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129 lines (79 loc) · 4.05 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (79 loc) · 4.05 KB
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Caveats for developers

Hi, Welcome to the Mask Network. Here is some note for developing Mask Network.

Storybooks are deployed to


This section is going to help you to set up the development environment of Mask Network.


To develop Mask Network, you need to have ...

  • Node 15 or higher
  • pnpm 5+



pnpm install

If you encounter with error EACCES: permission denied, open...', please run chown -R $USER /pathToYourProject/Mask to solve.

Start the development server

pnpm start is a preset of development command for Chromium-based browsers.

If you need to develop in other environments (for example, firefox), please run pnpm run go, it is an interactive CLI tool to help you to learn out how to compose the build flags.

Load extension into Chrome

  • Open chrome://extensions
  • Switch on "Developer mode"
  • Click "Load unpacked version"
  • Select
    • project_root/dist folder (in development mode)
    • project_root/build folder (after a production mode build).

Load extension into Firefox

  • Open about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
  • Click "Load Temporary Add-on"
  • Select any file in the dist folder

Hot Module Reload

This project supports Hot Module Reload which fasten the development process.

To disable HMR, set an environment variable NO_HMR to true.

Debug tricks for Chromium-based devtools

Debug Background Service

To debug background service, click links right after Inspect views

An image displaying Chrome extension manage page

Debug Content Script

To debug content script, open the devtools in the web page, then you can select context as the following picture describes.

An image displaying how to select Mask Network as the debug context

It's important to select the correct context when you're debugging, otherwise you cannot access all the global variables, save as temp variables also fails.

Use React Devtools

Run the following command to start the React Devtools. It doesn't work if you install it as a browser extension.

pnpx react-devtools

Due to bug facebook/react#20377, React Devtools is conflict with React Fast Refresh.

Please use the following command, it will start the development process in profile mode, which disables React Fast Refresh and enables React Devtools.

pnpx dev profile

Contribute your working

Git conversions

master branch is our developing branch, released branch points to the latest released version. Git flow is recommended but not enforced.

Please use Conventional Commits when committing.

Git hook not working

npx husky install # on project root directory

Using Git

Caveats for Library

  • lodash, List of unavailable functions.
    1. _.chain (not friendly to tree-shake).
    2. _.template (see #1865)
  • crypto, the Node.js built-in library cannot be used in the project. Please use Web Crypto API instead.

How to resolve merge conflicts in pnpm-lock.yaml?

Do not try to pick either side of the lockfile.

Drop both "ours" and "theirs" version (then the file will be in the base version).

Then run pnpm install to up the lockfile to date.