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[ADAM-1358] Refactor BQSR to improve performance and legibility.
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Resolves #1358.

* Adds instrumentation to BQSR.
* Changed SnpTable to remove RichVariant conversion, use VariantRDD API.
* Refactoring SnpTable to eliminate per-residue costly masked site lookup.
* Restructuring core of SnpTable around an array to improve GC performance.
  Additionally, wrote custom serializer to improve serialization performance.
* Added test suite for SnpTable, to test table creation.
* Refactored SnpTable to use an IntervalArray-like approach. This approach
  improves masked site lookup performance by 50%.
* Added tests to SnpTableSuite to cover lookup case, and reenabled tests in
* Adding unit test coverage to covariates
* Revert "[ADAM-775] Allow all IUPAC codes in BQSR"
  This reverts commit 207eeba.
* Pulled Seq allocation for base check out into an immutable set.
* Rewrote dinuc covariate. 50% improvement in performance.
* Rewrite main BQSR aggregate as reduce by key
* Added tests to recalibrator, recalibration table.
* Majorly refactors of BQSR tables.
* Starting to factor out the QualityScore class
* Refactoring CovariateKey to reduce size in memory
* Eliminated `` (partially resolves #577)
* Refactor CovariateKey to store record group ID instead of record group name.
* Removed `org.bdgenomics.adam.models.QualityScore`.
* Split multi-class files into one class per file (excepting private classes) to improve navigability.
* Scaladoc all the recalibrators! You get a scaladoc! And you get a scaladoc!
  • Loading branch information
fnothaft authored and heuermh committed Mar 20, 2017
1 parent 98b263f commit b1fce67
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,870 additions and 1,204 deletions.
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions adam-cli/src/main/scala/org/bdgenomics/adam/cli/Transform.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ class TransformArgs extends Args4jBase with ADAMSaveAnyArgs with ParquetArgs {
var markDuplicates: Boolean = false
@Args4jOption(required = false, name = "-recalibrate_base_qualities", usage = "Recalibrate the base quality scores (ILLUMINA only)")
var recalibrateBaseQualities: Boolean = false
@Args4jOption(required = false, name = "-min_acceptable_quality", usage = "Minimum acceptable quality for recalibrating a base in a read. Default is 5.")
var minAcceptableQuality: Int = 5
@Args4jOption(required = false, name = "-stringency", usage = "Stringency level for various checks; can be SILENT, LENIENT, or STRICT. Defaults to LENIENT")
var stringency: String = "LENIENT"
@Args4jOption(required = false, name = "-dump_observations", usage = "Local path to dump BQSR observations to. Outputs CSV format.")
var observationsPath: String = null
@Args4jOption(required = false, name = "-known_snps", usage = "Sites-only VCF giving location of known SNPs")
var knownSnpsFile: String = null
@Args4jOption(required = false, name = "-realign_indels", usage = "Locally realign indels present in reads.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,25 +218,25 @@ class Transform(protected val args: TransformArgs) extends BDGSparkCommand[Trans"Recalibrating base qualities")

// bqsr is a two pass algorithm, so cache the rdd if requested
if (args.cache) {
val optSl = if (args.cache) {
} else {

// create the known sites file, if one is available
val knownSnps: SnpTable = createKnownSnpsTable(rdd.rdd.context)
val broadcastedSnps = BroadcastingKnownSnps.time {

// run bqsr
val bqsredRdd = rdd.recalibateBaseQualities(

// if we cached the input, unpersist it, as it is never reused after bqsr
if (args.cache) {

} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ class Transform(protected val args: TransformArgs) extends BDGSparkCommand[Trans
isSorted = args.sortReads || args.sortLexicographically)

private def createKnownSnpsTable(sc: SparkContext): SnpTable = CreateKnownSnpsTable.time {
Option(args.knownSnpsFile).fold(SnpTable())(f => SnpTable(sc.loadVariants(f) RichVariant(_))))
private def createKnownSnpsTable(sc: SparkContext): SnpTable = {
Option(args.knownSnpsFile).fold(SnpTable())(f => SnpTable(sc.loadVariants(f)))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,13 +49,24 @@ object Timers extends Metrics {

// Recalibrate Base Qualities
val BQSRInDriver = timer("Base Quality Recalibration")
val CreateKnownSnpsTable = timer("Create Known SNPs Table")
val CreatingKnownSnpsTable = timer("Creating Known SNPs Table")
val CollectingSnps = timer("Collecting SNPs")
val BroadcastingKnownSnps = timer("Broadcasting known SNPs")
val ComputeCovariates = timer("Compute Covariates")
val ObservingRead = timer("Observing covariates per read")
val ReadCovariates = timer("Computing covariates per read base")
val ComputingDinucCovariate = timer("Computing dinuc covariate")
val ComputingCycleCovariate = timer("Computing cycle covariate")
val ReadResidues = timer("Splitting read into residues")
val CheckingForMask = timer("Checking if residue is masked")
val ObservationAccumulatorComb = timer("Observation Accumulator: comb")
val ObservationAccumulatorSeq = timer("Observation Accumulator: seq")
val RecalibrateRead = timer("Recalibrate Read")
val ComputeQualityScore = timer("Compute Quality Score")
val GetExtraValues = timer("Get Extra Values")
val CreatingRecalibrationTable = timer("Creating recalibration table")
val InvertingRecalibrationTable = timer("Inverting recalibration table")
val QueryingRecalibrationTable = timer("Querying recalibration table")

// Realign Indels
val RealignIndelsInDriver = timer("Realign Indels")
Expand Down

This file was deleted.

