Delphi Analyzer (Repo is private atm, will be public soon)
bierbaumtim/dynamic-micro-frontends - Exploring microservice architecture in SPAs
bierbaumtim/xsd-delphi-code-gen - Small and simple programm to generate delphi code from one or more xsd files.
bierbaumtim/yalp - Yet another logging package
ABausG/home_widget - Flutter Package for Easier Creation of Home Screen Widgets
bierbaumtim/lazy_load_refresh_indicator - A simple Flutter Widget which provide PullToRefresh and LoadMore functionality. It's based on flutters RefreshIndicator, so every change to it should not break this package.
- bierbaumtim/dynamic-micro-frontends - Exploring microservice architecture in SPAs
- bierbaumtim/yalp - Yet another logging package
- bierbaumtim/xsd-delphi-code-gen - Small and simple programm to generate delphi code from one or more xsd files.
- bierbaumtim/impeller_error_reproducible_example -
- bierbaumtim/arb_editor -
- Update fork on bierbaumtim/tree-sitter-pascal
- Attributes support on bierbaumtim/xsd-delphi-code-gen
- feat: support Uint8List as FlutterStandardTypedData on iOS on ABausG/home_widget
- Feature - Check availability of protected data on iOS and macOS on juliansteenbakker/flutter_secure_storage
- macOS Keychain - Use accessiblity option for all operations and throw PlatformException for SecErrors on juliansteenbakker/flutter_secure_storage
- ABausG/home_widget
- Flutter Package for Easier Creation of Home Screen Widgets - bierbaumtim/xsd-delphi-code-gen
- Small and simple programm to generate delphi code from one or more xsd files.
- Flutter