The puppet 4.4 Oracle WebTier standalone reference implementation of
optimized for linux, Solaris and the use of Hiera
Should work for VMware and Virtualbox
- CentOS 7.0 Vagrant box
- Puppet 4.4.2
- Vagrant >= 1.8.0
- Oracle Virtualbox >= 5.0
- VMware fusion >= 6
creates a standalone 12.1.2 & 12.2.1 Webtier
Add the all the Oracle binaries to /software
edit Vagrantfile and update the software share
- ohs1212.vm.synced_folder "software", "/software"
- ohs1221.vm.synced_folder "software", "/software"
- Webtier 12.1.2 or 12.2.1
- JCE Policy 8
- vagrant up ohs1212
- vagrant up ohs1221