186 changes: 146 additions & 40 deletions adam-core/src/main/scala/org/bdgenomics/adam/models/SnpTable.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,52 +17,114 @@
package org.bdgenomics.adam.models

import org.bdgenomics.utils.misc.Logging
import{ Input, Output }
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.{ Kryo, Serializer }
import org.apache.spark.rdd.MetricsContext._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.collection.immutable._
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.bdgenomics.adam.instrumentation.Timers._
import org.bdgenomics.adam.rdd.variant.VariantRDD
import org.bdgenomics.utils.misc.Logging
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.math.{ max, min }

* A table containing all of the SNPs in a known variation dataset.
* @param table A map between a contig name and a set containing all coordinates
* where a point variant is known to exist.
* @param indices A map of contig names to the (first, last) index in the
* site array that contain data from this contig.
* @param sites An array containing positions that have masked SNPs. Sorted by
* contig name and then position.
class SnpTable(private val table: Map[String, Set[Long]]) extends Serializable with Logging {"SNP table has %s contigs and %s entries".format(
class SnpTable private[models] (
private[models] val indices: Map[String, (Int, Int)],
private[models] val sites: Array[Long]) extends Serializable with Logging {

* Is there a known SNP at the reference location of this Residue?
def isMasked(residue: Residue): Boolean =
private val midpoints: Map[String, Int] = {
@tailrec def pow2ceil(length: Int, i: Int = 1): Int = {
if (2 * i >= length) {
} else {
pow2ceil(length, 2 * i)

* Is there a known SNP at the given reference location?
def contains(location: ReferencePosition): Boolean = {
val bucket = table.get(location.referenceName)
if (bucket.isEmpty) unknownContigWarning(location.referenceName)
indices.mapValues(p => {
val (start, end) = p
pow2ceil(end - start + 1)

private val unknownContigs = new mutable.HashSet[String]
@tailrec private def binarySearch(rr: ReferenceRegion,
offset: Int,
length: Int,
step: Int,
idx: Int = 0): Option[Int] = {
if (length == 0) {
} else if (rr.start <= sites(offset + idx) && rr.end > sites(offset + idx)) {
// if we've satistfied this last condition, then the read is overlapping the
// current index and we have a hit
Some(offset + idx)
} else if (step == 0) {
} else {
val stepIdx = idx + step
val nextIdx: Int = if (stepIdx >= length ||
rr.end <= sites(offset + stepIdx)) {
} else {
binarySearch(rr, offset, length, step / 2, nextIdx)

@tailrec private def extendForward(rr: ReferenceRegion,
offset: Int,
idx: Int,
list: List[Long] = List.empty): List[Long] = {
if (idx < offset) {
} else {
if (rr.start > sites(idx)) {
} else {
extendForward(rr, offset, idx - 1, sites(idx) :: list)

private def unknownContigWarning(contig: String) = {
// This is synchronized to avoid a data race. Multiple threads may
// race to update `unknownContigs`, e.g. when running with a Spark
// master of `local[N]`.
synchronized {
if (!unknownContigs.contains(contig)) {
unknownContigs += contig
log.warn("Contig has no entries in known SNPs table: %s".format(contig))
@tailrec private def extendBackwards(rr: ReferenceRegion,
end: Int,
idx: Int,
list: List[Long]): Set[Long] = {
if (idx > end) {
} else {
if (rr.end <= sites(idx)) {
} else {
extendBackwards(rr, end, idx + 1, sites(idx) :: list)

* Is there a known SNP at the reference location of this Residue?
private[adam] def maskedSites(rr: ReferenceRegion): Set[Long] = CheckingForMask.time {
val optRange = indices.get(rr.referenceName)

optRange.flatMap(range => {
val (offset, end) = range
val optIdx = binarySearch(rr, offset, end - offset + 1, midpoints(rr.referenceName)) => {
extendBackwards(rr, end, idx + 1, extendForward(rr, offset, idx))

Expand All @@ -76,20 +138,64 @@ object SnpTable {
* @return An empty SNP table.
def apply(): SnpTable = {
new SnpTable(Map[String, Set[Long]]())
new SnpTable(Map.empty,

* Creates a SNP Table from an RDD of RichVariants.
* Creates a SNP Table from a VariantRDD.
* @param variants The variants to populate the table from.
* @return Returns a new SNPTable containing the input variants.
def apply(variants: RDD[RichVariant]): SnpTable = {
val positions = => (variant.variant.getContigName,
val table = new mutable.HashMap[String, mutable.HashSet[Long]]
positions.foreach(tup => table.getOrElseUpdate(tup._1, { new mutable.HashSet[Long] }) += tup._2)
new SnpTable(table.mapValues(_.toSet).toMap)
def apply(variants: VariantRDD): SnpTable = CreatingKnownSnpsTable.time {
val (indices, positions) = CollectingSnps.time {
val sortedVariants = variants.sort

val contigIndices =
.mapValues(v => (v.toInt, v.toInt))
.reduceByKeyLocally((p1, p2) => {
(min(p1._1, p2._1), max(p1._2, p2._2))
val sites = Long).collect()

// unpersist the cached variants

(contigIndices, sites)
new SnpTable(indices, positions)

private[adam] class SnpTableSerializer extends Serializer[SnpTable] {

def write(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, obj: SnpTable) {
obj.indices.foreach(kv => {
val (contigName, (lowerBound, upperBound)) = kv

def read(kryo: Kryo, input: Input, klazz: Class[SnpTable]): SnpTable = {
val indicesSize = input.readInt()
val indices = new Array[(String, (Int, Int))](indicesSize)
(0 until indicesSize).foreach(i => {
indices(i) = (input.readString(), (input.readInt(), input.readInt()))
val sitesSize = input.readInt()
val sites = new Array[Long](sitesSize)
(0 until sitesSize).foreach(i => {
sites(i) = input.readLong()
new SnpTable(indices.toMap, sites)

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