existing magento repository

  • Add the config samples to your existing magento repository, replace $path_to_your_project with your project path
cp .gitlab-ci.yml.dis $path_to_your_project/.gitlab-ci.yml
cp .gitignore.dis $path_to_your_project/.gitignore
cp .rsyncignore.dis $path_to_your_project/.rsyncignore
cp -r .ec2.dis $path_to_your_project/.ec2
  • Modify .gitignore file as needed
  • .ec2/shared has config samples which will be shared between staging/production, modify as needed
  • The php logs path has been modified to /var/log/php/php*.log, recommended to do similar in your server php fpm config
  • .ec2/production has config samples for production only, replace $domain_name with your domain name in file names and file contents
  • Replace all $variable in .ec2/production/magento/env.php file with production services information
  • .ec2/staging has config samples for staging only, replace $domain_name with your domain name in file names and file contents
  • Replace all $variable in .ec2/staging/magento/env.php file with staging services information
  • Commit changes and push to your existing magento respository, pipeline will be skipped as it's restricted to specefic branches.

Repository for cloud

  • Create a new repository preferably with cloud suffix to your existing repository name, example company-magento-cloud
  • Delete default master branch and create two new branches as staging and production
  • Clone your updated existing magento repository into these two new branches
  • Keep production branch as default/protected, staging branch can be left unprotected to allow force pushes
  • Restrict the two gitlab runner created to this project and add production in tags to one and staging in tags to another
  • Configure production gitlab runner to only run on pipelines triggered on protected branches for security

User for deployment

  • Create a new user in gitlab with username deployer and fullname preferably as Aws Cloud
  • Give this user access to the new repository created for cloud
  • Create two ssh keypair and add the public keys to ssh keys in user setting named ec2 production and ec2 staging
  • Copy the private key of ssh kepair to respective ec2 production/staging server ~/.ssh folder and rename as gitlab
  • The deployer user and keypair will later be used for paswordless git operations over ssh.

4. Configure gitlab server

Configure gitlab-runner user

  • Setup a password for gitlab-runner user and add it to sudo group, all operations in gitlab server will use this user by default
  • Login into gitlab server using gitlab-runner user and created password
  • Copy your vpn file to /etc/openvpn/client and add this entry in sudoders file for passwordless commands for openvpn
# Passwordless sudo commands
gitlab-runner ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/openvpn, /usr/bin/pkill

Configure ssh

  • Create a ssh config file in ~/.ssh and add these entries, replace $host_ip with ssh ip of each servers and $key_name with key name
Host production_golden
    User ubuntu
    HostName $host_ip
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$key_name.pem

Host staging_golden
    User ubuntu
    HostName $host_ip
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$key_name.pem
  • Start the vpn using sudo openvpn $cloud_aws and make sure vpn is connected and did not require sudo password
  • Ssh into each of the ssh alias created above manually firstime to cache the fingerprint, replace $ssh_alias_name with host alias from above
ssh $ssh_alias_name
  • Once ssh into every server is working and cached, close the vpn using sudo pkill openvpn and make sure it did not require sudo password

Configure this repository for gitlab

  • Clone this repository in home folder of user
  • Add some variables in /etc/environment for pipeline commands alias, replace $vpn_name with your own
# Aws Openvpn config
cloud_aws="--config /etc/openvpn/client/$vpn_name.ovpn"

# Root path
  • Cd into $scripts_root and create two .env file for staging and production from sample env file
cp -a .env.dis
cp -a .env.dis .env.stag
  • Edit each of the .env file and add production or staging aws related details

5. Configure golden server

Configure mage/build root and ssh

  • Checkout the specefic instance branch production/staging from the repository created for cloud in your mage root
  • Create an additional local only deploy branch named deploy in your mage root which will allow build stage to be retryed with changes
  • Create a ssh config file in ~/.ssh and add these entry, replace $gitlab_domain with your own, $host_ip with it's ip and $key_name with key name
Host $gitlab_domain
   HostName $host_ip
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$key_name.pem
  • Cd into your current mage root and change the git remote to ssh one instead of https, now all git commands should work through ssh
  • Create a new folder in /var/www/html as build and copy over .git and .gitignore from mage root
  • Run composer install in build folder to install all packages, make sure config.php is also present in app/etc if not already
  • Magento build operations can be done without any services connection so env.php is not required in app/etc
  • Create a symbolic link for view_preprocessed outside var to non-efs folder in build folder
rm -rf var/view_preprocessed
mkdir -p symlinks/view_preprocessed
cd var && ln -snf ../symlinks/view_preprocessed .
  • Modify pub/index.php section to use custom view_preprocessed as follows
$tmpMaterializationDir = dirname(__DIR__, 1).'/symlinks/view_preprocessed/pub/static';
$params = $_SERVER;
$params[Bootstrap::INIT_PARAM_FILESYSTEM_DIR_PATHS] = array_replace_recursive(
    $params[Bootstrap::INIT_PARAM_FILESYSTEM_DIR_PATHS] ?? [],
        DirectoryList::PUB => [DirectoryList::URL_PATH => ''],
        DirectoryList::MEDIA => [DirectoryList::URL_PATH => 'media'],
        DirectoryList::STATIC_VIEW => [DirectoryList::URL_PATH => 'static'],
        DirectoryList::UPLOAD => [DirectoryList::URL_PATH => 'media/upload'],
        DirectoryList::TMP_MATERIALIZATION_DIR => [DirectoryList::PATH => $tmpMaterializationDir]

  • Remove these files from current mage root, they can be left undeleted but serves no purpose in this pipeline from mage root
rm -r .ec2 .git .gitignore .gitlab-ci.yml
  • Rsync your build root changes to mage root
sudo rsync -a --exclude-from=".rsyncignore" $build_root/ . --delete
  • Since var and symlinks is skipped for rsync, create a symbolic link for view_preprocessed outside var to non-efs folder in mage root as well
rm -rf var/view_preprocessed
mkdir -p symlinks/view_preprocessed
cd var && ln -snf ../symlinks/view_preprocessed .

Configure this repository for golden

  • Clone this repositrory in home folder of user
  • Add some variables in /etc/environment for pipeline commands alias, replace $domain_name with your project domain name
# Root path

  • Cd into $scripts_root and create two .env file for staging and production from sample env file
cp -a .env.dis
cp -a .env.dis .env.stag
  • Edit each of the .env file and add production or staging aws/magento related details

6. Usage of pipeline and extra information

  • After setting up everything from previous steps, make some changes in previous already existing repository, commit and push changes
  • Clone the new repository for cloud in seperate isolated folder and pull changes of previous repository in one of the branches preferably staging
  • Push the changes to relevant branch, the pipeline should trigger, run it's operations and complete if everything was setup up properly
  • Symbolic linked view_preprocessed in var will be used by static deployment command while modified view_preprocessed in pub/index.php will be used by nginx
  • Admin configuration Enable Symlinks does not need to be enabled, it's only needed for read operations while write operations can be done safetly with this disabled
  • To force application build even without changes use the web ui run pipeline and set FORCE_APPLICATION_BUILD to 1 or set this variable to 1 during git push
git push origin $branch_name -o ci.variable="FORCE_APPLICATION_BUILD=1"


Gitlab CI/CD pipeline with aws integration for magento 2 deployment






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