Get directions shortest route/leg between two points & calculate distances, durations with Google_Maps Directions API
Documentation française accessible ici.
- Get directions between two points.
- Calculate distance or duration (corresponding to shortest route distance /duration evaluation) between two points.
- Get shortest route between/leg two points.
- AddressPoint : Object with latitude and longitude.
- DirectionRoute : Path on foot, motorcycle, train, or car between two points.
You need to have a valid Google Maps Routes API Key.
const String googleAPIKey = "GOOGLE_API_KEY";
//You can init the Package with this API_Key so you don't have to pass it as an argument to it's methods.
GoogleMapsDirections.init(googleAPIKey: googleAPIKey);
import "package:google_maps_directions/google_maps_directions.dart" as gmd;
Directions directions = await getDirections(,
language: "fr_FR",
DirectionRoute route = directions.shortestRoute;
You can draw a route between the two addresses on a Map using google_maps_flutter and flutter_polyline_points packages.
import 'package:flutter_polyline_points/flutter_polyline_points.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_directions/google_maps_directions.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';
DirectionRoute route = directions.shortestRoute;
List<LatLng> points = PolylinePoints().decodePolyline(route.overviewPolyline.points)
.map((point) => LatLng(point.latitude, point.longitude))
List<Polyline> polylines = [
width: 5,
polylineId: PolylineId("UNIQUE_ROUTE_ID"),
points: points,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body : GoogleMap(
polylines: Set.of(polylines),
You can also give indications for each stage of a route. A more complete demonstration is provided in example directory.
import 'package:google_maps_directions/google_maps_directions.dart';
DirectionRoute route = directions.shortestRoute;
DirectionLegStep firstRouteLegStep = route.shortestLeg.steps.first;
print(firstRouteLegStep.htmlInstructions); //At the roundabout, take the exit onto route National 1.
print(firstRouteLegStep.maneuver); //roundabout-right.
import "package:google_maps_directions/google_maps_directions.dart" as gmd;
DistanceValue distanceBetween = await gmd.distance(9.2460524, 1.2144565, 6.1271617, 1.2345417, googleAPIKey : googleAPIKey); //gmd.distance(9.2460524, 1.2144565, 6.1271617, 1.2345417) or without passing the API_KEY if the plugin is already initialized with it's value.
int meters = distanceBetween.meters // await gmd.distanceInMeters(9.2460524, 1.2144565, 6.1271617, 1.2345417, googleAPIKey : googleAPIKey);
String textInKmOrMeters = distanceBetween.text // await gmd.distanceText(9.2460524, 1.2144565, 6.1271617, 1.2345417, googleAPIKey : googleAPIKey);
import "package:google_maps_directions/google_maps_directions.dart" as gmd;
DurationValue durationBetween = await gmd.duration(9.2460524, 1.2144565, 6.1271617, 1.2345417, googleAPIKey : googleAPIKey);
int seconds = durationBetween.seconds//await gmd.durationInSeconds(9.2460524, 1.2144565, 6.1271617, 1.2345417, googleAPIKey : googleAPIKey);
String durationInMinutesOrHours = gmd.durationBetween.text // await gmd.durationText(9.2460524, 1.2144565, 6.1271617, 1.2345417, googleAPIKey : googleAPIKey);
Feel free to submit issues, suggestions or features requests on this package issues tracker.